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McKinsey Campus Recriting 2008 McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm. We are the trusted advisor to the world's leading businesses, governments, and institutions. We help leaders make distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements to the performance of their organizations. We tackle their most difficult issues and serious challenges. We provide our people an outstanding place to work, with opportunities for growth that they can find nowhere else. We have an unparalleled depth of both functional and industry expertise as well as breadth of geographical reach. Our scale, scope, and knowledge allow us to address problems that no one else can. At heart, we are a network of people who are passionate about taking on immense challenges that matter to leading organizations, and often, to the world. We are now organizing a campus recruit event for Business Analyst and Summer Business Analyst and to help you know about McKinsey & Company and career in consultancy. Date: Thursday, March 6, 2008 Location: 台灣大學第二學生活動中心B1國際會議廰 Time: 18:30 We seek candidates with outstanding academic achievements, exceptional extracurricular experiences, and leadership personality form top-tier universities to join out greater China practice. For more information about greater China office please click on the link bellow. www.mckinsey.com/locations/greaterchina We are now accepting application through Internet till 17:00 March 19. Please find the link bellow for more about application process and tips in preparation. http://www.mckinsey.com/locations/greaterchina/applicationprocess/interviewpro\ cess/ Should you have any question we cordially welcome you to meet our people upon the campus recruiting event. 麥肯錫公司校園徵才說明會 麥肯錫公司需要你!無論您是將要邁入社會的應屆畢業生,或是正在計畫暑假的 在校生,絕不可錯過麥肯錫公司的說明會! 麥肯錫公司是全球頂尖的企業顧問公司,現正尋找學業成績優秀具靈活創意及領 袖特質的研究所及大學同學(系所不拘)加入我們的顧問團隊,擔任全職商業分 析師(Business Analyst)及商業分析師暑期實習生 (Summer Business Analyst) 的職位。 想知道更多資訊嗎?千萬不要錯過麥肯錫公司在三月六日(星期四)晚上6:30假 台灣大學第二學生活動中心B1國際會議廰所舉行的說明會。 我們希望幫助您了解專業管理顧問之角色,並協助您思考即將開展的職業生涯規 劃,作成最佳的評估與抉擇。 更多關於麥肯錫公司 www.mckinsey.com/locations/greaterchina --

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