wisdom 板


An evil life is a kind of death. ---Ovid 邪惡的生活,便是死亡的一種 Age is bothersome only when you stop to coddle it.---Maaurice Chevallier 年齡,是到了你不珍惜他時,才會嫌他累贅 All they take the sword shall perish with the sword.---Jesus Christ 動刀者,必死於刀下 At twenty years of the will reigns; at thirty the wit; at forty the judgment. ---Benjamin Franklin 人在20歲時由意志所主宰,30歲時由機智所駕馭,40歲受判斷力所支配 Everyone is a moon, and has a dark sidw which he never shows to anybody . ---Mark Twain 人人都是月亮,都有其黑暗的一面,永不為人所看見 Every man is the maker of his own fortune.---Richard steels 每個人的命運掌握在自己手中 Good and bad men are each less so than they seem.---Taylor 好人與壞人往往不如表面上看起來這麼好或壞 He who has not tasted bitter knows not what sweet is.---德國諺語 沒有嚐過苦味的人不知何謂甘美味為何 Living without an a aim is like sailing without a compass.---Ruskin 沒有目標的生活如同沒有羅盤而航行 Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels.---英國諺語 對人生加以思考的人,會覺得人生是喜劇; 只憑感覺而未加以思考的人 會覺得人生只是場悲劇 Most of what we learn, we learn from living.---Powell Davies 我們所學得的東西,大部分都是從生活中所學習來的 The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.---Goethe 人生最重要的是要有偉大的目標以及設法達到的決心 The old believe everthing; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.---Oscar Wilde 老年人相信一切,中年人懷疑一切,年輕人認為他們什麼都懂 To live is to do a battle.---Seneca 生活就是戰鬥 Wrinkles should only indicate where smiles have been.---Ethel Barrymore 皺紋不過是說明那曾經是笑容的痕跡 We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.---英國諺語 我們只有活一次,但若不負此生,一次便已經足夠 Youth, once gone, is gone; deeds, let escape, are never to be done.---Browning 青春一去不復反,事業一縱永無成 --

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