作者PTTers (報告站長 PTTers 咬我 !)
標題[情報] 除暴戰警二Demo "限制時間" 解除方法.
時間Wed Jun 23 21:25:17 2010
1. Select everything you need until you get to the screen where you choose
your agency color
2. When you push "A" after selecting your color another prompt should comes
up asking "Is This The Agent You Wish To Use?"
3. Push "A" for yes and at the same time pull out your Ethernet cable, but
make sure you push "A' first
then pull the Ethernet cable really quick
4. A New prompt should come up if you did it right asking if you would want
to start without an X-Box Live connection.
5. Cancel that by pushing "B" and you'll be back at the Demo Start Menu
6. Connect or sign back into X-Box Live and start the game like you usually
7. If everything went right then you timer will be stuck on 30:00
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 htthgt :3.4看不懂 Orz 06/23 22:01
2F:推 qq75522 :選人物完 拔掉網路線吧???? 就可以無限玩了 06/23 22:06
3F:→ neogetter :玩10分鐘就砍檔= = 06/23 23:07
4F:推 vul3cl6 :不好玩嗎?? 還在下載中 06/23 23:47
5F:→ mikosara :不是不好玩 而是有點空虛XD 06/23 23:49
6F:推 PublicSea56 :除暴也是兩極化遊戲 一代覺得好玩的話 二代就OK 06/23 23:51
7F:推 bragollach :預購特典只是原本裝甲換色也混過頭了-.- 06/23 23:57
8F:→ vul3cl6 :看到友站是有說畫面沒甚麼進步 06/24 00:00
9F:推 drcula :拔線戰術!!!太搞笑了 06/24 00:03
10F:→ syura945 :一代就覺得很空洞了.. 06/24 00:05
11F:推 bragollach :畫面就變比較乾淨順眼...其實還不錯,缺點是誠意不足 06/24 00:07
12F:推 drcula :我是覺得畫面是還好,重點是爽度要有,像原型兵器那片 06/24 00:11
13F:→ drcula :雖說畫面也是不太好,但是爽度十足,我也是打到破關 06/24 00:11
14F:推 cena77420 :我也是玩一下下就覺得很空虛 06/24 00:51
15F:→ storycc :評分不知道什麼時候出來 06/24 00:59
16F:推 garcia :爽度是有 只是一區破完就懶得打第二區了 有點膩 -_- 06/24 11:14
17F:→ jdklas :槍都要開好幾槍才幹掉一個人不如近身踢飛 06/24 13:23
18F:推 qq75522 :怎麼用無限時間阿................. 06/24 19:55
19F:推 PublicSea56 :簡單來說....選好人物選顏色之後,會要你按A確定 06/24 20:15
20F:→ PublicSea56 :按A之後馬上拔線,然後會跳出要你登入,就按B取消 06/24 20:15
21F:→ PublicSea56 :取消之後再大X登入,然後正常進入就OK了 06/24 20:16
22F:→ MJR7 :不曉得為什麼 1我還蠻喜歡的 怎麼2Demo玩一下就無聊~ 06/25 14:30
23F:推 qq75522 :因為這是試玩版 希望正式版別讓我太失望.......... 06/25 20:54