作者WaSiJla (教練,我想發球@@)
標題Re: [閒聊] 國外的鄉民
時間Mon Mar 27 13:55:03 2006
※ 引述《lane34 (she has no time)》之銘言:
: 有人太閒就翻一下吧 XD
Seems this never ending debate might finally come to an end. According to
some unidentified source at Wilson, All of Roger Federer'r racquets are made
from a modified PS 6.0 mold. Roger wanted a larger racquet head from his
original 85 sq.in. while trying to maintain ALL the original features of the
racquet. Why not use the PS 6.0 95 you may ask? He did not want to and did
not like it.
費德勒所有的球拍模型都是改良後的 ProStaff 6.0 85。
費德勒希望相較於85拍面,能有個更大的拍頭。同時保留原先 ps 6.0 的各種特質。
那你可能會問說,為什麼不用 ps 6.0 95 拍面呢? 他不想用,也不喜歡。
(譯按: ps 6.0 分 85 跟 95 拍面兩種。
In an effort to satisfy him plus successfully market the PS Tour 90, Wilson
modified a PS 6.0 85 mold to include the tapered flanges on the throat, a 90
sq.in. head, and the slight modifications to the PWS shape in order to "make
it look" like a Tour 90 to the "untrained eye". Yes, they went through all
this trouble just for him. Why has this racquet not been released? Apparently
Roger didn't want to for some reason and worked it into his contract.
為了努力滿足費德勒還有 ps tour 90 的廣大市場,
wilson 的新模組包含了 ps 6.0 85 的超細拍喉、90 拍面,
還略為更動 prosatff 的 pws 外型,為了騙過那些眼力未經訓練的市井小民。
是的,wilson 費盡千辛萬苦就是為了費德勒。
Also, he's using 80% Graph. 20% Kevlar like the original PS, nothing changed.
The weight and balance are the same proportionality as he was using with his
PS 85, customized to the new head size.
同樣的,新拍子跟 ps 6.0 一樣也用了 80% 的 graph, 20% 的 kevlar。
而且在重量、平衡上都和他之前用的 ps 85 呈現一樣的分配,僅僅是拍頭不同。
All his racquets (including the "supposed" nCode that he uses) is actually
this racquet, obviously with different paintjobs. He seems to like this
racquet very much given that it is the same as his old PS but with a larger
head so don't expect him to change. If you're careful take a look a closeup
pictures between the old Tour 90 he was "using" and the new nCode he is
"using", obviously the same mold looking like the Tour 90 on the head, but
like the PS 6.0 on the bottom of the throat and handle.
他現在所用的拍子(包括那些"號稱" Federer 用的 nTour 90) 就是這支拍子!
如果你仔細的研究 ProStaff Tour 90 和 nTour 90 的照片,
很明顯的,他手上的 nTour 90 的拍頭就像 ps tour 90。
而拍喉握把的部份則和 ps 6.0 相似。
Hopefully this will clarify some doubts and end this nagging debate about
Federer's racquet
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1F:推 kmaster:我是認為Wilson有必要為fed推出Roland Garros Specail~XD 03/27 14:18
2F:推 WaSiJla:哈哈,很妙 XD 03/27 14:57