作者KevinAction (BBS強迫症?宅男?)
標題FOX被爆抄CNN"颶風狀況室"鏡面 CNN員工不爽
時間Mon Sep 26 05:07:31 2005
對不起 我承認我下的標聳動了點 == XDDDD
Thursday, Sep 22
Is FNC Imitating The Situation Room?
"Is it my imagination or does this Fox image look like a pathetic
imitation of the Situation Room?," a CNNer asks. Yesterday I received
many e-mails, including some from CNN staffers, who were surprised to
FNC's use of a four-box screen during Studio B. The boxes have appeared
again this morning.
According to a network tipster, for the last three week period,
The Situation Room's 5pm hour was #1 in the 25-54 demographic.
(That's true even if FNC's Big Story is combined with 40 minutes of
special Katrina coverage that FNC "broke out," the tipster added.)
Note to the critics who are going to complain that four screens isn't
a new idea: I know that. I'm just relaying the fact that CNNers who were
sitting in the newsroom or the D.C. control room had a smile on their
face yesterday when they noticed FNC's boxes.
> Roger Ailes on Aug. 22: "What they've decided is they're not getting
the ratings with their programming, so they've decided to get the ratings
with their walls."
> Update: 4:39pm: "Fox did a SIX QUAD at 4:20pm, when Bill Richardson
was on! It was RIDICULOUS!," an e-mailer says. "And MSNBC started it
during Sit Room too!"
很抱歉 我找不到CNN鏡面的網址 Orz
但是我剛好那幾天有看CNN XDDDD (廢話 難得正港美國台本土直播ㄟ XDDDD)
只能說 如果這種鏡面真的是CNN原創
左上右上各開一個現場 右下放颶風動態 左下隨機更改
那FOX真的是抄得太像了 XDDDDrz
看在我眼裡總覺得很陽春 ==+
要抄 輕鬆的很 XDDDD
外國稍微抄一下 就能引起滿城風雨
在台灣國內 恐怕被抄得原創只能自認倒楣吧 Orz
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 hambear:反正tvbs自詡為領導品牌 被東森抄襲也是應當的XDD 09/26 19:55
2F:推 KevinAction: XDDDDrzzzzzzz 09/26 20:19