作者louiseyeyen (Louise)
標題[賣\台南\英文] 英文小讀本
時間Mon Aug 3 20:32:00 2009
: 1. Pride and Prejudice
: 2. Far From the Madding Crowd
: 3. Tales of Mystery and Imagination
: 4. love actually
: 5. the secret garden
: 6. the snow goose and other stories
: 7. the mummy
: 8. the adventures of tom sawyer
: 9. stories from shakespeare
: 10. the wind in the willows
: 11. tales from longpuddle
: 12. the long tunnel
: 13. the house of the seven gables
: 書的圖片→
: http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=louiseyeyen&book=5
: 單本原價140 現售50
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