作者outstanding1 (落魄王子)
標題[問題] I can't type chinese in win8.1
時間Fri Dec 2 08:23:34 2016
as title
I have been looking for articles
but I can't find ctfmon.exe in win8.1
How do I fix it ?
Please help me.
Thank you
My tool list presents chinese but it is still English when I type.
It is my troble.
Please help me.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Windows/M.1480638216.A.1A7.html
1F:→ chaandy6515: 你是一開始就不行?還是最近才開始不行的?系統介面 12/02 08:42
2F:→ chaandy6515: 的語言是什麼? 12/02 08:42
I could't type chinese until I opened my computer two days ago.
3F:推 jh961202: 裝第三方中文輸入法試試看? 12/02 08:45
4F:→ slimfat0202: 系統支不支持中文字體?有的話就上官網抓微軟注音輸 12/02 08:46
5F:→ slimfat0202: 入法,英文應該是zuyin? 12/02 08:46
6F:推 fashionjack: 到控制台增加中文輸入法。 12/02 09:38
7F:推 cloudin: 會不會是裝到英文版XD 12/02 09:46
No, I originally use chinese system.
8F:推 cvccvv: help QQ 12/02 11:14
9F:推 GOLDCOW4721: 笑了哈哈 12/02 12:26
10F:推 agong: 找 ime 2010 12/02 12:49
I just download microsoft 2010 chinese system but win8.1 system says no when I
try to install the program.
It's isn't this troble.
※ 編輯: outstanding1 (, 12/02/2016 23:10:39
12F:→ openbestbook: ... 12/02 23:14
13F:推 abelyi100: Settings->Restore it 12/03 10:31