clmusic 板

LINE 恭喜謝維庭、蘇思羽、張凱閔 蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽初賽名單揭曉 台灣3參賽者入選 台灣音樂家謝維庭出生於1996年,師事張欽全,4歲時開始演奏,師大附中就讀高三時赴 巴黎深造,跟隨教授蜜雪兒‧貝洛夫(Michel Beroff)和助教洛朗‧卡巴索(Laurent C abasso),曾獲2014年德國埃特林根國際比賽(Ettlingen International Competition )二等獎等多項大獎。 蘇思羽是台灣樂界公認天才型鋼琴家,1998年出生於台南,4歲由母親啟蒙,從小就有絕 對音感與視譜視奏能力,表現出色,曾多次在國內外大賽屢獲佳績,在美國寇帝斯音樂學 院攻讀。 張凱閔2001年出生於台灣彰化,曾拿過庫柏國際鋼琴大賽(Thomas & Evon Cooper Inter national Competition)二獎,目前就讀美國歐柏林音樂學院,受教於鄧泰山門下。 另,詳細入選大賽名單: 1. Leonora Armellini, Italy 2. J J Jun Li Bui, Canada 3. Michelle Candotti, Italy 4. Kai-Min Chang, 台灣 5. Junhui Chen, China 6. Xuehong Chen, China 7. Zixi Chen, China 8. Hyounglok Choi, South Korea 9. Federico Gad Crema, Italy 10. Aleksandra H. D bek, Poland 11. Alberto Ferro, Italy 12. Yasuko Furumi, Japan 13. Alexander Gadjiev, Italy/Slovenia 14. Martin Garcia Garcia, Spain 15. Eva Gevorgyan, Russia/Armenia 16. Jorge Gonzalez Buajasan, Cuba 17. Joanna Goranko, Poland 18. Chelsea Guo, U.S.A. 19. Eric Guo, Canada 20. Saaya Hara, Japan 21. Yifan Hou, China 22. Wei-Ting Hsieh, 台灣 23. Kaoruko Igarashi, Japan 24. Riko Imai, Japan 25. Junichi Ito, Japan 26. Asaki Iwai, Japan 27. San Jittakarn, Thailand 28. Jooyeon Ka, South Korea 29. Nikolay Khozyainov, Russia 30. Su Yeon Kim, South Korea 31. Aimi Kobayashi, Japan 32. Mateusz Krzy owski, Poland 33. Jakub Kuszlik, Poland 34. Shushi Kyomasu, Japan 35. Hyuk Lee, South Korea 36. Jaeyoon Lee, South Korea 37. Xiaoxuan Li, China 38. Bruce (Xiaoyu) Liu, Canada 39. Julia ozowska, Poland 40. Xuanyi Mao, China 41. Tomasz Marut, Poland 42. Yupeng Mei, China 43. Arsenii Mun, Russia 44. Viet Trung Nguyen, Vietnam/Poland 45. Georgijs Osokins, Latvia 46. Jinhyung Park, South Korea 47. Yeon-Min Park, South Korea 48. Jiana Peng, China 49. Leonardo Pierdomenico, Italy 50. Zuzanna Pietrzak, Poland 51. Hao Rao, China 52. Yangyang Ruan, China 53. Sohgo Sawada, Japan 54. Aristo Sham, China, Hong Kong 55. Miyu Shindo, Japan 56. Talon Smith, U.S.A. 57. Kyohei Sorita, Japan 58. Szuyu Su, 台灣 59. Hayato Sumino, Japan 60. Aleksandra wigut, Poland 61. Rikono Takeda, Japan 62. Shun Shun Tie, China 63. Sarah Tuan, U.S.A. 64. Chao Wang, China 65. Zitong Wang, China 66. Zijian Wei, China 67. Marcin Wieczorek, Poland 68. Andrzej Wierci ski, Poland 69. Victoria Wong, Canada 70. Yuchong Wu, China 71. Lingfei (Stephan) Xie, Canada/China 72. Zi Xu, China 73. Yuanfan Yang, United Kingdom 74. Anastasia Yasko, Russia 75. Andrey Zenin, Russia 76. Boao Zhang, China 77. Yilan Zhao, China 78. Ziji Zhao, China 還有9名贏得過國際大賽符合參賽資格 1. Piotr Alexewicz, Poland (1 award, All Polish Piano Competition 2020, Warsaw ) 2. Avery Gagliano, U.S.A. (1 award, Miami 2020) 3. Adam Ka du ski, Poland (1 award, Beijing 2019 and 2 award All Polish Pian o Competition 2020, Warsaw) 4. Szymon Nehring, Poland (1 award, Tel-Aviv, 2017) 5. Evren Ozel, U.S.A. (2 award, Miami 2020) 6. Kamil Pacholec, Poland (2 award, Bydgoszcz, 2019) 7. Piotr Pawlak, Poland (1 award, Darmstadt 2017 and 2 award All Polish Compet ition, Warsaw 2020) 8. Yutong Sun, China (2 award, Santander 2018) 9. Tomoharu Ushida, Japan (2 award, Hamamatsu 2018) --

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1F:→ ppptofff: 在老鄧的門下 穩了 07/25 18:47
2F:推 incomplete: 沈孟生沒晉級好可惜,我很喜歡他成熟、深沉的詮釋 07/25 22:36
3F:→ incomplete: Cateen竟然晉級了,真是出人意料 07/25 22:37
4F:推 decorum: 亞洲人佔了2/3左右耶 07/26 15:33
5F:推 ar109982: 沈孟生的第四號敘事曲真的非常厲害,應該就是前面的練 07/29 01:38
6F:→ ar109982: 習導致沒通過了QQ 07/29 01:38
7F:→ ar109982: 前面的練習曲* 07/29 01:38
8F:推 beauty5152: 我也很欣賞沈的演出,好可惜 08/21 20:17
9F:推 ParkbohnIV: 第一輪開始了,地主 Tomasz Marut 可能有點緊張, 10/03 17:04
10F:→ ParkbohnIV: Etude Op. 10 No. 1彈砸了(Scherzo 4 有救回來)。 10/03 17:04

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