studyabroad 板


轉自ETS網頁 The GRE Subject Test administrations scheduled for September 12 and October 17 , 2020, have been canceled due to impacts from the pandemic. Health concerns a nd local COVID-19 restrictions are preventing many institutions that have host ed GRE Subject Test administrations in the past from being able to provide a safe testing space. The Subject Tests cannot be offered online at this time, s o the next opportunity to take a Subject Test — assuming health conditions im prove — will be April 2021. If you were scheduled to test on a canceled test administration date, your test fee will be refunded automatically. The GRE Pro gram has begun sharing this news with graduate schools, and we suggest that yo u contact the programs to which you are applying for updates on their applicat ion requirements. -------- 轉自信件內容(只有一點不同,加了中間那段) Dear Test Taker, The GRE Subject Test administrations scheduled for September 12 and October 17 , 2020, have been canceled due to impacts from the pandemic. Health concerns a nd local COVID-19 restrictions are preventing many institutions that have host ed GRE Subject Test administrations in the past from being able to provide a s afe testing space. Your appointment has been canceled, and your test fee will be refunded promptl y without the need for you to take any action. We understand this may be disap pointing to you and we regret having to take this step. However, we feel stron gly that this decision is in the best interest of test takers and institutiona l staff. The Subject Tests cannot be offered online at this time, so the next opportunity to take a Subject Test —assuming that public health conditions im prove — will be April 2021. The GRE Program has begun alerting colleges and universities of the cancellati on of the test administrations and the impact this will have on your ability t o submit test scores. We suggest that you contact the programs to which you ar e applying for updates on their application requirements. If you have any questions, GRE Services can be reached via email at gre-info@e or by phone at 1-609-771-7670. Phone lines are open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5:4 5 p.m. ET. Sincerely, The GRE Program Team at ETS ---------------- 雖然很多學校(我只有關注chem program)都已經宣布今年不採計sGRE,我還是有報名今 年的考試。 今天檢查垃圾信箱才看到這封信, 想幫ET$賺錢,還不給考呢XD… 如此一來,應該是所有學校都不會看sGRE了, 不知道這樣對申請學校會不會有影響? 感覺更難評估學校怎麼錄取人了。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: kinoga ( 臺灣), 08/23/2020 01:30:06
1F:推 congchong5: 我有報考今年的 GRE Sub Math 但是沒有收到取消的信08/23 01:36
2F:→ congchong5: 件耶,上官網帳號也顯示可是還在08/23 01:36
3F:→ kinoga: 要不要檢查看看垃圾信件,我的是被丟到垃圾信了。另外,08/23 01:48
4F:→ kinoga: 我官網上也還在,根據那公告,應該是這幾天會退款吧08/23 01:48
※ 編輯: kinoga ( 臺灣), 08/23/2020 02:00:54
5F:推 threemore: 今天有聽朋友說他GRE被取消,他報名8/30的托福也被取消 08/23 02:10
6F:推 littlejerk: 突然發現申請時程上變得超空閒XD大概只能把時間花在反 08/23 09:33
7F:→ littlejerk: 覆修SOP以及擬稿推薦信了 08/23 09:33
8F:→ aly2604: 我這邊是報名sGRE Physics 也沒收到信 也是系統上沒有改 08/23 10:12
9F:→ aly2604: 變 希望不要被遺忘 08/23 10:12
10F:推 bridgephenN: 這樣去年考得不錯今年送不知道還有沒有加分效果 08/23 11:15
11F:→ bridgephenN: 還是說可能會為了公平會完全不看 08/23 11:15
12F:→ kinoga: 樓上,我看的學校大部分是寫不看(will not require, or wi 08/23 11:40
13F:→ kinoga: ll not be accepting) 08/23 11:40
14F:推 space20021: OAO 08/23 11:42
15F:→ yjl930: 甚至有部分學校今年不採納GRE 了... 08/23 13:00
16F:推 bridgephenN: 感謝k大 我只有看到不看gre......看來有的學校都不 08/23 14:33
17F:→ bridgephenN: 看了 08/23 14:33
18F:推 ocf001497: 我記得有些學校還要求不要在申請文件上提到任何有關sGR 08/23 17:12
19F:→ ocf001497: E的資訊 08/23 17:12
20F:推 ryan414133: 今年很多program都不看GRE了,可能影響也不大。 08/23 17:17
21F:→ kinoga: 補更新:今天看GRE Home網頁,考試已經取消了 09/03 17:34

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