※ [本文轉錄自 worldbasket 看板 #1TWwGBQA ] 作者: jathymin () 看板: worldbasket 標題: [新聞] Dioceldo Sy嚴正抗議FEU禁止Clare Castro加入菲律賓女籃出征 時間: Thu Sep 19 23:51:36 2019 Dioceldo Sy cries foul as FEU bars Clare Castro from joining Gilas Women trip Dioceldo Sy嚴正抗議FEU禁止Clare Castro加入菲律賓女籃出征 by RANDOLPH B. LEONGSON SEP 10, 2019 PHOTO: MARLO CUETO GILAS Pilipinas Women backer Dioceldo Sy cried foul over Far Eastern University's decision to bar Clare Castro from suiting up for the national team in the 2019 FIBA Women's Asia Cup. 菲律賓女籃贊助者Dioceldo Sy嚴正抗議遠東大學決定禁止Clare Castro穿上國家隊戰袍 出戰2019FIBA女子亞洲盃。 "We're super disappointed," said the Ever Bilena head honcho after finding out the news. "我們非常失望,"這位Ever Bilena負責人得知消息後說。 "This is for our national interest. We are doing our best to support Gilas Womens' campaign and it's been gaining ground since we were running it under the reign of coach Pat Aquino." "這是為了我們國家的利益。我們盡全力支援菲律賓女籃的活動,而在Pat Aquino教練的 運作下,基礎一直在增進。" PHOTO BY: JAIME CAMPOS Castro has been a part of the national team since March during the Philippines' stint in the 2019 Fiba 3x3 Asia Cup and the 6-foot-4 center will surely be a boost to the country's frontline for in continental tiff. Castro自三月參加2019 FIBA 3x3亞洲盃以來一直是國家隊一員,而這位6呎4吋的中鋒當 然會是洲際賽事中國家隊的前線。 However, she has been prohibited from playing owing to academics as well as the Lady Tamaraws' ongoing campaign in the UAAP Season 82. 然而,她因為學業的缺席及Lady Tamaraw進行中的UAAP 82賽季而被禁止參與。 Sy said that the ball is now on FEU's court. Sy說球現在在遠東大學的場上。 PHOTO BY: JEROME ASCAÑO "It's FEU's conscience now," he said. "現在是遠東大學的良心,"他說。 Without Castro, Gilas Womens will lean on Jack Animam and Kelli Hayes to take care of its frontline in the tournament set from September 24 to 29 in Bangalore, India. 少了Castro,菲律賓女籃在9月24日至9月29日印度班加羅爾進行的賽事,前場將倚賴Jack Animan和Kelli Hayes來保衛。 It will be a tall task, however, for the Philippines to stay in Division I as it is slotted in Group B with Australia, New Zealand, and China. 而對菲律賓來說,留在第一級將會是一項艱鉅的任務,因為預賽B組的對手有澳洲、紐西蘭 和中國。 註1:Dioceldo Sy為PBA黑水精英隊的老闆,其經營公司為Ever Bilena化妝品公司,Ever Bilena曾為早年菲律賓職業女籃WPBL的三屆冠軍隊,並長期贊助菲律賓女籃國家隊。 註2:Lady Tamaraw為遠東大學女子籃球隊暱稱,Tamaraw為菲律賓水牛,是遠東大學籃球隊 吉祥物。遠東大學女籃在UAAP有過11次奪冠紀錄,上次奪冠為2012-13賽季。 --

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※ 轉錄者: jathymin ( 臺灣), 09/19/2019 23:51:57

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