版本:現行 情報來源: (NGA、藍帖、WOWHEAD、MMO等) 情報網址: (網址太長請一併附上縮網址) 修不完... 尾王還是砍不夠啦 不過沒白打 流程練起來~ 情報原文: (原文與翻譯擇一選填) == Classes 職業 Evoker 半龍人 Preservation Fixed an issue that could cause Rewind and Golden Hour to heal for unintended values when multiple Preservation Evokers are in a group or raid. Rogue 賊 Assassination Fixed an issue that prevented Kingsbane from being modified by certain effect types. This notably included: The Rogue's recent all ability damage reduction, Elaborate Planning's damage modifier, and Master Assassin's critical strike chance modifier. == Dungeons and Raids 團本和副本 Vault of the Incarnates 洪荒化身牢獄 - 各種調整 變得更簡單了 Fixed an issue where Vantus Runes were not logging in advanced combat logs. Kalecgos now summons a portal allowing players to travel from The Primal Bulwark to The Outer Seal after Eranog has been defeated. Unstable Earth's Earth Detonation damage reduced by 40% on all difficulties. Unstable Frost's Frost Detonation damage reduced by 40% on all difficulties. Unstable Flame's Flame Detonation damage reduced by 36% on all difficulties. Unstable Storm's Storm Detonation damage reduced by 36% on all difficulties. Removed Living Flame and Primal Stormsentry from the first group of enemies on the way to Kurog Grimtotem after defeating Sennarth on all difficulties. Fixed an issue with the Primalist Flamecaller on the way to Kurog Grimtotem where it did not regenerate health after leaving combat on all difficulties. Awakened Juggernaut's Colossal Smash damage reduced by 20% on all difficulties. Awakened Juggernaut health reduced by 17% on all difficulties. Primal Stormsentry's Electric Surge damage reduced by 20% and the time between casts increased on all difficulties. Fixed an issue where lava from the Djaradin did not project on stairs properly on all difficulties. Reduced the start/end size and growth rate of the lava from the Djaradin on all difficulties. Raszageth 菈葛薩絲 -乾脆把她變成聖誕禮物好了 修不完 這刀下去還不夠 還要更多的熱修 Thunderous Blast can no longer damage pets. Raszageth's health has been reduced by 5% on Mythic difficulty. 傳奇下 生命減5% Stormsurge's Shield has been reduced by 50% on Mythic difficulty. 傳奇下 護盾少50% == Player versus Player PVP Mage Ring of Fire will now more consistently apply to enemies who are standing still. == Solo Shuffle 100 wins above 2400 rating in Solo Shuffle now awards the title of “Legend”and the Legend: Dragonflight Season 1 achievement. == War Mode 戰爭模式 The following changes have been made to Qalashi Wingshredder: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute (was 2 minutes). Cast time reduced to 1 second (was 2 seconds). Range increased to 300 yards (was 200 yards). Time for the ability to reach the target changed to 1 second (was based on distance travel time). == Professions 專業 Fixed an issue where items in the player’s bank were not considered valid targets for salvaging. == Quests 任務 Valdrakken The weekly “Relic Recovery” and “Preserving the Past” dungeon quests will now appear on the map for Valdrakken. == Reputation 聲望 Iskaara Tuskarr Community Feast bosses should now reliably reward the correct amount of reputation when killed. 情報翻譯: 附註/備註 一天一熱修 裝備歸我有 -- 當好賽評的三要素 1.會吹牛:吹死人不償命 2.不要臉:臉皮要厚說的天花亂墜誰也管不著 3.牆頭草:高手輸了叫失誤 其他人輸了就是菜! --

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1F:→ kagaru: 全民公測 12/22 11:47
2F:→ sniper2824: 是頂尖團隊幫我們當qa好嗎 什麼全民 12/22 12:09
3F:推 tot9221: 工程師正為了聖誕假期奮鬥! 12/22 12:19
4F:推 omega5566: 趕快讓他們倒王 大家都放聖誕假期 12/22 12:22
5F:推 kikikinds: 都50%50%在砍是怎樣☺ 12/22 13:10
6F:→ mealoop: 聖誕老人 首殺團的超人 12/22 13:16
7F:→ henry1234562: 因為那個階段有超級buff 他們護盾數值沒抓好吧 12/22 13:24
8F:推 Dorae5566: 明天一定要倒王,不然bz一定會被幹爆 12/22 13:39
9F:→ garlic1234: 只看板還以為全民都在打M尾王,全民公測 12/22 13:51
10F:→ hk129900: 幹爆就幹爆啊 大家重溫1版2版尾王可以撐1個月的時期 12/22 14:11
11F:→ newtana: 哪次沒幹爆 12/22 15:35
12F:→ cat05joy: 趕快修一修要放聖誕假期囉 12/22 15:46
13F:推 ex990000: M+好恐怖 這是人打的嗎 12/22 16:57
14F:推 owlonoak: 這周連影月都會不小心翻車了 其他地方完全不想去 12/22 17:52
15F:推 DEVIN929: 這周m+有治療想補路人團嗎 12/22 18:28
16F:推 enchyi: 剛打了一場11進攻戰 比上CD15玉蛟還難補 12/22 18:39
17F:推 BJshow: 怎記得以前BZ有說過暴君不會+重傷 12/22 18:42
18F:→ BJshow: 還是我記錯了 12/22 18:42
19F:→ mealoop: 怕 比15綠還難補 這些白癡設計師會在聖誕前NERF M+嘛 12/22 18:58
20F:推 owlonoak: 其實一般說的紅藍綠的綠 指的是學院 12/22 19:01
21F:→ mealoop: ㄛ原來是學園嘛 12/22 19:14
22F:推 wmud: @BJ 你沒記錯,只是當時說這句話的設計師還在不在就不一定 12/22 19:34
23F:→ wmud: 了XD 12/22 19:34
24F:推 nepholi: 為什麼綠是指學院0.0? 12/22 19:44
25F:推 owlonoak: 因為學院裡面最難最容易滅散的王是一棵樹 12/22 19:45
26F:→ qqsheepu: 我之前還以為綠是指玉蛟 12/22 20:47
27F:→ GGDAININN: 原來綠不是玉嬌?藍是蒼藍秘庫嗎 12/22 20:57
28F:推 pig8409: 綠是玉蛟 藍是蒼藍 紅是晶紅 吧 12/22 21:01
29F:推 DEVIN929: 太好補你們會開始檢討補的dps 12/22 21:50
30F:→ axiall: 那太難補不就要檢討HPS 結論:逃不開檢討的命運 12/22 21:51
31F:→ gunnip4: 藍明明就蒼藍== 12/22 22:14
32F:推 s1129sss: 綠是指玉蛟寺哦 12/22 23:03
33F:→ vogue38: 連時光周都沒打過的我 重星尾王是在錶視力不好的玩家嗎 12/23 00:46
34F:→ vogue38: ae也不優化下明顯點 風又跟地板顏色相近我本來以為是我 12/23 00:47
35F:→ vogue38: 顯卡插 換6800還不是差不多 要很認真看才看的出來 12/23 00:47
36F:推 enchyi: 眾星尾王AE有規則的啊 分身連到王 12/23 01:48
37F:推 sobiNOva: 綠是玉蛟啦..他們那邊翻青龍 12/23 09:10
38F:→ phoinixa: 尾王那個線真的很不清楚,記得以前還滿明顯的 12/23 11:08
39F:→ phoinixa: 還是被風擋到啊 12/23 11:08
40F:→ phoinixa: 反正覺得灰濛濛的一大片== 12/23 11:08
41F:推 mermermer: 眾星尾王以前的線就是長這樣,沒改 12/23 11:09
42F:推 wolf0120: 沒改+1 12/23 11:23
43F:推 Pilisingso: 效能要調高,調太低根本看不清楚 12/23 11:46
44F:推 Pilisingso: 我也是以為有改,看到英靈殿發散的光球以為特效改了 12/23 11:48
45F:→ Pilisingso: 隊友說沒變才發覺自己效能改太低 12/23 11:48
46F:→ cat05joy: 沒改 主要是現在很多職業特效跟當初不同 尤其是地板技能 12/23 12:58

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