dance 板


發信人: lipingfd (海俠·0158), 信區: Dance 標 題: 烏克蘭芭蕾舞演員Oleksandr Shapoval戰場殉國 發信站: 日月光華 (2022年09月14日19:33:10 星期三), 站內信件 ZZ shap oval-is-killed-on-the-battlefield One of Ukraine's leading ballet artists is being remembered as a "courageous romantic" after being killed on the battlefield. The National Opera of Ukraine announced, with "indescribable sadness," the d eath of Oleksandr Shapoval, one of the company's former principal dancers an d a teacher at Kyiv State Choreographic College. Shapoval died Monday at the age of 48 "under enemy mortar shelling," accordi ng to the statement. Within days of Russia's invasion, Shapoval volunteered to serve in Ukraine's territorial defense, helping to protect Kyiv's Left Bank. He then learned h ow to launch grenades. According to The National Opera of Ukraine, his unit was recently transferred to one of "the hottest zones" in the war-torn count ry. Citing the media outlet Ukraina Moloda, The Kyiv Independent reports tha t Shapoval was killed in the battle of Majorsk in the Donetsk region. Shapoval was an "Honored Artist of Ukraine," an official award given for hig h achievement in the performing arts. Over the course of 28 seasons, he perf ormed some 30 different roles. "He charmed them with his bright and beautifu l, romantic and heroic dance, impeccable skill and deep conviction of every image he created on stage," the company writes. Renowned Russian-American choreographer Alexei Ratmansky paid tribute to Sha poval on Facebook. Ratmansky's United Ukrainian Ballet Company is made up of some 60 Ukrainian refugee artists. "Many of our dancers were friends with him, worked or studied with him," Rat mansky writes, "I remember Sasha so well, he danced in my first ballets in K yiv. He died defending his land with arms in his hands. Eternal memory and g ratitude to the Hero!"Ratmansky also expressed his outrage. "Damn war, damn Russian aggression that brings death and destruction!!" Another artist with The National Opera of Ukraine, Artem Datsyshyn, was kill ed in March. Ukrainian National Opera ballet dancer Oleksandr Shapoval killed in comb at. Shapoval, ballet soloist and Honored Artist of Ukraine, was killed near Maiorske, Donetsk Oblast on Sept. 12, said Valentyna Samchenko, deputy edito r-in-chief of the Ukraina Moloda media outlet. ?The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) September 12, 2022 68472240b01b179a08de248eea197a22fb0-s800-c85.webp -- 人生最大的挑戰實際上并不是突來的災難, 而是年復一年平凡的工作和平淡的生活。 積極的人可以在重復單調的過程中承受自我犧牲, 更能在曠日持久的平凡中感受到事業的偉大和生活的多彩。 ※ 來源:·日月光華·[FROM: 101.93.87.*] ; --

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