studyabroad 板


代Po 文末附上待遇及聯絡方式 手機排版!傷眼抱歉! ———— ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specializing in science and technology. It is renowned for its excellent education, its cutting-edge fundamental research and its efforts to put new knowledge and innovations dire ctly into practice. The Laboratory of Energy Science and Engineering in the De partment of Mechanical and Process Engineering invite applications for a PhD position in tailored CO2 Hydrogenation Catalysts for Selective Methanol Sy nthesis via Structure-Activity Relationship Across Time and Length Scale The goal of this project is to develop rationally catalysts for the selective synthesis of methanol via CO2 hydrogenation and to understand their catalytic performance across time and length scale in order to develop a detailed struct ure -activity relationships. The most promising catalyst formulations, includi ng industrial catalysts, are based on Cu with their activity and selectivity d ramatically affected by the presence of promoters or supporting oxides. Genera lly, the nature of the active sites in such catalytic systems under reaction c onditions is currently not known, owing to their complexity (multiple componen ts, complex support effects with the potential formation of alloys). In additi on, only a small fraction of all sites is active, which complicates further th eir investigation since most of the collected spectroscopic information relate s to inactive species, thereby preventing true molecular understanding. The PhD student participating in this research project is expected to develop tailored Cu-based, supported catalysts with the defined composition and obtain a fundamental understanding of the structure -activity performance relationsh ip across time and scale. To this end, advanced operando characterization tech niques, including XAS, XRD, electron microscopy and IR spectroscopy will be ap plied to developed model catalytic systems. The ultimate goal is to uncover gu idelines for rational catalyst design and to obtain a Cu-based catalyst with i mproved productivity compared to the industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts. Applicants for this position are expected to have an excellent MSc degree in C hemical Engineering or Chemistry. Experience in the field of material synthesi s and/or material characterization tools are important. We are looking for hig hly motivated, committed, and creative individuals, able to work in a team and with excellent communication skills. Working in a top-level research environm ent with advanced laboratory infrastructure, the candidate will have a unique opportunity to develop their research abilities. The position is available fro m August 2019 onwards. We look forward to receiving your online application including letter of motiv ation, CV and transcripts online. Please note that we exclusively accept appli cations submitted through our online application portal. Applications via emai l or postal services will not be considered. In addition, candidates should ar range at least two recommendations letters to be sent to Prof. Christoph Muell er at [email protected]. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Prof. Christoph Mueller by email [email protected] (no applications). 徵才出處: ———— 1. 年薪 47,040 CHF (第一年) 2. 有疑問可連繫 [email protected] (不保證及時回覆) --

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1F:→ kittor: 推瑞士 07/09 21:39

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