作者DrunkInDream (不復醉夢溪畔少年時。)
標題Re: [問題] 美國COSTCO 非會員線上購物
時間Fri Jun 7 22:47:07 2019
At this time, Costco.com does not recognize International memberships.To shop on Costco.com, you will need to exclude your membership number from your account information located in they Accountection of our site. Please do not enter your membership number at the time of registration and/or checkout. As long as you have a U.S. shipping and billing address to use on your order, you are still able to place an order.
f you are charged a 5% non-member surcharge fee when placing your order, pleaseontact uso we can refund the surcharge fee. We will need your order number and your current membership number to process the refund back to your original method of payment used on your order.
f you have recently relocated to the U.S. and need to change your International membership to a U.S. membership, please visit yourlosest Costco warehouse. The warehouse has the ability to assist you.You may use your membership in person at any warehouse as well, the restriction is for online only.
I hope this information has been helpful Lenore!Do let us know if we can be of any further assistance.
Sent from JPTT on my HTC_U-1u.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/hypermall/M.1559918832.A.385.html
1F:推 AirRider: 推實證文 06/07 23:31
2F:推 Kreen: 推~ 06/07 23:32
3F:→ Colaman: 請問那註冊線上會員時要求會員編號怎麼解?(還是說現在 06/08 00:53
4F:→ Colaman: 不用了?) 06/08 00:53
5F:推 koster: 美國costco註冊會員不用會員編號 因為不是會員也可以註冊 06/08 09:29
6F:→ koster: 跟購買 就如同本文所說的 非會員會加5% 06/08 09:30
7F:推 utwosf: 剛原本要跟美國Costco退5%, 被拒絕了! 國外會员卡可以到 06/08 14:33
8F:→ utwosf: 美國使用, 但是5%必須是美國的會员卡, 他幫我在系统輸入 06/08 14:33
9F:→ utwosf: 台灣會員卡卡號無法退款! 06/08 14:33
10F:→ gga5858: 這篇回信是說,在註冊及結帳時都"不用"輸入海外卡的卡號 06/17 06:42
11F:→ gga5858: 系統會先收取5%非會員手續費,之後自行向線上客服聯絡, 06/17 06:43
12F:→ gga5858: 並提供訂單號碼及海外卡的卡號,客服會手動退還手續費至 06/17 06:44
13F:→ gga5858: 原始的付款方式上。 06/17 06:45