作者Tiunn (guesswho)
標題[分享] a ten year old girl
時間Fri Mar 1 12:24:08 2013
Mary is a ______ girl.
(A) ten years old
(B) ten year old
(C) ten-years-old
(D) ten-year-old
The answer is option D. Is option B also acceptable?
Not only is B acceptable in my opinion, but I prefer B over D. I expect that
some of my colleagues will disagree with me, but I think the use of hyphens
is tending to fade, at least in AmE.
『誰敬畏耶和華,耶和華必指示他當選擇的道路。』 詩篇25:12
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※ Tiunn:轉錄至看板 Eng-Class 03/01 12:24
1F:推 cooxander:這種回應數只有個位數的文章就別拿來PO了 03/01 16:54
2F:→ dunchee:這倒也不是PO不PO的問題,而是他的傳達意思是什麼?他的 03/01 22:52
3F:→ dunchee:理解程度在哪? 這題目就像是開頭link裡頭的#5(和其他人講 03/01 22:54
4F:→ dunchee:的),只是台灣的learners往往分不清楚"good/proper" 03/01 22:54
5F:→ dunchee:writing和"common" writing的差別。#1自己也說了"in my 03/01 22:54
6F:→ dunchee:opinion",所以這也只是他的個人意見(也確實如他所說,會 03/01 22:55
7F:→ dunchee:有人反對) 像(B)這種不是"共識"的選項通常不會是答案。美 03/01 22:55
8F:→ dunchee:國高中生考的SAT是如此。在美國申請研究所要考的GMAT更是 03/01 22:55
9F:→ dunchee:如此 03/01 22:55