作者lovedbase (Canny)
標題[情報] 高雄-唱誦療癒課-公益隨喜樂捐
時間Sun Oct 1 02:50:47 2023
Do you yearn for a moment of tranquility in the midst of life's hustle and
bustle? In our Singing and Chanting for Healing class, we'll journey together
deep into the soothing sounds of your soul.
在這個課程中,您將學習到In this class, you will learn to :
用聲音療癒身體和心靈Heal your body and mind through the power of sound
探索內在的和諧與平靜Explore inner harmony and peace
啟動原始的創造力和靈感Unlock your inner creativity and inspiration
安心展開 這個美妙的旅程。
Whether you have prior musical or meditation experience or are a complete
beginner, all are welcome! We provide a warm and supportive environment for
you to embrace this wonderful journey.
導師Instructor : 薛瑪斯Seamas
(加拿大執業針灸師Registered Acupuncturist in Canada ∕ 北美薩滿療癒師
North American Shamanic Healer )
時間Date : 2023.10.20 (五Fri) 19:30-20:30
地點Location : 無盡璽藝術養生中心-高雄市新興區民族二路97號11樓(11th Floor,
No. 97, Minzu 2nd Road, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan)
費用Fee : 隨喜,所有收入將捐贈予屏東明揚爆炸案罹難者(All proceeds will be
donated to families of casualties of the Pingtung Mingyang Explosion.)
馬上報名 :
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/ZCLUB/M.1696099849.A.B97.html