※ [本文轉錄自 worldbasket 看板 #1UzMtbFF ] 作者: jathymin () 看板: worldbasket 標題: [情報] 2020東京奧運3X3資格賽OQT改由奧地利舉辦 時間: Fri Jun 26 11:39:12 2020 Austria to host FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament in May 2021 奧地利將在2021年5月主辦FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽 23/06/2020 NEWS GRAZ (Austria) – The FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament will take place in Graz, Austria on May 26-30, 2021. Built around a green and sustainable concept, the event will be the first-ever FIBA 3x3 official competition in Austria. FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽將在2021年5月26-30日於奧地利格拉茲舉行。這項賽事將成為奧地利 有史以來第一次FIBA 3x3官方比賽,並圍繞著綠色環保及永續經營的理念舉行。 The announcement was made on Olympic Day at a press conference in Graz, exceptionally attended by Austria Vice-Chancellor and Sports Minister Werner Kogler. 這是在奧地利副總理兼體育部長Werner Kogler特例出席於格拉茲舉行的奧運日新聞發布會 上宣布的。 “The focus of our Government in sports is the promotion of trending and green sporting event,” Kogler said. “The FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament combines modernity and sustainability in a unique way.” Kogler說:“我們的政府在體育運動中的重點是流行趨勢的推廣和綠色體育賽會。” “ FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽以獨特的方式結合了現代化和永續性。” The sustainability concept was developed based on waste management, energy and water use, mobility and climate protection, regional products and social responsibility. 永續的概念是根據廢物管理、能源和水的使用、流動性和氣候保護、區域性產品和社會責 任而製定的。 Representing FIBA, Executive Director Europe Kamil Novak underlined that Austria set the bar high with their first FIBA 3x3 official competition. 歐洲執行董事Kamil Novak代表FIBA強調,奧地利在首屆FIBA 3x3官方比賽中設定了高標。 "FIBA is delighted that the road to the Olympics will stop in Graz's iconic Hauptplatz and that the Austrian authorities have vowed to make it the greenest, most sustainable event to date, which is entirely in line with our concept of reduced ecological footprint of 3x3,” Novak added. Novak補充:“ FIBA非常高興通往奧運之路將落在格拉茨指標性的Hauptplatz廣場,且奧 地利當局已誓言使其成為迄今為止最綠色、最永續性的賽事,這完全符合我們減少3x3的生 態足蹟的概念。 Forty teams (20 in each gender) coming from 36 different countries will compete at the FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifier for the 6 tickets (3 per gender) to Tokyo. Austria made headlines in 3x3 in 2019 with the men finishing 6th at the FIBA 3x3 Europe Cup and the women winning silver at the FISU University 3x3 World Cup. 來自36個國家的40支隊伍(每個性別20支)將在FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽競爭6張通往東京的門票 (每個性別3張)。奧地利在2019的FIBA 3x3賽事中於FIBA 3x3歐洲盃拿下第六名,而女子組 則在FISU大學3x3世界盃中拿下銀牌。 "We are very happy to be able to bring this great tournament to Austria", Basketball Austria President Gerald Martens rejoiced. “It gives our successful national teams a historic chance to make it to the Olympics. If one of them pulls it off and earns a ticket, it would be the first “ red-white-red” [Austrian] team sport team to qualify for the Olympics since the handball women’s national team in 2000.” 奧地利籃協主刑Gerald Martens開心的說:"我們非常高興能將這項頂級賽事帶到奧地利。 " "這為我們成功的國家隊提供了一次參加奧運會的歷史性機會。如果其中一隊能成功獲 得門票,將會是自2000年手球女子國家隊以來,第一支有資格參加奧運會的“紅白紅” (奧地利)隊運動代表隊。” The local organizers will build a temporary outdoor venue of a 2,000-seat capacity for the occasion and are already looking forward to the event. 當地主辦單位將建造一座可容納2000人的臨時室外場地,並已對這項賽事展現高度期待。 “Fast, exciting, diverse, entertaining, inspiring: this is 3x3 basketball. The FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifier will be the highlight of the Graz sports year in 2021, said Graz Mayor Siegfried Nagl. 格拉茲市長Siegfried Nagl表示"快速、刺激、多樣化、娛樂性和啟發性:這是3x3籃球。 FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽將是2021年格拉茨體育年的重頭戲。 Though they are new to 3x3, Austria in general and the Styria Province in particular have established an expertise in hosting high-level sporting events. 儘管他們是3x3的新手,但總體而言,奧地利,尤其是施蒂里亞州,已經在舉辦高等級體育 賽事方面建立了專業知識。 “The list of major international sporting events in our state is very long, ” Provincial Councillor Drexler said. “This year alone the Handball and Figure Skating European Championships, the Night Slalom Ski World Cup, the Davis Cup, two Moto GP races and two Formula 1 Grand Prix. We are delighted that the FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifier 2021 can be held on Styrian soil. It goes beyond the advertising, economic and touristic values. It also shows the passion and enthusiasm that are unique in live sporting events.” 省議員Drexler說:“在我們州,重大國際體育賽事的名單非常多。” “單是今年就有 歐洲手球和花樣滑冰錦標賽,夜間激流迴旋滑雪世界盃,戴維斯盃,兩次Moto GP和兩次 F1賽事。 我們很高興2021年FIBA 3x3奧運會預選賽可以在施蒂里亞州的土地上舉行。 它超越了廣告、經濟和旅遊價值。也顯示了現場體育賽事中獨特的激情和熱情。” A total of 16 teams (8 in each gender) will compete at the Tokyo Olympics: 總共有16支隊伍(每個性別8隊)將在東京奧運中競爭: - 8 of them (4 in each gender) have already qualified on November 1, 2019 based on the FIBA 3x3 Federation Ranking. -8支隊伍(每個性別4隊)已由2019年11月1日的FIBA 3x3籃協排名中取得參賽資格 - 6 additional tickets (3 in each gender) will be delivered at the FIBA 3x3 Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Graz. -另外6張門票(每個性別3張)將由在格拉茲舉行的FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽中誕生 - The last 2 tickets (1 in each gender) will be earned at the FIBA 3x3 Universality Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Budapest, Hungary at a date to be announced. -最後2張門票(每個性別1張)將在尚未宣布日期匈牙利布達佩斯舉行的普及性奧運資格賽 (UOQT)中產出 For more information about 3x3 at the Tokyo Olympics, go to 更多東京奧運3x3賽事資訊請見: 按:原OQT主辦國印度參賽權由新主辦國奧地利取代 分組如下 FIBA 3x3奧運資格賽分組 2021/5/26-30 奧地利,格拉茲 POOL A POOL B POOL C POOL D 男 MONGOLIA 蒙古 USA 美國 SLOVENIA 斯洛維尼亞 NETHERLANDS 荷蘭 子 POLAND 波蘭 LITHUANIA 立陶宛 FRANCE 法國 LATVIA 拉脫維亞 組 BRAZIL 巴西 BELGIUM 比利時 QATAR 卡達 CANADA 加拿大 TURKEY 土耳其 SOUTH KOREA 南韓 PHILIPPINES 菲律賓 CROATIA 克羅埃西亞 CZECH REP. 捷克 NEW ZELAND 紐西蘭 DOMINICAN REP. 多明尼加 AUSTRIA 奧地利 (原SPAIN 西班牙) (原INDIA 印度) POOL A POOL B POOL C POOL D 女 FRANCE 法國 IRAN 伊朗 NETHERLANDS 荷蘭 ITALY 義大利 子 USA 美國 JAPAN 日本 ESTONIA 愛沙尼亞 CHINESE TAIPEI 台灣 組 GERMANY 德國 UKRAINE 烏克蘭 BELARUS 白俄羅斯 SPAIN 西班牙 URAGUAY 烏拉圭 TURKMENISTAN 土庫曼 HUNGARY 匈牙利 (原CZECH REP. 捷克) INDONESIA 印尼 AUSTRALIA 澳洲 SRI LANKA 斯里蘭卡 SWITZERLAND 瑞士 AUSTRIA 奧地利 (原INDIA 印度) --

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