studyabroad 板


我是今年錄取UMN的新生 今天收到學校來信說 因為太多人defer和考量國際學生有取得簽證的困難 所以defer到明年 最後還寫說會再問我的final decision是要reconfirm 還是defer or decline 現在正在寫信給學校說不想defer 想問板友有碰到這個狀況嗎? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:
1F:→ roy047: 感覺是學校沒打算今年開課了...你去了可能也沒別人07/03 11:02
2F:→ cchris: 學校有給你不defer的選擇嗎?(reconfirm是指什麼?)07/03 11:18
Reconfirm是指要我再次確認是不是要今年念 但前面又說將我move到defer 寫信問學校 現在放假 要等周一才知道消息... ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 11:32:24
3F:推 dreamgirl: 學校可能要確認助教名單07/03 11:34
4F:推 dreamkd: 被defer..07/03 11:44
5F:→ MaInQ: 我defer英國學校3間07/03 12:19
6F:→ cchris: 你不如貼個原文吧,才能確定學校的說法
07/03 12:22 補上原文如下 I first wanted to share an update about our official deferral policy. After much discussion, we have decided that we will move your application and acceptance to next year. However, we are not able to guarantee the same funding with so many offers extended for this year and an anticipated high number of deferral requests. Our process in making merit-based scholarship decisions will remain the same but at this time we cannot guarantee the same funding you were offered this year. You will be among the first candidates reviewed for Fall 2021 scholarships and you will have plenty of time to make your final decision. The second thing I wanted to share is your final confirmation decision deadline. Our goal is to try and give you as much time and information as possible to make a decision while also maintaining a realistic timeline for you to come here as a student and be set up for success. After discussing with our Student Affairs department and Admissions team,we will give international students until July 22nd to make a final decision.That includes to confirm and/or reconfirm, defer, or decline. If we do not hear back from you by the 24th at the latest, we will automatically change your decision to declining our offer.
7F:→ Sulstan: 很簡單啊,延後到明年入學或是選擇拿好學生卡。 07/03 12:32
8F:→ Sulstan: UTSA一口氣裁掉70 faculty & staff,受害者不只是學生而已07/03 12:32
9F:→ Sulstan: 沒有第三種選項07/03 12:34
唉 慘慘 ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 12:36:02 ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 12:36:41
10F:推 cchermit: Not gurantee the same fundung ....@@ 07/03 12:45
我就是有拿獎學金才不想defer啊 ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 12:57:18
11F:推 dreamkd: 是MBA嗎? 07/03 15:16
12F:推 ipumak: 這樣明年申請的學生怎麼辦 07/03 15:23
明年要大作戰多人運動了 ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 15:29:48
13F:→ cchris: 看起來是沒得你選 07/03 15:54
14F:推 indiroia: 看起來只能接受defer耶 07/03 16:16
15F:推 threemore: MBA.... 07/03 17:00
16F:推 jpp0707: 不是啊,本來就不該用手機還好最後選別間… 07/03 17:01
手機? ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 17:23:19
17F:推 franklin0929: UMN 這麼做喔@@ 07/03 17:45
18F:→ Joaisn: 原文前面應該還有一段...建議原PO再看一下 07/03 18:56
有 我這封信看了好幾遍 也拿給近母語人士看過 還是有點擔憂 希望只是一個選擇而已 是說 樓上是我今天跟你在fb聊過的吧 XDDD ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 19:42:35
19F:推 oxhill: 雖然機會不大,建議你直接詢問今年入學的可能性. 07/03 19:55
20F:→ oxhill: 反正多問不會有損失 07/03 19:55
是阿 所以我就發信直接問了 等消息囉 ※ 編輯: charco ( 臺灣), 07/03/2020 19:59:34
21F:推 bboy0720: 這越看越像renage funded offer 07/03 20:01
22F:→ sachan001: 就是今年沒你的份, 明年再看看了.看別家吧! 07/04 07:31
23F:→ mha: 就是 defer 到明年 funding 明年重新決定 07/05 03:51
24F:→ mha: 7/22 前你要 confirm and/or reconfirm 你的決定 07/05 03:56
25F:推 steve1012: confirm defer或是decline offer 07/05 04:14
26F:→ steve1012: 要是confirm 過的人 可以recofnirm 一次 不代表有別的 07/05 04:15
27F:→ steve1012: 選項 07/05 04:15
28F:推 TZULIU: 看起來你已經被defer只是問你要不要吞而已 07/05 09:03
29F:推 dreamkd: 覺得你先DEFER到明年 然後準備在申請看能不能上別間 07/05 12:34
30F:推 threemore: 7/4剛好是美國假日,原PO可先等週一學校回覆,再做決定 07/05 13:32

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