WorkanTravel 板


社團朋友們好,目前有個行政助理職缺,需要中英文流利並且符合相關職責工作能力條件 ,如果你覺得合適的話,歡迎發送簡歷到公司郵箱([email protected]),若是對於 工作內容、待遇、能力要求等有任何問題,也可以直接發送郵件諮詢工作詳情,公司位置 不在英國本島,政策和稅率也不同,歡迎喜歡世外桃源的夥伴加入。 招聘內容簡介: 【招聘崗位】:中英文行政助理- Executive Assistant 【工作類型】:Full-time 【工作時間】:40小時/周 【薪酬範圍】:£21,000+/年,面議 【工作地點】:馬恩島,Isle of Man 英文招聘說明: Company Overview: We are a gaming sector B2B software supplier based on the Isle of Man. The Isle of Man is a beautiful place to live, offering beautiful countryside, rugged rocky coastlines and sandy beaches all within a few minutes’ walk or drive from your front door. We are a small but growing team in a multi-cultural environment, and our company provides sportsbook game to operators or companies world-wide that are licensed to the Gambling Supervision Commission. Our games are tested and complied with the Tier 1 standard. Working with us would allow you to make a real difference working on cutting edge gaming products at the forefront of the best gaming markets. Job Description: Champion Tech Limited is seeking a competent candidate for the position of Executive Assistant to join our administration team as part of our software development company. The main duties of this role are to provide administrative support for a wide range of settings, and to undertake tasks allocated by the executives. This is a full-time, salaried position, 40 hours per week. The successful candidate will be working with different team members and the administration team to help ensure the business operations where relevant are well supported and maintain a clear and efficient communication both internally and externally. Responsibilities included but not limited to: - Performing general administrative responsibilities including answering calls, email communication and making arrangements for meetings and team events; - Filing and retrieving corporate record, documents, and reports; - Assisting both internal and external communications and ensure meetings and processes are accurately recorded where necessary; - Supporting daily communications and translation for team members where needed; - Supporting external financial team for internal bookkeeping, such as provide assistance in invoices or payments confirmation; - Making arrangements for interviews, liaising with external recruitment agents and following up in the recruitment process; - Assisted in the maintenance of office operation; - Making travel arrangements such as reserving flights, transportation and accommodations for our executive members; - Honour outlined ethical codes to ensure sensitive and confidential information remains secure and protected. Required Skills and Qualification: - Strong understanding of written and oral communication. - Proficiency in both Mandarin and English language - Proactive approach in problem solving with strong interpersonal skills - Organisational skills and the ability to multitask Preferred: - Basic understanding of IT terminology in both English and Chinese - Strong MS Office skills - Hold a full and clean UK or IOM driving license Salary: Competitive, with a generous pension and private healthcare scheme after 1 year of service. Work Location: Douglas, Isle of Man. *Background check must be cleared before any candidate may begin working. 回答常見問題: Q:我人目前在台灣or別處,可以應徵工作嗎? A:可以的哦,請先發送你的履歷到公司郵箱,符合條件的話,會有專人與你聯繫,並進行線上面試,有提供合約後 再安排到公司報到即可。 Q:我沒有簽證,可以應徵嗎? A:可以的,雖然是以有簽證者為優先,但若你有強烈的意願並且符合公司的要求的話,公司會考慮是否可以支援工作簽證 申請。 Q:我下個月/幾個月後才來,到時還能應徵嗎? A:可以先寄發履歷,若是有符合條件等可 以與人資詳談開始上班日期事宜,公司有許多來自全世界各地的員工,有充足的經驗可以 應付許多情況。 Q:我英文不好可以應徵嗎? A:此职位需要有流利的中英文技能要求,请应征者斟酌自我能力后再提交履历。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (英國)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: kokonica ( 英國), 12/18/2020 23:08:56
1F:→ kokonica: 目前职位还有缺,请版友踊跃投履历哦 02/03 09:03
2F:→ kokonica: 目前職位還有缺,請有興趣的人踴躍投遞履歷哦 02/03 09:05

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