clmusic 板

LINE 簡單翻譯一下 Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky shocks classical world Famed Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky has shocked the classical world after calling for pressure to be increased on Ukraine by cutting power to the capital Kyiv. Berezovsky認為應該要在基輔切斷電力 "I have a naive question... I understand that we take pity on them, that we do things delicately, but could we not stop caring about them, besiege them and cut off the electricity?" Berezovsky asked on a talk show on pro-Kremlin channel Pervy Kanal on March 10. Winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1990, Berezovsky has played all over the world for decades. Berezovsky是1990柴可夫斯基大賽首獎,演奏生涯已經數十載 "What the Western media say is pure lies," the 53-year-old said. 現年53歲的Berezovsky主張西媒是假新聞 "We need to win this war and then build something good and nice at home in this country... Eventually the truth will get to the people, I′m sure of it. A year will pass and the truth will win," he added. 我們需要打贏這場戰爭,然後構建一些美好的事物,真理(!?)會獲勝 Asked about the impact of rising energy prices in the West as a result of the conflict, Berezovsky said: "I don′t care what happens in the West, they will find their solutions... I will definitely not go there for the next three years so... it′s not my problem." Berezovsky放話說我才不管西方世界怎麼想,反正我最近三年不會去 lol Many Russian artists, particularly those considered supporters of President Vladimir Putin such as conductor Valery Gergiev and soprano Anna Netrebko, have been declared persona non grata by Western venues since the invasion. 已有許多親普丁的俄國藝術家(音樂家)被西方世界列為不受歡迎人物 Pianist and conductor Lars Vogt, musical director of the Paris Chamber Orchestra, was among those reacting to Berezovsky′s comments on Twitter. "I can′t believe these words from my ex-friend Boris B. But I hear them from his own mouth. Our friendship is officially over," Vogt said. Lars Vogt發推特宣布正式與Berezovsky絕交 Venezuelan pianist Gabriela Montera spoke of her "huge disappointment" on Twitter, adding that "musical greatness and empathy don′t always go hand in hand". 心得:連Gergiev在這次都沒這麼公開挺Putin了,Berezovsky竟然... --

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: abacada ( 臺灣), 03/16/2022 22:46:22
1F:推 Tosca: 天啊 我看音樂都要被下架了o.O 03/17 08:54
2F:推 tc2021: 跟普丁一起瘋了。查一下NML,錄音還滿多的。 03/17 13:13
3F:→ tc2021: 很天真,覺得3年後西方還會接納他。 03/17 13:13
4F:推 kontracello: 真是的連 Brigitte Engerer 都連帶受到影響 = = 03/18 04:01
5F:推 decorum: Engerer不是作古已久了嗎 怎麼會牽連到法國籍的她 03/18 08:01
6F:推 decorum: 喔 了解了 合作演出的唱片 03/18 08:04
7F:推 kontracello: 慎選四手連彈搭檔 ;) 03/20 00:48

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