guitar 板

要奏出原汁原味的爵士樂,吉他演奏需要包含大量的即興演奏,因此耳朵如果沒有真正打 開,大量時間的苦練很可能是徒勞無功,因此這次除了介紹爵士吉他的風格以外,也會來 好好說明【學會爵士吉他到底需要知道什麼】。 - |主講人 林煒盛 老師 |講座大綱 爵士吉他風格介紹 即興演奏的想法及元素 |適合對象 吉他手(不限風格, 即興演奏音樂相關) 爵士樂學習者(不限於吉他) 音樂創作者 |講座時間 8/29(六)下午14:00 – 16:00(下午13:30開始入場) |售票連結 講師學經歷: 吉他/低音提琴演奏家 林煒盛 出生於台灣台南市,台灣大學哲學系畢業,退伍後赴美國攻讀爵士低音提琴碩士,2002獲 得紐約州立大學(Purchase college,State Univ. of NY)音樂碩士學位(master of musi c),畢業後在紐約展開低音提琴職業演奏生涯,為目前極少數在紐約從事全職樂手的台灣 人。 林煒盛在紐約曾與許多知名的爵士樂手合作,包括Ralph Lalama、Bill Mays、Bob Dorou gh、Joe Cohn、Bobby Porcelli、T.S. Monk、Lewis Nash、Eddie Bert等等;演奏地點 遍及美國東岸各大爵士樂俱樂部如Blue Note、Birdland、Iridium、Lenox Lounge、Cleo patra’s Needle、Small's, Deer Head Inn等。 林煒盛並曾受國際主流爵士媒體All About Jazz New York青睞予以報導,2006年10月由 名樂評Donald Elfman為其個人專輯 "Gone With the Wind" 撰寫樂評並給予佳評,而All About Jazz更曾於2007年7月選擇他為當月值得聆聽人物(Listen Up!)之一。 2014年,因為兩年前在台灣救援的老狗林熊寶年事已高,行動不便,決定結束紐約職業樂 手生涯搬回台灣照顧老犬。除了在臺灣從事動保志工之外,,仍然繼續在台灣從事繁忙的 職業樂手工作至今 。 Bassist/guitarist WeiSheng Lin was born in Tainan, Taiwan. He began to study d ouble bass at the second year of college. After one year, he was playing profe ssionally with local musicians in Taipei. In 1999, WeiSheng moved to New York to pursue graduate studies at State Unive rsity of New York, Purchase College . While in school, he studied with Todd Co olman and Dennis Irwin. WeiShneg finished his graduate studies in 2002. Since then, he has been very active in New York jazz scene. He has played in many New York jazz clubs, such as Blue Note, Birdland, Iridium, Lenox Lounge, Cleopatra's Needle, Small's, etc. He has performed with Jon Faddis, Bill Mays, Ralph Lalama, Don Sickler, B ob Dorough, Joe Cohn, Bobby Porcelli, Grant Stewart, T. S. Monk, Lewis Nash, E ddie Bert, Doug Munro, etc. In 2006, WeiSheng's debut album "Gone With the Wind" was highly acclaimed by A ll About Jazz's music critic Donald Elfman. Also, in July of 2007, All About J azz picked WeiSheng Lin as 2 of the "listen up" musicians of the month. For the last few years, WeiSheng has been involved in Animal rescue scene in Taiwan, especially for dogs. In 2014, WeiSheng decided to move back to Taiwan to take care of the senior dog "Shiung Bao", who he has rescued years ago. Wh ile spending a lot of time volunteering in animal rescue scene, he still maint ains his busy schedule as a professional musician. --
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1F:推 derringer: 08/16 11:26
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