Warfare 板


※ [本文轉錄自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 標題: 軍事史之史觀理論022 時間: Fri Mar 18 15:41:13 2005 Nearly all military institutions implied above are producers of one or more series of publications: yearbooks, monographs, research or conference reports, etc., most of which can be found in most bibliographies or library databases. The journals in the branch are mostly rather popular in character, but there are some which are distinctly scholarly, such as, for example, Armed Forces and Society (New Brunswick, N.J.), War and Society (Canberra), and War in History (Glasgow). There are many local, regional, and national societies in the world for the study of military/war history and for spreading knowledge about it in various ways. Also, since 1938, there exists a global (in principle) association of military/war historians, the Commission internationale d'histoire militaire. It is based on national commissions of corresponding nature, arranges annually several conferences in its field, and publishes, i.a. since 1978, a very useful bibliography, the Bibliographie internationale d’histoire militaire (Berne). 幾乎所有的軍事機構或軍事院校都會印行一種或數種出版刊物﹐如年刊﹑專題論文﹑ 研究報告﹑或研討會報告等等類型的出版品。這些出版品大部份都可以在圖書館的 檔案紀錄裡面找到(譯者注﹕這是指歐美先進國家)。對於學術界來說﹐最普遍的是 學術期刊﹐但絕大多數只有學者才能見到﹐比如說‘武裝部隊與社會月刊(美﹑加出 版)’﹑‘戰爭與社會月刊(英國出版)’﹑和‘戰史月刊(德國)’等。 另外一項重要來源是各國的官方檔案﹑地方政府檔案﹑甚至社區中心的檔案(譯者注﹕ 如兵役局﹑教堂等)。另外自1938年以來﹐全球(譯者注﹕實際上僅限西歐與北美)戰 史學者所組成的‘國際戰史協會’﹐也有不少資料。此外還有各國出版的年刊﹐比 如說1978年以後成立的‘國際戰史出版書目表年刊(瑞士出版)’。 -- LQY注﹕本文到此結束﹐後面所列的參考書目如下﹕ Bibliography Arteus, Gunnar: Krigsteori och historisk forklaring [Theory of War and Historical Explanation]. 2 vols. University of Gothenburg, Goteborg 1970–1972. —With summaries in English. Arteus, Gunnar: Krigsmakt och samhalle i frihetstidens Sverige [Military and Society in Sweden during the Liberty era (1719–72)]. Militarhistoriska forlaget, Stockholm 1982. —With an extensive summary in English. Busch, Otto: Militarsystem und Sozialleben im alten Preussen, 1713–1807. Die Anfange der sozialen Militarisierung der preussisch-deutschen Gesellschaft. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1962. Corvisier, Andre: Armees et societes en Europe de 1494 a 1789. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1976. Craig, Gordon A.: The Politics of the Prussian Army 1640–1945. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1955. van Creveld, Martin L.: Supplying War. Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. Cambridge University Press, 1977. van Creveld, Martin L.: Command in War. Harvard University Press, Cambridge & London 1985. Delbruck, Hans: Die Perserkriege und die Burgunderkriege. Zwei combinierte kriegsgeschichtliche Studien nebst einem Anhang uber die romische Manipular-Taktik. Verlag Walther & Apolant, Berlin 1887. Delbruck, Hans: Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte. 4 vols. Verlag von Georg Stilke, Berlin 1900–1920. Demeter, Karl: Das deutsche Offizierkorps in Gesellschaft und Staat 1650–1945. Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1962. Freeman, Douglas Southall: Lee’s Lieutenants. A Study in Command. 3 vols. C Scribner’s Sons, New York 1942–1944. Glete, Jan: Navies and Nations. Warships, Navies and State Building in Europe and America, 1500–1860. 2 vols. Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm 1993. Keegan, John: The Face of Battle. Jonathan Cape, London 1976. McNeill, William H.: The Pursuit of Power. Technology, Armed Force, and Society since A.D. 1000. Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1983. Mahan, Alfred Thayer: The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783. Little, Brown and Company, Boston 1890. Milward, Alan S.: War, Economy and Society. 1939–1945. University of California Press, Berkeley 1977. Redlich, Fritz: The German Military Enterpriser and His Work Force. A Study in European Economic and Social History. 2 vols. Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1964–1965. Vagts, Alfred: A History of Militarism. Meridian Books, New York 1959 (1937). -- 萬物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至聖之先知,亞當史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 榮耀歸於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐貫古今與未來﹐直至永恆不滅。喀鏘!(收銀機響聲) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! --

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