sinica 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Bio-Job 看板 #1RUMW2Jw ] 作者: karic (karic) 看板: Bio-Job 標題: [徵才] 中研院 顧銓 藻類真核微生物 研究人員 時間: Sun Aug 19 20:52:10 2018 *詳細申請條件與方式請參照下方英語徵才內容 【職缺名稱】 碩士級研究人員或實驗室經理 【徵才單位】 中央研究院 植物暨微生物學研究所 研究室主持人:顧銓 【工作地址】 台北市南港區(鄰近南港車站及捷運站) 【工作內容】 你我都是真核生物,日常生活也脫離不了真核生物, 但較少人知道,環境中有許多肉眼看不見的真核微生物, 佔有超過 99% 的真核生物多樣性,在各種生態系中扮演重要的角色。 隨著近來技術發展,我們有越來越多的工具能研究它們的遺傳與功能, 並探討真核生物複雜的細胞構造和生活史的起源與演化。 範圍: 單細胞藻類、真核微生物(原生生物)、巨病毒 課題: 性與生命週期、巨演化、微生物交互作用、族群動態 方法: 進階定序技術 高通量單一細胞方法 體學(基因體、轉錄體及其它) 資料庫與大資料分析 流式細胞儀、顯微鏡與分生技術 詳細工作內容依研究計畫與申請人興趣討論後決定 【徵才條件】 碩士學位(具高度研究熱忱但只有學士者亦歡迎來信詢問) 【薪資待遇】 月薪 NTD 42000 起,年終另有獎金 1.5 個月薪 依經驗、能力、表現與預期成果調高月薪,於起聘前討論 勞健保 參與國內外研討會或相關研習課程的經費與機會 並有不定期聚餐或出遊 【聯絡方式】 依下方徵才內容寄至顧銓 chuan.ku[at] 合適者會回信討論面試時間 如有疑問或不清楚的地方,歡迎來信詢問與指教 非應徵本職缺而想以其他方式加入研究室,也歡迎來信 【其他備註】 研究室於明年初成立,可於明年初或明年中後起聘 煩請幫忙將訊息傳給可能有興趣的人,謝謝! *Jobs: Research associates/scientists or lab manager *Location: Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan *Principal investigator: Chuan Ku *Responsibilities of research associates/scientists: 1. Learning about current methods and topics in the field of research (15%; e.g., literature research, courses). 2. Participating in the science activities at the Institute and Academia (5%; e.g., seminars, workshops) 3. Lab experiments, data analyses, discussion (60%) 4. Presentation of results (20%; e.g., meetings, conferences, publications) *Responsibilities of the lab manager: 1. Learning about current methods and topics in the field of research (15%). 2. Participating in the science activities at the Institute and Academia (5%) 3. Lab experiments, data analyses, discussion (40%) 4. Presentation of results (15%) 5. Management of equipments and consumables (25%; e.g., ordering, administration, communication) *Research topics and key words: 1. marine and other aquatic environments 2. algae, protists, microbial eukaryotes, giant viruses 3. symbiosis, infection, pathogenesis 4. cell structure, life cycles, ecological functions, evolution 5. single-cell biology, omics 6. big data, high-throughput methods 7. databanks and metadata *Requirements: 1. a master in either of the following: 1. Life sciences, biology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, ecology, oceanography, environmental sciences, aquaculture or other related fields 2. Bioinformatics, informatics, computer science, data science or other related fields 2. strong motivation to work in a research environment 3. experience in working in a lab or on a biological project 4. ability to work both independently and as part of a team 5. sufficient English skills for reading, writing, and oral communication in science (the working language at the institute is English) 6. a concrete future plan for the next five years (which should include working at this position for at least one year) 7. experience in at least one of the following research tools/techniques: 1. Molecular biology (qPCR, FISH, transformation, etc.) 2. Cell biology (flow cytometry, cell sorting, microfluidics, protein localisation, etc.) 3. Bioimaging (electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy) 4. Microbial/algal culture, aquatic sampling 5. Programming (Perl, R, Bash, MatLab, Python, C++, etc.) 6. Sequencing/genomic/omic/evolutionary analyses on Linux 7. Bioimage analyses *Preferable skills, but not required: 1. experience in artistic design and common graphics editor programs 2. server/database management 3. other special skills *Salary: 1. Every year there is a BONUS comparable to 1.5-month salary, so the annual salary is the monthly times 13.5. 2. Starting salary (during the three-month probation) for a fresh master’s graduate: NTD 42,000/month (NTD 567,000 p.a.) 3. It will be adjusted according to the candidate’s experience and qualifications. 4. After the probation, it will be increased based on the performance. 5. The contract can be renewed each year with a salary increase of about 3%. Additional raise is possible. *About the Institution 1. The foremost research institute in Taiwan, funded directly by the Office of the President of Taiwan. 2. Covering all fields of life sciences, as well as institutes in physical sciences, humanities and social sciences. 3. Vibrant environment, located in the Taipei metropolis *Please send your application to Chuan Ku (chuan.ku[at] 1. The email title should be: IPMB_application_XXX (XXX is your full name) 2. Please briefly describe in the email your research experience and interests, how you fulfill each of the requirements, and contact details of two referees. 3. The attachment should be a single PDF that includes your CV, transcripts, degree certificates, (if any) (preliminary) thesis title and abstract , and (if any) proofs of skills and experience. *Notes: 1. These are excellent job opportunities for people who like to take challenges and solve problems, who are looking for a long-term (3 years or longer) job in research, or who seek to proceed to further study/research and want to have a good record of research accomplishment in the near future. 2. Preference will be given to candidates who can work longer. 3. Exceptional candidates with only a bachelor’s degree may be considered. 4. Necessary trainings in the field of research will be provided by the PI/ other lab members/IPMB/AS/courses. 5. The starting date could be any time next year. Candidates who are going to graduate this year or next year are also welcome to apply. 6. If you have your ideal starting date and salary range, please mention them in the email. 7. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. 8. Informal inquiries (preferably with CV attached) are welcome. --

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1F:推 yxcvbnm123: 42000 推 08/19 22:08
2F:推 mandychou: 好特別的研究領域 08/19 22:51
3F:推 roy047: 推推 08/20 03:21
4F:推 pathobasidio: 推超強新PI 08/20 15:54
5F:推 PAGBR: 高薪給推 08/21 15:18
6F:推 jukong: 佛心給推 08/21 19:05

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
※ 轉錄者: karic (, 08/23/2018 06:16:05

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