作者chenyunyu (小麻雀知心軟糖)
標題[相思] 一個人在台灣的日子VS 一個人在美國的生活
時間Wed Aug 10 00:12:06 2005
I believed that coincidence made both of us meet......
deeply... steadily...
Were not for the 0.0001 second, we couldn't fall in love with each other.
How I expect the reunion, day by day!
And day after day, counting for the day of the New Year's Eve,
To celebrate your back, the New Year's coming, and our reunion...
Sometimes I felt lonely, sometimes I wanted to cry out...
Every night when I went to bed,
our sweet images popped up my mind...
then the tears welled up in my eyes.
I didn't intent to leave so much burden as that to you,
just wanted to let you know,
all of those were my ture love...
Just as what I've told you:
You are one part of my flesh and blood,
I can't image the world without you,
how boring it is!
I've tried to leare more English,
to alleviate my helpness, hoping it will reinvigorate me...
But when the midnight came again,
I knew it didn't work.
Just like every time I wanted to practice my English composition,
it always made me remind of you...
I know it's so hard to study abroad alone,
how I wish I could fly to your side right now...
If I could take a brace with you, it would be the happiest thing I've
ever experienced...
Anyway, I shall never give up my little pigeon, forever.
And I want to let you konw:
Come what may,
I am always on your side...
You are not alone, OK?
Maybe I was sometimes in bad humor,
but I'd like to share all your feelings...
Could we never fight again?
I shall try my best to let my emotion under control,
to take all your words, to treat you more tender and softer,
could you?
Now, I just want to know:
Do you love turly?
The question I've asked you time and time again...
But I'm still confused...@@"
Do you love me? (Of couse, I do)
Of course I love you, my little sparrow^^
the night here is boring, and it's no place to hang around in Cupertino
my heart is made of wooden eye,
everytime when I walk home, alone
your cute face just constantly pops up in my brain, nonstop.
How in the world so cute you are~
my dear sweeheart pinkfish wife^^
Guu~ looking forward to the end of the year,
every morning I get up in good mood because it's getting closer to
the time we will be together again^^
so do not cry, because there is one animal that belongs to you
and always stands on your side....the little pigeon^^ (flushedQ_Q)
so have a good dream and don't forget to miss me and love me^^
kiss *^__^*
ps: In memory of the day after we fought then negotiated
And our love was refined...
▲ ▲
> <
~╰╯~ * ~口苗! 我是冷^^
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※ 編輯: chenyunyu 來自: (08/10 00:12)
1F:推 cinma:呼..看好久...不過看起來很幸福...真好... 08/10
2F:→ cinma:另外...coldfish不是在床上像死魚的說法嗎?? 08/10
3F:推 chenyunyu:^^||那是因為我綽號叫小冷 名字中有個fish諧音 08/10