作者mintdoll (噢敏特噢Mint噢~)
標題[徵求] News Desk Rewriter (代PO 如違規請告知)
時間Tue Aug 20 18:44:57 2013
(代PO文 如有違規請告知 會自刪)
(又 因為是代PO 請不要回站內信 履歷表請直接寄內文中的信箱謝謝><)
The Taipei Times is looking for the following talented people:
(which is urgent...)
News Desk Rewriter
1. Native English speaker with strong Chinese language skills
2. Two years of documented media experience or a master's degree in any
3. Can work afternoons and evenings
4. Knowledge of Taiwan's political scene
Please write "apply for POSITION, NAME" in the subject line and send an
English and Chinese resume and cover letter to
[email protected] or
mail it to 14F, 399 Ruiguang Road, Neihu, Taipei 114; fax: (02) 2656-1029,
tel: (02) 2656-1000
因為有點急著找人 除了外國人版外想不到還有哪裡可以PO了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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