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代 Po ============================================================================= Iowa State University全奖博士招生, 半导体,微电子和材料背景优先,2020 秋/2021 春 We are currently looking for motivated Ph.D students to join our dynamic and fast-growing group at the department of electrical and computer engineering (ECpE) at Iowa state university. The ECpE department was established in 1909, and has over 100 years of history. It has pioneered many modern technologies we are using, such as world's first electronic digital computer. More information can be found at You will have the unique opportunity to work on the third-generation semiconductors: wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors including GaN, Ga2O3, AlN, BN, and diamond. You will be exposed to and gain experience in the whole life-cycle of semiconductors, from MOCVD growth, to device design and simulation, to nanofabrication, to materials and devices characterizations. More information about our work can be found in group website: Ideal candidates should have a B.S or M.S degree in electrical engineering, microelectronics, semiconductors, materials science, engineering physics, photonics, optical engineering, or any related area. This is a fully-funded position. The positions will remain open until filled by qualified candidates. Candidates can be admitted to Fall 2020 or Spring 2021. The department has waived the GRE requirement. Interested applicants should contact Prof. Houqiang Fu ([email protected]). 付厚强教授本科毕业于武汉大学,美国亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)电子工程系博士毕业, 并获得ASU突出研究成就奖和最高荣誉的Palais优秀博士生奖。目前已发表高质量SCI学术 论文40余篇,两个专著章节和多次国际会议报告,申请美国专利10余项,相关成果被国际 著名科技媒体报道与转载,包括半导体权威杂志Semiconductor Today,Compound Semiconductor, Silicon Valley Microelectronics 等。 目前在爱荷华州立大学的研究方向与兴趣包括:宽禁带半导体材料与器件(氮化镓及其化 合物,氧化镓,氮化铝和金刚石)研究,以及在电子(功率电子器件,集成电路,射频微 波和传感器)和光子(光电器件,光波导,非线性光学和量子光子学)方面应用等。欢迎 致力于半导体、微电子、光电子等相关方向的各位同学报考! 爱荷华州立大学(ISU)是一所享誉全美的公立综合性大学,名列全美 “The Big Eight ” 八大,是久负盛名的学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)成员校;全球第一台计算器的诞生 地,工程学排名前列,航空航天、土木、材料工程等诸多工科专业均位列全美前30;在全 美仅有的十多所国家实验室中,Ames Lab是唯一位于大学校园内的国家实验室。ISU风景 秀丽,位于美国中西部爱荷华州艾姆斯,拥有全美治安良好城市的美誉,被评为美国大学 城第一名,也是美国最适宜居住城市之一 --

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