rabbit 板


※ 引述《maggie0114 (小花花我好想你)》之銘言: : sorry can't type chinese : if somebody can translate these for me : I'll be appreciated : 1.you have to go to the custom in CKS airport : show them the rabbit's health report and output documents : this process won't take long. They just want to check if the rabbit you took : out is the one here.So they will check all over around the rabbit,like the : colour,spots on your rabbits,see if it matches output documents .If you are : worried about your rabbit will get nervous. You can help them to hold your : rabbit. 1. 你必需先到中正機場的海關,向他們展示兔子的健康報告和出境文件 這個程序不會費時太久,他們只是要確定你帶的兔子跟登記的是同一隻 所以他們會檢查整隻兔子,看看你兔子的毛色和斑點,確定是否和出境文件上的相符 如果你擔心兔仔會緊張,你可以協助他們抓住你的兔仔 : 2.As to taking off. BiBi is never a nervous rabbit. In Taiwan, when she went : out,She would attack birds or animals smaller than her.At home she would : bite my sister's cat and chasing him around.But when plane started to : take off, she was very scared,running around in the cage.I put my fingers : with her to cool her down. And I'm not sure if rabbits feel ear horning like : us. But I knew she's very uncomfortable. She doesn't even want to eat her : favorite rabbit's cookie.So you have to be very careful while take off. 2.再來說起飛。比比(音譯)從來就不是愛緊張的兔子。在台灣,當她出門,她會攻擊比 她小的鳥和動物。在家的時候,她會咬我姐姐的貓,追著他到處跑。 但是當飛機起飛的時候,她非常害怕,在籠子裡跑來跑去。 我把我的手指放在她身旁來安撫她。 我不確定兔仔會不會跟人一樣耳鳴,但是我知道她很不舒服 她甚至不吃她最愛的兔餅乾。所以起飛時一定要很小心 : 3.on borad,you can't let the rabbits out,not even open the door of the cage : and can't feed rabbits also.So make sure you put enough water and food inside. : But I still did when attendants are not watching. I gave my fruits (airplane : meal always have) to BiBi and she was happy. : Prepare a big shower towel to cover the cage is useful.Cause in the cabin was : very cold and people walking around. A towel can help your rabbit stay away : from cold and noise.And watch out those damn kids, I was very mean to : the kids so that they won't scare BiBi when I was there or not. 3.飛機在天上的時候,你不能讓兔子出來,甚至不能開籠子的門,也不能餵兔子 但是我還是趁空姐沒注意的時候餵了一點 我把飛機餐裡的水果給比比,她很開心 可以先準備一條大毛巾來蓋住籠子,因為機艙裡很冷,人又走來走去 毛巾可以幫助你的兔仔遠離寒冷和噪音 特別注意那些猴死囝仔,我對他們都很惡劣,這樣不管我在不在,他們都不會嚇到比比 : 4.my case to enter US is different from normal situation. I was fly attendant : before and very lucky , the captain of my flight is my friend. He helped me : taking BiBi out off custom without passing the examining. It was very lucky for : us. Cause I saw people taking their pets to the examining room to do the : essensial tests. This process will take you 2 hours to 16 days. According to : the custom concern.But don't worry,American treat pets nice. : Hope my experience can help you. : PS I really don't know why pets can't travel like babies. : For me, Babies are worse than my rabbits. 4.我入境美國的情況比較特別。因為我以前是空姐,而且超幸運的,機長是我的朋友 所以他幫我把比比直接帶出海關,沒有作任何檢驗。真的很好運 我看見人們帶著他們的寵物到檢驗室裡作基本檢查 這個程序會花掉兩個小時到16天,要看海關怎麼考量 但是別擔心,美國人對寵物很好 希望我的經驗有幫助 p.s. 我真的不知道為什麼寵物不能像嬰兒那樣旅行 對我來說,嬰兒比我的兔子糟糕多了 -- 隨手翻譯一下囉 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 bonny0512:哇~ m版友很厲害耶!! 07/07 18:57
2F:推 shuntpooh:你翻得好棒!讀起來很通順耶!叫咩給你摸摸頭XD 07/07 19:05
3F:推 toroma:哇,真厲害 07/07 19:07
4F:推 X6:推 damn kids → 猴死囝仔 XD 07/07 19:46
5F:推 lemonbee:猴死囝仔 XDXD 07/07 19:46
6F:推 poiwu:太厲害了....佩服你XDDD 賞你個M...可惜版主給的才算XDD 07/07 19:50
7F:推 cockroach525:翻的太棒了.... 07/07 20:17
8F:推 dirdir:哈哈哈哈 猴死囝仔真是翻得太讚啦!!! 07/07 21:28
9F:推 slyblue:請問可以轉載嗎??? 最近有網友的兔兔要進大陸進不去 07/07 21:34
10F:推 mingssays:轉載ok啊 我只是翻譯 可能要問一下原po =. .= 07/07 22:40
11F:推 stacygloria:可是進大陸的兔兔是無法回來台灣的喔!!要考慮清楚窩!! 07/09 18:31

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