joke 板


大家好 我又來了 有些是網友分享自身經驗 所以不一定是句子 有任何錯誤或是可以改善的地方歡迎大家指正~ 這次也想請問大家最喜歡那一句呢? 1. I bet your bathroom floor smells like piss with the aim you have.. 以你的準度我肯定你廁所地板充滿尿味 2. Looks like he is trying to play with oven mits on 看起來他試著戴著防熱手套玩 3. I had spent a whole weekend non stop playing the most recent Pokemon I made a self deprecating joke about seeing a condom add on Facebook. Something to the effective of, "Facebook must be broken. Clearly I don't need these." My friend responds immediately, like a rehearsed sitcom, "Facebook just wants to know if you'd like to try an alternative form of birth control than playing Pokemon for 20 hours straight." 我花了整個週末不停的玩剛出的寶可夢,看到FB的保險套廣告我不以為然的開玩笑說 「FB壞了吧 很明顯我不需要這個」 我朋友像排練過的情境劇一樣馬上回答我「FB只是想知道你要不要試試別種避孕方法 而不是連續玩寶可夢20小時」 4. That gal that said “ Im gonna fuck your Dad so they have a kid they can love 某女孩「我要幹你老爸,這樣他就有位值得愛的孩子」 5. I’d say your aim is cancer but cancer actually kills people 我想說你的準度是癌症,但是癌症真的能殺死人 6. In iRacing, after a guy crashed with him, one guy said: "You're like mister potato head but you forgot to put your eyes on" 在賽車遊戲上有位老兄撞到他 並且說著 「你就像蛋頭先生但是你忘記把眼睛裝上去了」 7. "this is a video game, not a dick. SO STOP SUCKING!" 8. "ARE YOUR FUCKING EYES PAINTED ON????" 你他媽眼睛是畫上去的? 9. My guy, can you put down the tv remote and play with your controller we are trying to win here. 你可以把電視遙控器放下拿起遊戲手把玩嗎? 我們試著贏下這場耶 10. Yo mama's pussy smells like the Predators dreadlocks some 12 year old on halo 2 你媽媽下面聞起來像終極戰士的髮辮 某位在Halo的12歲玩家 11. Fuck you, your mother buys you Megablocks instead of Legos. 幹 你媽買美高給你而不是樂高 12. You're the reason that I'm pro-choice. 你就是我支持擁護選擇權(支持墮胎)的理由 13. A lil kid who sounded like he was 10-11 roasted this older man after he was talking shit by saying, “ Hey it’s like 1 o clock, don’t you have work or something? Don’t you have a family to support??” 一個聽起來10~11歲的孩子嗆年長的玩家: 現在是1點 你沒有工作?沒有家庭要支撐嗎? Older man: "third shift, moron." 年長玩家:大夜班拉 白癡 14. My friend tried black ops III on my account when he was over one time… went 1-23 or something and a guy got on voice just to say “did you just get your damn goldfish and let it flop all over your controller or something?” 我朋友第一次玩決勝時刻,某位玩家「你他媽剛剛是拿金魚放在你手把讓金魚彈來彈去 還是怎樣?」 15. Low DPS guy: I’m gonna kill your fkn family! Other guy: With your DPS, I’m not sure you could. 低傷害玩家「我她媽要殺了你全家」 另一位玩家「以你的傷害 我不確定你可以」 16. someone said to a country sounding fella “you sound like your momma is your daddies sister and your girlfriends a goat” 某人對有鄉村口音的傢伙說「你聽起來像你媽是你爸的妹妹而你女友是山羊」 17. Even Noah and his ark can't carry these animals 就連諾亞跟他的方舟也提攜不了這群畜生 Bonus 有甚麼是稱讚同時也是羞辱的話呢? 18. Back in the 1980s, New Zealand's prime minister said that anyone who chose to emigrate from New Zealand to Australia could be proud that they were raising the average IQ of both countries. 1980紐西蘭總理說任何從紐西蘭移民到澳洲的人,都能因為提升了兩國平均智商感到自豪 19. I wish I had the confidence to wear that 我希望我也有自信穿那衣服 20. Your dick is bigger than all of your friends. 你的老二是你所有朋友中最大的 21. I don’t care what they say about you, you’re alright. 我不在乎別人怎麼說你, 你真的還可以 22. Exceeds expectations 超出期望 23. “You’re the son I never had.” Thanks, dad. 「你像是我之前從沒有過的孩子」 謝謝你 老爸 --
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1F:→ perseus419: 其實我沒興趣羞辱別人 02/25 00:08
2F:推 Timmy157: 可以 02/25 00:33
3F:推 mamajustgo: 你好棒XD 02/25 00:45
4F:推 rb510691: 4 5好猛 02/25 02:55
5F:推 woody3355: Outstanding 站到外面去 02/25 06:38
6F:推 Ciao: 老師又出題考翻譯了嗎? 02/25 07:20
相反 我是把作業放上來請大家幫我做拉 哈哈 ※ 編輯: Lumia800 ( 臺灣), 02/25/2022 07:31:25
7F:推 Birdy: 4 是我資質駑鈍嗎怎麼有點看不懂? 02/25 08:47
8F:推 child1991: 18真的很靠背XDDD 02/25 09:20
9F:→ child1991: 4是指被嗆的人不值得愛吧 沒人愛的小孩 02/25 09:21
10F:推 miiinope: 16是不是翻錯了? 02/25 09:24
11F:推 howdo1793: 17XD 02/25 09:37
12F:推 sandiato: 5有夠哭 02/25 12:15
13F:推 Wester0804: 16是對有口音的人說吧 02/25 13:11
14F:推 Darkword1987: 諾亞方舟笑爛XDDDDDDDD 02/25 13:50
15F:推 whhw: 推 02/25 14:20
※ 編輯: Lumia800 ( 臺灣), 02/25/2022 18:11:50
16F:→ kkoo5888: 兩國智商,在紐西蘭拉低去澳洲拉高 02/25 18:53
17F:推 foralive520: 18很強,我國的智障比你家的平均智商高 02/25 21:39
18F:推 notneme159: 笑死 02/25 23:19
19F:推 ep1023: 諾亞方舟學起來,殺傷力太強 02/25 23:27
20F:推 blackbugger: 還滿好笑的,推翻譯! 02/26 04:10
21F:推 awaken: 02/26 09:34
22F:推 baba701137: 18真的強 02/27 00:18
23F:噓 xxfc2003: 18 只有一半的紐西蘭人移民,能同時增加兩國的平均智商 02/27 00:21
24F:→ xxfc2003: ,那位總理也包含在內 02/27 00:21
25F:推 TimcApple: 樓上數學不好 02/27 18:25
26F:推 su3best: 18超強的XDDD 02/27 20:42
27F:推 ludioxs: 18真的強 指笨的紐西蘭人才會移民澳洲 但再笨都比澳洲強 02/27 21:11
28F:→ ludioxs: 所以同時提升兩國智商 02/27 21:11
29F:推 kid1a2b3c4d: 18強 02/28 01:45
30F:推 E24056823: 我覺得祖安字典比較好笑 03/01 07:25
31F:推 mapoepoe: 推 03/02 12:29
32F:推 WestPark: 第18個未免太狠了 03/04 17:14
33F:推 sank: 18比總理還狠 03/05 18:11

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