balaz 板


我試著用我破爛的英文翻了… (畫外音:演唱會都快開始了才貼出來要給誰看…orz) 本來還想丟去<Eng-Class>版請版友幫忙訂正, 但似乎來不及了就先丟出來好了… 雖然自己今年因故無法到場共襄盛舉,但仍然預祝活動順利,大家玩的開心喔~ -- 六團合體 搖滾巨神 聯合演唱會 pixnet有文無圖網誌版 Facebook版 Hold住你的薪水袋!!省下妳的零用錢!! 今年秋季最爽快 台灣有史以來第一回獨立樂團發片聯合演唱會 就在11月21號!!!!!! 萬聖節沒有出門去趴體的 11月初剛領薪水的 不小心簽中樂透的 硬碟下到滿出來的 看到台灣輸荷蘭很不爽的 看到洋基沒打進世界大賽很爽的 通通拿錢來買六團合體的門票!!!!!! -- 6 bands Combination~Rock Titans Live Concert. PixNet Link (without pictures): Facebook link : Save your salary and Pocket money !! The most happy event on this autown, The first indies band release united live concert in Taiwan in the history! Om November 21 (Sunday)! Are you not join any party on Halloween? Are you just receive your salary in the first week of November? Are you just win the lottery before? Are you downloaded too much files and filled up your HD diskspace? Are you feeling sadness when Taiwan V.S. Netherland and lose the game? Are you feel happy when Yankee team had not entrace the world championship? All you guys have to do is pay for the ticket of ROCK TITANS live concert! -- [六團合體 搖滾巨神] 主辦單位:音地台灣網路電台 時間:2010年十一月21號 下午兩點30分至九點 表演樂團:八十八顆芭樂籽,白目,盪在空中, 透明雜誌,非人物種,第六團神秘保留中!!! 場地資訊:地點在[淡水休閒農場],從竹圍捷運站步行10分鐘可抵達, 舞台濱臨淡水河畔,遠眺觀音山,風景秀麗!(別忘了,竹圍也是屬於淡水鎮喔!) 保證看懂的詳細路線圖請看: (本活動與未知物種音樂祭為相同之場地!) -- [Six bands Combine~ROCK GIANT Live Concert~] maintainer:IndieTaiwan Net Radio Date: 2010.Nov.21, 1430~2100 Bands: 88 Balaz = 八十八顆芭樂仔 the White Eyez = 白目樂隊 hangintheair = 盪在空中, TOUMING MAGAZINE = 透明雜誌, inhumanband = 非人物種 (With Secret band) Live Info: At Tansui Leisure Farm,away from MRT Ju-Wei Station , walkingfor 10 minutes Stage is near Tan-Sui riverside, The viewscape of Kuan-Yin Mountsin is beautiful. (Ju-Wei is also a part of Tan-Sui town) Detail route map: (This stage is the same with Unknown Specific Music-Fest) -- 票價:預購一般票600元,現場一般票700元 購票優惠方案:買預購票或現場購票時,憑芭樂籽,白目,透明雜誌之最新專輯, 可折抵票價100元!憑盪在空中或非人物種EP可折抵50元!限抵一次! 重要:如先買了一般票,在入場時出示專輯或者在門口當場購買專輯,亦可抵扣優惠! 提醒:購票時可一起購買各樂團新專輯,雙重享受一次達成! -- 如何買票: 1.非大台北地區樂迷:可寄信至[email protected] 預購, 樂迷可選擇匯款後現場取票(及cd),或者匯款後馬上instantly郵寄票卡(及CD)! 2.大台北地區樂迷: a.可寄信至[email protected] 由音地大帝本人與您約面交! b.11/5後至地社現場購票,其他售票端點洽談中. c.或者一樣可以選擇匯款後現場取票或郵寄! p.s.:非人物種樂迷可選擇11/20首發當天一起購買EP與門票! d.直接向參演樂團團員購買!(視各團員空閒情況而定) -- ticket prize: pre sale: n.t. 600 on Event: n.t. 700 Coupon Ticket bonus: Discount nt.100 for tickets ,when you show your latest album of 88 Balaz/The White Eyez/Toumin Magzine, Discount nt.50 for tickets ,when you show your latest EP of 盪在空中 or 非人物種EP * Impirtant* : Discount will avaliable after you buy the ticket in oringinal price, or buy the albums/EPs in the event. Buy the ticket with albums/EPs…! Double discount at one time! How to buy the tickets: 01. Outside Taipei (city & County) area: Mail to [email protected] , buy the pre-sale tickets. You can choose remit and take the tickets(with albums/EPs) in the live event. Or remit and receives the tickets(with albums/EPs) by mail. 02. In the Taipei (city & County) area: a__: E-Mail to [email protected], and Mr.IndieTaiwan will connect with you for face to face transactions. b__: You can also buy ticket in Undergound Society after November/15, 2010. ( and more selling spot will added. (p.s.:Non-Human specefic fans can buy Tickets with EPs on the live at Nov/20) c__: or you can aslo remit then receives the tickets ^^^^^ 匯款 (with albums/EPs) by mail. d__: Buy tickets form members of the bands which in the show list. -- 補充: 1.場地為戶外草坪,不禁菸,但會設吸菸區,以維持場地整潔! 2.現場會販售熱食,飲料,啤酒!不禁外帶但請捧場主辦單位的攤位! 3.歡迎自行攜帶烤肉器材與食材,但不保證其他觀眾不會去掠奪妳們的食物! 4.國小以下學童免費入場,但需由18歲以上成年人陪同! 5.管區會來巡,所以.......我想你懂我!! 6.請勿任意跳入淡水河!如發生意外,本主辦單位概不負責! 7.徵求把本活動訊息翻譯成英文版的志願者! -- Added: 01. Stage is outdoor with the grass field ,allowed smoke but only in the smoking area. In order to keep the event cleaning. 02. We will have shops and selling hot foods,drinks, beers! You can also bring your foods in the event, but PLEASE SUPPORT our shops in the event! 03. You can also bring your equipments and foods for BBQ, But we CAN NOT promise other audience will robbery it. 04. Allowed children before elementary school audience to our event for FREE ! But it must be companies with adult audience. 05. Policeman will also walk around in this event , So........You know what I mean ! 06. Please DON'T jump into the River of Tansuei , If any accident happend, We DO NOT response for this ! 07. We need volunteer who can translate this info from Chinese into English.. -- 「我們在做我們自己的事,我們在一個沒有自由的地方尋找自由。」 唐朝樂團 張炬 from PTT hide1213xj --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 indietaiwan:感謝! 11/21 02:59
2F:推 nwohippo:所以有來了兩位外國朋友! 11/22 11:55
3F:→ indietaiwan:其實本來就有英文版的文宣只是沒貼..... 11/22 21:30

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