ntuACCT97 板

Oliver Wyman Financial Services Management Consulting Campus Presentation 時間: 3/10 (Monday) 18:00 地點: 台灣大學第二活動中心 B1國際會議廳 現場備有上閤屋日式料理晚餐 公司簡介 Oliver Wyman 是全球一流的顧問公司,為一般企業與 80% 以上的全球100大金融機構提供 諮詢服務。我們總部位於紐約,在全球16個國家共有40間分公司,總人數超過2500人。 我們提供在歐美受訓與工作的機會、挑戰的工作環境、快速的升遷管道、及 與世界各地精英共事的機會招募職位 Full-time positions are available at our Singapore and Shanghai offices. Intern positions are avilable at our Singapore office. Compensation Ranked number 1 in 2007 by Vault (The most trusted name in career information) http://www.vault.com/nr/consulting_rankings/consulting_rankings.jsp?consulting\ 2007=4&ch_id=252&qol=4 應徵資格 We seek highly qualified individuals with diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. (No background limited) 申請流程 22 March Last day to apply to OW via the online application at http://www.oliverwyman.gtios.com. 2 April Group interviews in Taiwan 9 April Initial-round interviews in Taiwan 25 April Final-round interviews in Singapore Kindly note that the application dates are only applicable for full-time position. Application dates for interns will be announced during the information session. 如果有任何其他問題除了參加當日的說明會外,也可連絡 Meg Graham 002-65-6510-9700 About us Considering a career in management consulting? Eager to travel and looking for world class experiences with top financial insitutions globally? Oliver Wyman Financial Services Management Consulting invites graduating students to apply for full-time job opportunities in our Singapore and Shanghai offices. Oliver Wyman's Financial Services business works with the world's leading financial institutions on their most difficult challenges. We have an unparalleled understanding of the market structure, economics, and possible future development of the segments of the financial services industry. Oliver Wyman is a leading global management consultancy, combining deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk management, organizational transformation, and leadership development. Oliver Wyman was formed in May 2007 when Mercer Management Consulting, Mercer Delta and Mercer Oliver Wyman came together under one name: Oliver Wyman. We now employ more than 2500 staff working out of 40 offices in 16 countries throughout the world. Oliver Wyman's consulting approach is distinguished by a combination of industry expertise, strategic orientation, analytical rigor, and implementation experience. It has become the "consultant of choice" for senior executives of a select group of large, well-known financial institutions. We assist our clients with a wide range of issues which have the common thread of increasing institutional value. Beyond business line strategy and corporate development, we have distinguishing expertise in risk management, customer relationship management and business transformation. We are seeking exceptionally qualified candidates for Consultant positions in our Financial Services management consulting unit for placement in our Singapore and Shanghai offices. Interested individuals should have extraordinary intellectual capability, maturity and judgment, as demonstrated by their academic achievements, professional experience and extracurricular responsibilities. Strong candidates also should exhibit intellectual curiosity and have the ability to learn quantitative techniques. We hire consultants with the prospect of career progression to directorship. Our compensation package is competitive with other leading strategy consulting firms. ※ 編輯: ypchung 來自: (03/07 16:28)

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like.gif 您可能會有興趣的文章
icon.png[問題/行為] 貓晚上進房間會不會有憋尿問題
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] 選了錯誤的女孩成為魔法少女 XDDDDDDDDDD
icon.png[正妹] 瑞典 一張
icon.png[心得] EMS高領長版毛衣.墨小樓MC1002
icon.png[分享] 丹龍隔熱紙GE55+33+22
icon.png[問題] 清洗洗衣機
icon.png[尋物] 窗台下的空間
icon.png[閒聊] 双極の女神1 木魔爵
icon.png[售車] 新竹 1997 march 1297cc 白色 四門
icon.png[討論] 能從照片感受到攝影者心情嗎
icon.png[狂賀] 賀賀賀賀 賀!島村卯月!總選舉NO.1
icon.png[難過] 羨慕白皮膚的女生
icon.png[問題] SBK S1安裝於安全帽位置
icon.png[分享] 舊woo100絕版開箱!!
icon.pngRe: [無言] 關於小包衛生紙
icon.png[開箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 簡單測試
icon.png[心得] 蒼の海賊龍 地獄 執行者16PT
icon.png[售車] 1999年Virage iO 1.8EXi
icon.png[心得] 挑戰33 LV10 獅子座pt solo
icon.png[閒聊] 手把手教你不被桶之新手主購教學
icon.png[分享] Civic Type R 量產版官方照無預警流出
icon.png[售車] Golf 4 2.0 銀色 自排
icon.png[出售] Graco提籃汽座(有底座)2000元誠可議
icon.png[問題] 請問補牙材質掉了還能再補嗎?(台中半年內
icon.png[問題] 44th 單曲 生寫竟然都給重複的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 華南紅卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[問題] 拔牙矯正這樣正常嗎
icon.png[贈送] 老莫高業 初業 102年版
icon.png[情報] 三大行動支付 本季掀戰火
icon.png[寶寶] 博客來Amos水蠟筆5/1特價五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鮮人一些面試分享
icon.png[心得] 蒼の海賊龍 地獄 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二創漫畫翻譯
icon.pngRe: [閒聊] OGN中場影片:失蹤人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[問題] 台灣大哥大4G訊號差
icon.png[出售] [全國]全新千尋侘草LED燈, 水草
