BASKETBALL AUSTRALIA’S 2020 SENIOR NATIONAL WOMEN’S SQUAD 澳洲籃協宣布2020年女子成人隊陣容 Posted on Monday, July 13th, 2020 Just a year out from the Tokyo Olympics, Basketball Australia has announced the Australian 2020 Senior National Women’s Chemist Warehouse Opals Squad. 距離東京奧運剩下一年,澳洲籃協宣布了2020女子成人國家隊陣容, The squad of 23 is full of depth and a strong breadth of talent, including veteran Opal stars, as well as welcoming some young fresh faces. 23人名單中陣容完整,包含了老將及新血。 With an uncertainty still surrounding the FIBA Qualification window from 8 November to 16 November 2020, the Opals squad is required to be well prepared. The Opals will continue expectantly through to September, when Basketball Australia will be advised about the status of the qualification events by FIBA. 由於2020年11月8日至16日的資格賽仍充滿不確定性,國家隊需要做好準備。將會持續 關注到九月,直到接獲FIBA進一步的消息。 Australian Opals Head Coach Sandy Brondello is excited to extend the squad out to some of the younger talent who have shown extensive potential. 國家隊總教練Sandy Brondello很開心能擴增陣容,加入了許多潛力無限的年輕球員。 “From November 2020 to end of 2021, we will embark on an intensive schedule in preparation for the Olympics, followed by Asia Cup and Qualifiers. With that in mind, we decided to extend our squad to 23 players” Brondello said. "從2020年11月到2021結束,我們將會密集的準備奧運、亞洲盃和資格賽。考慮到這點, 我們決定擴增陣容到23名球員。"Brondello說。 “While the core group has remained the same, we are excited to include some of our talented younger players (Shyla Heal, Jaz Shelley, Maddie Rocci and Tiana Mangakahia) who have shown much improvement over the past few years and deserve their selection in this squad.” “雖然核心的陣容不變,但我們很高興加入一些才華洋溢的年輕球員(Shyla Heal、 Jaz Shelley、Maddie Rocci和Tiana Mangakahia)在過去幾年中表現出了很大的進步, 他們值得入選到陣中。” Whilst this is a squad of 23, it will remain fluid and can be reduced and or increased should an athlete deliver outstanding performances during their competitive season as the Opals work to build their strongest side for the upcoming Olympics in 2021. 這是一個23人的陣容,將保持流動並可以依據球員在比賽中表現而增減,為了將國家隊 增進到最強的組合面對2021年即將舉行的奧運會。 “While the Olympics postponement was disappointing but necessary, we are excited as a group to get back together in November and start the process of building our chemistry to become the best team possible for Tokyo and beyond ” said Brondello. "雖然奧運延期必然是令人失望的,但我們雖然奧運會推遲令人失望,但我們都很興奮地 期待能在11月重新組織並開始有化學效應,使隊伍成為在東京最佳的球隊"Brondello說。 All Coaches will continue to monitor and assess the elite performances of Australian athletes in professional leagues such as the Chemist Warehouse WNBL, the European Leagues, the WNBA and the Chinese Basketball Association. 所有教練將持續監控評估所有在職業聯賽的澳洲菁英球員,無論是在WNBL、歐洲聯賽、 WNBA或是WCBA。 The 2020 Australian Senior National Women’s Chemist Warehouse Opals Squad: NAME: CURRENT TEAM: Rebecca Allen Valencia, Spain / New York Liberty Zitina Aokuso JCU Townsville Fire Sara Blicavs Jayco Southside Flyers Elizabeth Cambage Las Vegas Aces Rebecca Cole Jayco Southside Flyers Katie-Rae Ebzery Perth Lynx Darcee Garbin Perth Lynx Cayla George Deakin Melbourne Boomers Kelsey Griffin* University of Canberra Capitals Shyla Heal JCU Townsville Fire Tessa Lavey Bendigo Spirit Tess Madgen Deakin Melbourne Boomers Ezi Magbegor Seattle Storm/Deakin Melbourne Boomers Tiana Mangakahia Syracuse University, USA Leilani Mitchell* Washington Mystics/ Jayco Southside Flyers Lauren Nicholson JCU Townsville Fire Jenna O'Hea Jayco Southside Flyers Maddison Rocci University of Canberra Capitals Jaz Shelley University of Oregon, USA Alanna Smith Phoenix Mercury/ Adelaide Lightning Stephanie Talbot Adelaide Lightning Marianna Tolo University of Canberra Capitals Sami Whitcomb* Perth Lynx *為歸化球員,僅有其中一人能進入12人名單 --

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