postcrossing 板


我沒有要搶a大工作的意思,只是昨天翻譯完畢,想說放上來獻醜一下 雖然板上大部份都是老手了,應該也不需要FAQ的幫助 但還是希望可以做點貢獻,讓大家對Postcrossing更熟悉 ------------------------------------FAQ--------------------------------------- 【Sending Postcards】 【寄送明信片】 1. Where do I write the Postcard ID? 我應該把Postcard ID寫在哪裡呢? For a postcard you sent to be registered, the receiver must be able to read the Postcard ID. Here are some dos and don'ts for writing the Postcard ID. DO: * do write it on the left side of the postcard (direction of text is unimportant) * do write it more than once on the postcard * do double check that you wrote it correctly DON'T: * do not write it under or to the right of the address * do not write it next to the postage 明信片被登記時,收到的人必須能夠清楚的看到Postcard ID,以下是一些關於寫 Postcard ID的建議: ※寫在明信片的左邊(文字的方向不重要) ※寫上不只一次Postcard ID ※重複檢查ID是否正確 ※不要寫在地址的下面或右邊 ※不要寫在郵票的旁邊 2. What should I write on the postcard? 我應該在明信片上寫什麼呢? It depends. If the postcard has a picture of your city, you may want to write something about the city. You can also talk about yourself, talk about something funny, or just say hi! It is really up to you to decide what you would like to write; there are no constraints but please be conscious that you may be writing to a child. If you are stuck, here are some ideas about what to write: * your place of residence * yourself * your personal homepage or weblog * your country * questions about the person or place or country you are writing to * information about how the other member can contact you Always remember to clearly write the Postcard ID that is provided to you. The Postcard ID is the only way the receiver can register your postcard on the website. 這因人而異,如果明信上是你居住城市的圖片,你可以介紹一下你的城市,你也可以寫 關於自己、某件有趣的事、或只是說聲嗨!要寫什麼可以自己決定,沒有任何限制,但 是請記得你有可能是寫給一個小孩(不要寫髒話或是色情的),如果你不知道要寫什麼, 以下是一些建議: ※你所住的地方 ※你自己 ※你的個人網站或部落格 ※你的國家 ※對於對方或是他的國家的疑問 ※對方可以連絡你的方式 一定要記得清楚的寫上提供給你的Postcard ID,Postcard ID是對方登記你的明信片的 唯一方式 3. Can I only send postcards? 我只能寄明信片嗎? Well, no. The main idea is postcards, so you have to send at least that. If you are more into letters or just find a postcard too short, send a letter too. If you are into Bookcrossing, you can also send a book if you want to. What you send with the postcard is up to you. No constraints are made about that, but try to use common sense on that one. 不是,我們主要的概念是明信片,所以你至少要寄出一張明信片,如果你喜歡寫信或是 覺得明信片太短的話,你也可以再寄一封信,如果你喜歡書本交換(Bookcrossing)的話 ,你也可以寄一本書。除了明信片之外,你可以另外寄其他東西,我們沒有任何限制, 但是寄的時候請用一點常識(也就是,不要寄太古怪的東西吧XD) 4. What is a Postcard ID and where can I get one? 什麼是Postcard ID?我可以從哪裡取得呢? A Postcard ID is a little code that uniquely identifies a postcard in the system. It is composed of two parts: two letters (the country code) and a number. The Postcard ID is used by the recipient to register the received postcard in Postcrossing. For each address you request to send a postcard to, a Postcard ID will be given to you. This means only official cards have Postcards IDs (postcards that you have privately swapped with other users cannot be registered). Postcard ID是在系統中用來辨別你的明信片的一組獨特號碼,它由兩個部分組成:兩 個英文字母(國家代碼)和一串數字,Postcard ID是收到的人用來登記明信片的號碼。 你每要求寄出一張明信片到一個地址,你就會收到一組Postcard ID,也就是說只有正 式的卡片會有ID(與會員私下交換的明信片不能被登記,也就沒有ID) 5. What language should I use? 我應該用什麼語言寫呢? Probably the safest option is English. When you receive the address to send the postcard to, you will also receive a list of languages that the recipient understands. Try to stick to those. 最安全的選擇應該是英文,當你收到地址的時候,你也會在接收者的個人檔案中看到他 會的語言,試著用其中一個語言寫。 6. How many postcards can I send? 我可以寄幾張明信片呢? Initially you can send 5 postcards. As you exchange more postcards with other members of the site, the number of postcards that you can send (that is, have simultaneously traveling) will increase. This system encourages new users to try out the project while allowing more avid members to send more postcards. For every 20 postcards that you send and have been registered, the number of postcards that you can send will increment by 1. When you reach 100 postcards registered, you will be allowed 1 extra postcard for every 50 postcards sent and registered. For example: If you have sent between 0 and 19 postcards, you can send 5 postcards. If you have sent between 20 and 39 postcards, you can send 6 postcards. If you have sent between 40 and 59 postcards, you can send 7 postcards. If you have sent between 60 and 79 postcards, you can send 8 postcards. If you have sent between 80 and 99 postcards, you can send 9 postcards. If you have sent between 100 and 149 postcards, you can send 10 postcards. If you have sent between 150 and 199 postcards, you can send 11 postcards. If you have sent between 200 and 249 postcards, you can send 12 postcards. ... and so on, in increments of 1 postcard for each 50 you send. This means that if you have sent 21 postcards, you can have at most 6 postcards traveling simultaneously to other members. Once you have reached your limit, the only way to free up a slot to send another postcard is to either have a postcard you have sent be registered or have a postcard you have sent time out (expire) in transit. Postcards expire after traveling 60 days although they can still be (and often are) registered after that time frame. Note: Adjustments to these limits may occur in the future. 一開始你可以寄5張明信片(也就是同時有5張明信片在traveling),隨著你寄出的明信 片增加,你可以同時寄出的明信片數量也會增加,這樣的系統可以鼓勵新手嘗試這個計 畫,也可以讓比較貪心的會員寄多一點明信片。 只要你每寄出20張被登記的明信片,你可以同時寄的明信片數量就會增加一張,當你寄 出的總數量到達100張時,你每寄出50張就會增加一張。 舉例來說: 如果你寄了0~19張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是5張 如果你寄了20~39張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是6張 如果你寄了40~59張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是7張 如果你寄了60~79張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是8張 如果你寄了80~99張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是9張 如果你寄了100~149張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是10張 如果你寄了150~199張,你可以同時寄的明信片數量是11張 以此推類 也就是說如果你總共寄了21張明信片,你可以同時在寄送過程(traveling)的明信片數 量是6張 如果你達到你同時寄明信片總數的限制,你能夠空出餘額再寄一張明信片的方法是:你 寄出的明信片被登記,或是你寄出的明信片過期。寄出的明信片如果經過60天還沒被登 記,就算是過期,但是過期的明信片也是有可能會在期限後被登記 注意:未來有可能會對這些限制做調整 7. I forgot to write the Postcard ID on the postcard I sent 我忘記在寄出的明信片寫上Postcard ID Don't worry, the receiver can still ask for help when they receive your postcard. If you would like to make the receiver's life a little easier, just write them a private message to explain that they will be receiving a postcard without a Postcard ID. Include the Postcard ID in the message. 不要擔心,收到的人依然可以在網站上尋求幫助 如果你想要讓收到的人生活更輕鬆的話,你可以寫訊息給他,並告訴他他將會收到一張 沒有ID的明信片,訊息中不要忘了告訴他Postcard ID! 8. Can I send a postcard after it is already expired? 明信片過期之後我還可以寄出嗎? Yes, absolutely! We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and postcards do not get sent out in a timely fashion. That is okay, you can still send the postcard late. Just make sure that you send the postcard to arrive within a year of the date you requested the address. Also make sure that the member whose address you were given is still an active member of Postcrossing. Once the member gets the postcard and registers it, the postcard will be registered as a normal postcard. 我們明白人生有時候不太順遂,沒辦法準時的寄出明信片,這也沒關係,你還是可以寄 出你的明信片。但要注意,從你要求地址開始,到明信片被送達之間不能超過一年;你 也要確定那名會員的帳號依然是”在活動中的”(active),當他收到明信片並登記的時 候,你的明信片就會被視為正常的明信片來登記。 9. What are Expired postcards? 什麼是過期的明信片? Postcards that have been traveling more than 60 days are set to status Expired in the Postcrossing system. This status allows you to request another address to send a postcard to. Most sent postcards will arrive before 60 days have passed; however, some postcards do take longer to reach their destination. Postcards that have expired can still be registered up to one year after you requested the address. You can see which of your sent postcards have expired by looking at your Sent postcards list. After a period of one year from the sent date, the Postcrossing system deletes the postcard entry from the system. As such, your sent postcards list will not show any postcard that has a travel time greater than 365 days and the postcard cannot be registered by the receiver any longer. 漂流了60天還沒到的明信片狀態會被設為”過期”,這個狀態可以空出餘額讓你要求另 外一個新地址來寄明信片。 大部分的明信片會在60天之內到達,但是有些明信片會花比較久的時間來送達,過期的 明信片依然可以被登記,只要它還在一年的期限內。 你可以從”已寄出的明信片”(Sent postcards)當中看到你寄出的過期明信片,在寄出 日期後一年,系統將會把這張明信片刪除,也就是說,你寄出明信片清單中不會顯示任 何漂流超過365天的明信片,而那張明信片也不能被收到的人登記。 10. I mailed the postcard! How do I mark it sent? 我已經寄出明信片了,我要怎麼把它標記為”已寄出”? The system does not record the date of mailing. Instead, sent date reflects the date that the address was requested. This simplifies the Postcrossing process. The postcard must be received and registered for your Postcards Sent total to increase. 系統不會登記實際寄出明信片的日期,系統顯示的"寄出日期"(sent date)是你要求那 個地址的日期,這個會簡化Postcrossing的過程。當你的明信片被收到並登記之後, 你的個人檔案上的"寄出的明信片"(Postcard Sent)總數才會增加。 11. My postcard should have already been received! What should I do? 我寄的明信片早就應該送到了!發生了什麼事? Wait! :-) There are several things that can make a postcard take a long time to be registered. Here are a few: * slow postal services * the member is on holiday or temporarily away * the member does not have a home Internet connection * the member did not understand your handwriting and is trying to figure out the ID * the member is not able to check (or does not receive) their mail daily Traveling time depends on the postal system of the respective countries so while some postcards may arrive in 5 days, it is as common that postcards take over 30 days to arrive. If it has been well over 30 days, we advise you to contact the recipient of your postcard through private message and ask whether the postcard has arrived (the ID might be blurred, illegible, etc.). After 60 days, the postcard will be set to Expired status and you will be able to request another address. Be patient, experienced Postcrossers will quickly advise you to do the same - it works! 再等等看吧!有些情況下明信片會花比較久的時間送達,以下是一些可能的情況: ※郵政速度緩慢 ※那名成員目前旅行中或是不在家 ※那名成員家中沒有網路 ※那名成員看不懂你的字,正在試著猜明信片的ID ※那名成員沒辦法每天查看他的信件,或是信件不是每天送達 明信片漂流的時間取決於不同地區的郵政速度,因此有些明信片可能五天就送到,但 有些需要花30天以上,如果超過30天,我們建議你可以寄訊息問那名成員是否收到你 的明信片(明信片上的ID可能糊掉了或是對方看不懂)。當超過60天後,明信片會被設 定為"過期",你也可以再要求一個新的地址。 耐心的等吧!有經驗的Postcrossing玩家也會給你同樣的建議的,等待真的有用! 12. I lost an address, how do I get it again? 我弄丟了一個地址,我要怎麼再取得呢? If you are having trouble receiving emails from, see the FAQ on email problems. Otherwise, you can always retrieve addresses for your traveling or expired postcards on * Go to your Sent postcards * Click the Postcard ID for the postcard you are missing an address for. The address is viewable below the map. Once a postcard has been received and registered, you will not be able to view the address in this manner. 如果你在接收Postcrossing.com這個網站的email有問題的話,請看問與答當中與 email相關的問題,或是你可以在網站上取得過期或是在寄送過程中的明信片的地址 ※前往Sent postcards ※點選明信片的ID 你可以在地圖下面看到地址,當明信片被收到並登記之後,你就沒辦法用這個方法看 到地址了。 ------------------------- --

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1F:推 a128a128:感謝XD 節省我很多時間 08/27 03:03
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2F:推 eric2003002:推~ 08/27 11:19

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