studyabroad 板


代po 付教授是我實驗室大學長 27歲就拿到助理教授的職缺 人很好相處也很博學 今年2020秋季會是他的第一屆博士生 如果對固態物理尤其寬能隙半導體有興趣的同學歡迎跟他聯絡 ================================ 美国爱荷华州立大学博士全奖招生,电子工程和计算机系,免除GRE要求 We are currently looking for Ph.D students to join our dynamic and fast-growing group at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University . The ECpE department was established in 1909, and has over 100 years of history . It has pioneered many modern technologies we are using, such as world’s first electronic digital computer. More information can be found at https://www.ece.i Ideal candidates should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in electrical engineering, mi croelectronics, semiconductors, materials science, engineering physics, photonic s, optical engineering, or any related area. This is a fully-funded position. Th e positions will remain open until filled by qualified candidates. Candidates ca n still be admitted to Fall 2020 (or spring 2021). The department has waivered t he GRE requirement. Interested applicants should contact Prof. Houqiang Fu (houq [email protected]). 付厚强教授本科毕业于武汉大学,博士毕业于亚利桑那州立大学 (ASU) 电子工程系,并获 得最高荣誉的Palais优秀博士生奖 和ASU突出研究成就奖。研究兴趣和方向是第三代宽禁带 半导体(包括氮化镓及化合物,氧化镓,氮化铝和金刚石)在电子(包括功率电子器件和集 成电路,RF/微波,传感器)和光子(包括光电器件,光波导,非线性光学,量子光子学) 器件方面的应用。目前已发表超过40篇SCI期刊文章 ,两个专著章节 和 多次国际会议报告 。相关研究成果已申请10余项专利,并国际科技媒体报道,包括半导体权威杂志Semiconduc tor Today,Compound Semiconductor, Silicon Valley Microelectronics 等。 --

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