postcrossing 板


【Using Postcrossing】 【Postcrossing網站的使用】 1. I uploaded an image of my postcard but now it is gone. 我上傳了一張我的明信片的圖片,可是現在消失了 If you uploaded an image of a postcard that you sent and now it is gone, the most likely reason is that the image was deleted by the receiver. Control over the image displayed mimics real life - whoever has the physical postcard can choose if they want to display it online. So, once a member has received their postcard, they have control of adding/modifying/deleting the image corresponding to that Postcard ID. If the image that is missing is of a postcard that you received, then there may be a technical problem. Make sure that you are able to view other postcard images on the site. Try to upload the image again and see if the upload completes successfully. Lastly, Postcrossing administration may remove images that they deem to be unacceptable. 如果你上傳了你寄出的明信片的圖片,而圖片現在消失了,那最有可能的原因是收到明 信片的玩家將圖片刪除了,對於圖片的控制權就像現實中一樣,誰擁有實體的明信片就 可以選擇是否將圖片顯示出來,所以當玩家收到明信片時,他就可以新增、更改或刪除 明信片的圖片 如果消失的圖片是你收到的明信片,那可能是有技術上的問題,先確認你是否能夠觀看 網站上其他的圖片,再試著上傳一次圖片,看看上傳過程有沒有成功。另外,如果 Postcrossing管理團隊認為這張明信片不適當,也可能將圖片刪除 2. How do I send a message to a member? 我要如何傳訊息給玩家呢? You can send messages to other Postcrossing members through a link provided on the member's profile page. First, access the member's profile page. Next, find and select the Send *member* a message! link directly under the member statistics area and above the About *member* ... area. Once you select this link, a form appears where you can type in a Subject: and Message:. You can also choose to receive a copy of the message you write by checking the Check this to receive a copy of the message option. When you are ready to send the message, click the Send message button. The message is immediately delivered to the private email address provided by that member. To reply to your message, the member must access your profile page and follow the steps outlined above. In this manner, email addresses are kept private. Guidelines * Be polite and use common sense. * Do not send private swap or trade requests to people who have indicated that they do not want to engage in such activities. You will see a helpful reminder to the right of the message box when the member has chosen NOT to partake in private swaps. * The number of messages you can send in one day are limited. This is to discourage spammers. Not receiving messages from other members, a copy of your sent message, or emails from Check out the FAQ for email problems. 你可以透過玩家個人檔案頁面上的連結來傳送訊息,首先進入玩家的個人檔案頁面,並 找到在玩家數據下方以及自我介紹上方的Send xxx a message的連結 當你點選連結之後,會出現一個表格,你可以填上"主旨"(Subject)和"訊息"(Message) 。透過勾選Check this to receive a copy of the message,你將會收到這份訊息的 副本,當你準備好要傳送時,按下Send message的按鈕 訊息將會馬上被寄送到那名玩家的私人信箱,如果對方要回覆你的訊息,他必須進入你 的個人檔案頁面並按照上面的指示做。用這樣的方式,玩家的email將不會被洩漏 注意事項: ※有禮貌並用常識判斷 ※如果玩家表明他們不進行私下交換(private swap)或買賣,而你也會在訊息欄的旁邊 看到提醒,因此請不要寄這種要求給對方 ※你一天可以傳送的訊息數量是有限的,這是為了避免垃圾訊息 沒有收到訊息、你傳送訊息的副本或是Postcrossing.com網站傳來的信件嗎?請參照 問與答當中有關email問題的部分 3. How do I access my mail box? 我要如何進入我的信箱? There is no mail box on Postcrossing. Messages sent from other members are forwarded to the email address listed in your account. Not receiving messages from other members, a copy of your sent message, or emails from Check out the FAQ for email problems. Postcrossing這個網站並不提供信箱,其他玩家寄來的訊息會被傳送到你帳號內的 email信箱 沒有收到訊息、你傳送訊息的副本或是Postcrossing.com網站傳來的信件嗎?請參照 問與答當中有關email問題的部分 4. Can I choose the country which I will exchange postcards with? 我可以選擇要跟哪個國家的玩家交換明信片嗎? Not at the moment. For now, addresses are chosen randomly from another country (including your own, if you choose that option). 目前不行,目前系統是隨機挑選其他國家玩家的地址(或是包含自己的國家,如果你有 勾選這個選項的話) 5. How do I upload or change my avatar? 我要如何上傳我的頭像? First, make sure that you own the copyright to the image that you are going to upload. Pictures that you take make perfect avatars. Images must be in either the jpg or png file format and be larger than 140x140 px. Square images work best on Postcrossing. Ready? 1. Verify that you are logged in to 2. Select Edit > Avatar from menu. 3. Select Browse... and choose your avatar image from your computer. 4. Select the Upload file button. Wait. It may take a few minutes for your image to upload. 5. Crop your image. You can change the size of the crop area by dragging any one of the eight handles (small squares on the corners and sides). A preview of what your image will look like cropped appears to the right. 6. Once you are happy with the preview, select the Crop button. Your new avatar is now uploaded. You can change your current avatar using these same steps. 首先確認你擁有你要上傳的圖片的版權,你自己拍攝的照片是最適當的頭像,圖片必須 是jpg檔或png檔,且必須大於140x140畫素,方形的照片最適合用在Postcrossing網站 上。準備好了嗎? 1.確認你已經登入進Postcrossing.com網站裡 2.選擇編輯>頭像(Edit>Avatar) 3.點選瀏覽(Browse)並選擇你的頭像圖片 4.點選上傳(Upload),稍待片刻,上傳圖片可能會花幾分鐘 5.裁剪你的圖片,你可以透過拖拉八個小方塊來調整裁剪區域的大小,裁剪後圖片的 預覽將顯示在右邊 6.當你對於圖片的預覽滿意時,點選裁剪(Crop) 你新的頭像已經上傳了,你可以用同樣的步驟來更改你的頭像 6. How do I delete my current avatar? 我要如何刪除我現在的頭像? Simply! Select Edit > Avatar from the menu and choose the delete link. 很簡單!點選編輯>頭像(Edit>Avatar)並點選刪除 7. How does the Inactive state work? 帳號的閒置(Inactive)狀態是如何運作的? When your account is set to Inactive Postcrossing will not select your account to receive postcards. However, when you set it back to Active you will receive all postcards that your account should had received during that time. If you know you are going to be away for some time (for example: on holiday, a business trip, etc), you can set your account to Inactive. You can do that at any time in your edit account section and also you can restore it to Active whenever you want. It is a good idea to use this option whenever you are going to be away from your address for more than a week so that other members do not send you postcards that you are unable to register. It is also advisable to set your account to inactive in advance of your departure so that you can register all postcards that are still traveling to you. If you plan to return after a short period of time (example: holidays) and you wish to continue sending postcards while on Inactive status, you can. Note however, that if the period of inactivity is too long, the Postcrossing system might temporary block you from sending more postcards if the difference between sent and received postcards is too large for your account. However, this block will automatically go away once you reduce the difference between sent and received postcards. 當你的帳號被設為閒置,Postcrossing將不會選擇你的地址來接受明信片,但是,當你 將帳號調整回活動中(Active),你將會收到你這段期間內應該收到的明信片 如果你知道你將會離開一段時間(例如放假、出差),你可以將你的帳號設為閒置,任何 時候你都可以透過編輯帳號來設定,任何時候也都可以回復 如果你將要離開超過一個禮拜,我們建議你將帳號設為閒置,這樣其他玩家才不會寄明 信片給你,而你無法登記。我們也建議你提前將帳號設為閒置,這樣你就能夠登記所有 還在寄送中的明信片 如果你短期內會回來,並希望在閒置狀態中能夠繼續寄明信片,這是被允許的。但如果 你閒置的時間過長,導致寄出的明信片遠超過收到的明信片,那系統可能會暫時封鎖你 的帳號,但只要你寄出和收到的明信片之間的差異縮小,封鎖會自動被取消 8. How do I quit? 我要如何退出Postcrossing? We are really sorry to hear that! If you are sure that you want to remove your account, please log in with your username and password and go to the removal page (it's not possible to revert this). If you would just like to take a break from Postcrossing, that is ok. Just edit your profile, and select the option 'Inactive'. When you are ready to come back, just edit your profile again, and voilá! 我們很遺憾聽到你要退出,如果你很確定你想要移除你的帳號,請登入並前往移除頁面 (移除的帳號將無法被恢復) 如果你只是想短暫的休息,那也沒關係,你只要編輯你的帳號並設定為閒置(Inactive) ,當你準備好要回來時,只要再度編輯你的帳號就好了! 9. Can I specify which cards I want to receive? 我可以指定要收到什麼樣的明信片嗎? No. However, you may say what your preferences are in your profile. What you write will indicate to other members what type of postcards you like to receive; however, it does not necessarily guarantee that they can or will fulfil your preferences. You must still register all postcards you receive regardless of whether they match your preferences or not. Therefore, stating in your profile that you will not register X or Y type of postcards is against the rules. Remember that Postcrossing is not a collector's website - it is a postcard exchange website. 不行,但是你可以在你的個人檔案中列出你的喜好,你所寫的將可以讓其他玩家了解你 想要收到什麼類型的明信片,但這並不保證他們會符合你的喜好 你必須登記所有收到的明信片,無論它們是否符合你的喜好,因此,在檔案中表明不會 登記某種類型的明信片是違反規則的 請記得Postcrossing不是一個收藏明信片的網站,只是一個交換明信片的網站 10. Can I change my username? 我可以改變我的帳號名稱嗎? Yes, you can! You can change your username in your edit account section. Note that you are limited to only 2 changes, so choose wisely! Changes of case do not count as a change, or in other words, changing from 'paulo' to 'Paulo' will not count as a change. Once you change your username, all the links where your previous username was being shown will be updated to the new one - this includes the 'Sent postcards' of anyone who would have to send you postcards. 當然可以!你可以在編輯帳號中修改帳號名稱,但注意只能修改兩次,請小心選擇! 大小寫的改變不算是修改,換句話說,從paulo改成Paulo不算是一次修改 11. How can I help Postcrossing balance the very active countries? 我要如何幫助Postcrossing平衡那些非常活躍的國家呢? In Postcrossing, those who send, receive. But, because of such, very active countries need to receive postcards back in the same quantity that they send. And, consequently, countries with less activity have to send postcards to the most active countries more often than to others. The Postcrossing system is aware of this fact and aims, when possible, to maximize the number of different countries a user is exchanging postcards with. When this ideal scenario is not possible, it allows some repetitions to occur so that users who send always receive postcards back in the same amount and don't become unbalanced. There are a few actions that can help Postcrossing reduce this problem such as inviting friends from less active countries to join Postcrossing. By increasing the number of Postcrossing users in other countries, it decreases the weight of the most active countries making the system more balanced globally. Another way to help is by activating the option in your edit profile that allows for country repetitions when you're sending postcards. With this option, when you request a new address, Postcrossing will not try to select a country that you are not currently exchanging postcards with yet. This way, you will start to send more postcards to the most active countries, thus helping Postcrossing to balance the different weights of each country. Note that this option is currently experimental. Not all users are equal and you might prefer to send postcards to as many different countries as possible, and that's ok! You don't need to select this option at all if you don't want to. Or you can select it only temporarily to experiment with until you decide. Either way, it's up to you. And note that this only changes the destination of your postcards - it does not change in any way where the postcards you receive will come from. 在Postcrossing網站中,只要寄出一張明信片就會收到一張,但是也因為這樣,那些 非常活躍的國家會需要收到大量的明信片,來平衡他們寄出的大量明信片,因此,比 較不活躍的國家將會常常寄明信片給非常活躍的國家 有一些方式可以幫助Postcrossing減輕這個問題,例如邀請比較不活躍的國家中的朋 友加入Postcrossing。透過增加非活躍國家的玩家數量,系統將會比較平衡,而不會 過度偏向非常活躍的國家 另外一種方式是在編輯個人檔案中勾選"寄送到重複的國家",透過這個選項,當你要 求一個新的地址時,系統不會試著選擇你還沒有交換過的國家,因此你會開始較頻繁 的寄給非常活躍的國家,也幫助平衡不同國家,但注意這個選擇目前還在實驗階段 並不是所有的玩家都一樣,你可能想要寄明信片到很多不同的國家,這也沒關係! 如果你沒有意願的話,就不需要勾選這個選項,或者你可以短暫的勾選,實驗看看。 不管怎麼樣,一切由你決定。這個選項只會改變你寄送的目的地,不會影響到你收到 的明信片 -------------------------- --

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