foreigner 板


老師目前有空的時間越來越有限了,有興趣的人可以趕快跟老師聯絡喔, 不管你(妳)想學寫作,口說,老師能為每個人的狀況不同設計上課的內容, 她西班牙文也是像母語一樣,她在墨西哥的大學教過5年英文 所以不管是你(妳)想要學語言的哪個部份都可以跟她討論! 以下是她的介紹,有興趣的請在E-mail她,她會說一點中文 但是最好還是用英文E-mail給她喔! [email protected] WEBSITE(網站): Are you a motivated student who wants to improve your English? Together we can make that happen with one-on-one tutoring. You will experience a noticeable acceleration of your English skills and gain a competitive edge by speaking more naturally and with increased confidence. If you are planning to study abroad or work with foreigners, you will have the advantage of cultural competencies like small talk and cultivating personal and professional relationships cross culturally in English. This is more important that you may think! “There’s nothing small about the role that small talk plays in American professional culture. People from other countries are often surprised at how important small talk is in the U.S. and how naturally and comfortably people seem to do it — with peers, subordinates, men, women, and even with superiors. You can be the most technically skilled worker in the world, but your ability to progress in your job and move up the corporate ladder in the United States is highly dependent on your ability to build and maintain positive relationships with people at work. And guess what skill is critical for building and maintaining these relationships? Small talk.” –Harvard Business Review This is what you can expect: * Correct pronunciation to reduce your accent and sound more native. * Learn how to properly use idioms, slang, and colloquial language and well as professional and academic English. * You will build confidence in speaking and listening skills. * Lessons are structured to meet YOUR learning needs. * Cultural competencies like small talk and personal / business relationship skills will also be developed. About me: I am an American English teacher and also a student of languages. I speak native Standard American English. I worked as an English professor at the top university in Mexico (UNAM) for five years while at the same time working to achieve fluency in Spanish through self-study. I have been actively learning Chinese and tutoring one on one since 2011. I understand the challenges and needs of language learners first hand. I apply my years of experience as both a language teacher and language student to develop a creative custom learning plan to address the needs of each individual. I have a BA in psychology from UCLA with an emphasis in communication and relationships. In addition to teaching I have worked in business, website development, manufacturing, social work, counseling, employment recruiting and training, government and nonprofit sectors, sales, and service industry. I am passionate about language learning, cultural immersion, art, and flying airplanes. In addition to Chinese I am also learning Italian. I write a language learning blog called Language Boat. I am confident that together we can achieve the results you want with your English. For a limited time I am offering serious and motivated students a FREE one hour introductory class. I will increase my rates in the future, so start now and you can keep the rate forever! Don’t miss this chance to invest in your future. This is a unique opportunity I am offering for a short time to give the most motivated and serious students the opportunity they deserve. If you are serious about making fast and significant improvement in your English, please contact me at [email protected] . I’m looking forward to helping you reach your English language goals! -Amy Estrada -- I love learning languages and I am currently living in Taipei learning Chinese on my own. I am from California, but I also lived in Mexico for 5 years and learned Spanish. I write a blog about my language learning --

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1F:推 kao2829581:時薪@@? 07/19 01:37
2F:推 joejohn:應該已經寫在裡面了~自己看一下吧? 07/19 08:18
3F:推 iidd44ya:有在看她的blog寫了還蠻多細微的東西 推 07/19 23:44
※ 編輯: stockton88 (, 07/26/2014 22:30:20 ※ 編輯: stockton88 (, 08/09/2014 23:22:04 ※ 編輯: stockton88 (, 08/11/2014 22:42:46

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