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※ [本文轉錄自 share 看板 #1YU-JC3y ] 作者: lion1227 (阿達) 看板: share 標題: [情報] 免費課程!國貿局新南向電商行銷課程 時間: Thu May 12 00:31:05 2022 2022臺灣-新南向數位貿易人才培訓計畫:成功經營跨境電商方案 跨境電子商務已成為當前成長最快速的產業之一,為因應全球商業型態的轉變,如何 透過理解跨文化市場強化跨境電子商務動能,為數位時代下企業營運之重要支柱。 隨著我國在電子商務市場的培育與多元化競爭,已造就臺灣電商企業如雨後春筍般出現, 進而發展出臺灣電商模式。 本次「2022年臺灣-新南向數位貿易人才培訓計畫:成功經營跨境電商方案」課程 特別邀請點譜數位有限公司(dipp)擔任講師,傳授電商業者讓消費者塞爆購物車的秘訣, 並邀請在地業者分享經驗,希望協助業者開出電商經營新藍海! 本課程全程以英文授課且免費, 完成課程還能獲得電子證書,掌握電商先機,還不趕快報名! 開課時間:5月24日- 6月9日,每週二及週四,為期三週,總計6小時課程,20:00-21:00 (臺灣時間,GMT+8) 報名網址: https://www.surveycake.com/s/0P0OL 指導單位:經濟部國際貿易局 執行單位: 財團法人商業發展研究院、財團法人資訊工業策進會 附註:報名成功後將在開課前三天前發送課程平台通知 聯絡資訊 姓名:陳文彬 電話:886-2-6631-8586 電郵:[email protected] Taiwan-New Southbound Digital Trade Talent Cultivation 2022: SUCCEEDING IN CROSS-BORDER E-COMMERCE For a cross-border e-commerce business, it’s important that a business owner understands the demand from different countries and demographic as e-commerce has become the fastest-growing industry. The proactive deployment of digital marketing and managing cultural differences have become an important issue for all companies. Taiwan’s e-commerce model was developed following the diversified competition and training of Taiwan's e-commerce market, and thereby enable Taiwan's e-commerce companies to spring up rapidly. Lecturers from dipp, Inc. has been specially invited to this “Taiwan-New Southbound Digital Trade Talent Cultivation" as a secret weapon to help e-commerce companies fill consumer shopping carts and to provide new perspectives on e-commerce operations! Upon successful completion of the course and achievement test, participants will be awarded an authorized e-certificate by the organizer. The whole course is conducted in English and free of charge. It can help participants grasp business opportunities! So, what are you waiting for? Grab this great opportunity and register now! Dates and Times: May 24 - June 9; a 3-week course every Tuesday and Thursday, for a total of 6 hours; 20:00-21:00 (GMT+8 for Taiwan, Malaysia, and the Philippines), 19:00-20:00 (GMT+7 for Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam), and 18:30-19:30 (GMT+6.5 for Myanmar). Registration link: https://www.surveycake.com/s/0P0OL Advisor: Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA Organized by: Commerce Development Research Institute(CDRI) Institute for Information Industry (III) P.S. After registering, notification of the course platform will be sent three days before the start of the course. Contact Information Name: Louis Chen Phone: 886-2-6631-8566 Email: [email protected] -- 燃燒熱情的火!~拼出感動的心!~ 鱷魚精神,永不放棄!中華職棒統一獅棒球隊Uni-Lions http://lion1227.pixnet.net/blog --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/share/M.1652286668.A.0FC.html

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: lion1227 ( 臺灣), 05/12/2022 00:34:00

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