hololive 板


https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/20240619-01-84/ [DEBUT PV] https://youtu.be/Q3GiWDqoR3s
[SPECIAL WEB PAGE] https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/special/12260 伊莉莎白‧蘿絲(玫瑰)‧布拉德弗雷姆(血焰) Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame 腥紅的女王,伊莉莎白‧蘿絲‧布拉德弗雷姆為其世界與人民鋪好了道路。 The Scarlet Queen, Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame paves the way for the world and all of its people. 她不僅在任務期間憑其實力身處最前線,同時也靠美麗的歌聲抓住了周遭的人心。 Not only does she stand at the forefront during missions with her physical prowess, but she also captures the hearts of all around her with her beautiful singing voice. 她高度自律到有點對自己太嚴苛,但可能因為她的文化強調的禮儀,她傾向於對周遭的 人更加客氣。因此,她花很多時間在整合正義組的工作,但似乎沒有什麼是一場好午覺 沒辦法解決的。 She is highly self-disciplined and a bit too hard on herself, but, perhaps due to her culture’s emphasis on politeness and manners, she tends to go a bit soft on those around her. As a result, she spends her days stressed out with her work coordinating Justice, but it seems like there’s nothing a nice nap in a comfy bed can’t fix. [Character Design]めふぃすと [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_erbloodflame [X]https://x.com/ERBloodflame [Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame YouTube Debut Stream] June 21, 2024 8:00 PM PDT / June 22 2024 12:00 PM JST 吉吉‧牡林 Gigi Murin 在自由之旗下誕生並茁壯,吉吉‧牡林 是個自由的追獵者與頑皮的小妖精。 Born and raised under the flag of Freedom, Gigi Murin is a free-spirited Chaser and mischievous gremlin. 因為他專精於靠直覺來追捕目標,她會在記憶方向與計算決策上陷入苦戰。她表示她 寧可不花那麼多時間思考,因為那讓她很頭痛。 While she is proficient in chasing down targets with pure intuition, she struggles with memorizing directions and making calculated decisions. She states that she’d rather not spend much time thinking because it makes her head hurt. 這樣的怪癖也影響了她的日常生活,因為她傾向於更優先她的直覺渴求而去玩樂,並 在其他事務上耍笨。 These quirks are also present in her everyday life, where she tends to prioritize her instinctual craving for fun and being silly over anything else. 她總是她周遭人們的頭痛來源,因為她總是會因為好玩而惹下不少麻煩。 She is often the source of headaches for those around her, causing trouble because she “thought it would be funny.” [Character Design] 巻羊 [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin [Twitter] https://x.com/gigimurin [Gigi Murin YouTube Debut Stream] June 21, 2024 8:45 PM PDT / June 22 2024 12:45 PM JST 賽希莉亞‧遺墨格林 Cecilia Immergreen 賽希莉亞‧遺墨格林是個遠古自動機器,嗜好是花草、茶與創作音樂。 Cecilia Immergreen is an Ancient Automaton, with a penchant for flowers, tea, and creating music. 在遠古受造時,賽希莉亞原先被造為一個永遠的僕從。但近期,她開始懈怠於她的工作, 懶惰的只用馬鈴薯來煮其他她在廚房裡發現的東西。她現在已經完全放棄了她的義務,只 做最低限並讓她可以全心投入的少數創作性嗜好。 Crafted during ancient times, Cecilia was originally made to be dedicated to eternal servitude. Yet in recent times, she began slacking off on her work, lazily cooking mostly potatoes along with whatever else she found in the kitchen. She has now all but abandoned her duties, doing the bare minimum and mostly immersing herself in her various crafty hobbies. 伴隨著生命中心發現的興趣,她就像個少女一般以純粹的好奇心去體驗所有新事物。 With newfound interests in life, she takes on every new experience with the pure curiosity of a young girl. [Character Design] DSマイル [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen [Twitter] https://x.com/ceciliaimgreen [Cecilia Immergreen YouTube Debut Stream] June 22, 2024 8:00 PM PDT / June 23 2024 12:00 PM JST 拉歐拉‧潘特拉 Raora Panthera 擁有神之眼的藝術家,拉歐拉‧潘特拉被賦予了調查與敘述的高度能力。 The Artist with the God Eyes, Raora Panthera is endowed with investigative and descriptive prowess. 她蒐集資訊的手段相當多樣,不僅利用她的敏捷性、社交技巧,也有許多社交平台…與 許多獨特的手段。 Her means of information gathering are diverse, utilizing not only her agility and social skills, but also various social media platforms and other … unique methods. 她基於他所蒐集的資料所繪製的顏面複合體相當準確,就像她當場看到了罪犯一樣。 The facial composites she draws based on the information she gathers are renowned for their accuracy, almost as if she was looking directly at the criminals as she draws. 然而近日,她的目光聚焦於尋找新的披薩店並享受遠東的流行文化。 However, these days, her gaze is directed towards finding new pizza joints and enjoying the pop culture of the far east. [Character Design] Nekojira [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_raorapanthera [Twitter] https://x.com/raorapanthera [Raora Panthera YouTube Debut Stream] June 22, 2024 8:45 PM PDT / June 23 2024 12:45 PM JST --

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※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/hololive/M.1718768055.A.721.html kuoyipong:轉錄至看板 C_Chat 06/19 11:34
1F:→ NakaokaLove: 看介紹怎麼不怎麼像要抓人的 06/19 18:34

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