原文 Dark Inquisitor Xanesh Health reduced by 5% on all difficulties. Terror Wave cast time increased to 5.5 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 5 seconds). Shad’har the Insatiable Increased the duration to collect Tasty Morsels to 10 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 7 seconds). Umbral Eruption missile travel time increased to 2.5 seconds on all difficulties (was 2 seconds). The Hivemind Aqir Darter health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty. Psionic Resonance damage reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty. 踢球 狗王 首腦都削弱了 便當有了,飲料也附上了= = 預組++ ※ 引述《corpserun (Nuresproc)》之銘言: : 大家吃便當囉 沒過的可以過一過了 : 原文 : : Ny'alotha, the Waking City : Drest'agath : [With regional restarts] Reduced the health of Eye of Drest'agath, Maw of : Dest'agath, and Tentacle of Drest'agath by 8% on Mythic difficulty. : Il'gynoth : [With regional restarts] Organs and Bloods' health reduced by 5% on all : difficulties. : [With regional restarts] Reduced the damage requirement to free an allied : player from Touch of the Corruptor's mind control effect by 10% on all : difficulties. : [With regional restarts] Corrupted Blood maximum radius reduced by 10% on : Mythic difficulty. : Ra-Den the Despoiled : [With regional restarts] Reduced the percent value of Decaying Wound to 75% : of the target's current health on Mythic difficulty (was 100%). : [With regional restarts] Reduced the health of Essence of Vita, Essence of : Void, and Essence of Nightmare by 15% on Mythic difficulty. : N'Zoth the Corruptor : [With regional restarts] Paranoia now only drains Sanity once per second : while near any number of non-paired players on all difficulties. : [With regional restarts] N'Zoth the Corruptor's health reduced by 5% on : Mythic difficulty. : Thought Harvester : [With regional restarts] Harvest Thoughts now drains 250 Sanity divided : among all players hit by the effect on Mythic difficulty (was 300 Sanity). : [With regional restarts] Evoke Anguish's damage has been reduced by 15% on : Mythic difficulty. : 翻譯 : --
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1F:推 ryutw: ++ 04/22 00:28
2F:推 cookieyue: ++ 04/22 00:31
3F:推 youGG: M奈 便當速刷 04/22 00:32
4F:推 mantou1991: ++ 04/22 00:33
5F:推 henry1234562: 也太便當啦 04/22 00:39
6F:推 aegius1r: 踢球血-5% 大怪恐懼唱法5s改5.5s 04/22 00:40
7F:→ aegius1r: 狗p1黑圈掉的時間2s改2.5s 撿球時間7s改10s 04/22 00:40
8F:→ aegius1r: 蟲血-10% 飛蟲傷害-10% 04/22 00:41
9F:→ henry1234562: 這樣應該不少團隊能三輪解決她了 04/22 00:41
10F:→ henry1234562: 狗是不知道要砍啥 只好砍黑圈跟撿狗糧吧.. 04/22 00:42
11F:→ henry1234562: 倒是薇希歐娜 儘管不強 但還是比這三個強吧.. 04/22 00:43
12F:推 superap3450: 太晚砍了 應該被破台一個月就改一改 04/22 00:46
13F:推 aegius1r: 名人堂全破下周就改 還行啦 04/22 00:58
14F:→ aegius1r: 話說我們團農踢球時間跟龍都差不多 ._. 04/22 00:58
15F:推 wraith1215: 改成球撞到不會爆炸好了 04/22 01:46
16F:推 enchyi: 官方認證薇希歐娜真的爛爆 04/22 04:49
17F:推 panda1031: 龍還是比蟲狗難不少吧 p3壓力大 04/22 09:09
18F:推 henry1234562: 龍就你前面不能死太多人 不然p3打不掉 04/22 09:18
19F:→ henry1234562: 但其實前面基本無壓力 死人基本都是蠢死 04/22 09:19
20F:推 angol1337: 球爆就秒不改這王永遠不可能變便當== 04/22 09:47
21F:推 henry1234562: 能三輪壓掉就簡單很多 最難踢的是14輪 04/22 10:21
22F:推 luis0624: 現在8.9M以上的團火力早夠不用第四輪了 04/22 10:56
23F:推 luis0624: 龍是P3坦克壓力越來越大,不過現在吃兩圈左右就結束了 04/22 10:58
24F:推 love11234: 不太懂妄想這樣改差很多嗎?我只知道恩若斯野團殺手 04/22 15:10
25F:→ love11234: 隨團比普通難 普通比英雄難 04/22 15:10
26F:→ corpserun: 差很多 04/22 15:20
27F:→ corpserun: 以後你就知道了 04/22 15:20
28F:→ spirit761127: 正常玩家應該打不到那裡 04/22 15:34
29F:推 henry1234562: H以下就是不會瞬間噴乾而已 差異不大 04/22 15:45
30F:→ henry1234562: M的妄想會跟著其他技能一起 很難避免撞到人 04/22 15:46
31F:推 funyourstech: 我覺得砍黑水的dot傷害比較有差,很少有團是卡妄想 04/22 16:14
32F:→ funyourstech: 跑不好吧 04/22 16:14
33F:推 nbgfdew: 哪時候可以自選腐化0.0 04/22 17:00
34F:→ corpserun: 黑水直傷差最大 幾波會對上跑位 04/22 17:00
35F:→ corpserun: 妄想也砍很大 現在也不用管什麼圈了 直衝就好 04/22 17:00
36F:→ corpserun: 除非不同圈的人一起直衝好幾秒 04/22 17:00
37F:→ corpserun: 王血量也砍 04/22 17:01
38F:→ spirit761127: 進門組容錯率又更大了 04/22 17:37
39F:→ spirit761127: 反正就眼睛水母大放送了 想買的趕快存錢 04/22 17:38
40F:→ corpserun: == 公會一隻35萬賣四隻ㄌ 回不了本ㄌ GG 04/22 17:45
41F:推 laputaca: 好哦 讚讚 04/22 19:42
42F:推 youGG: 就想要水母而已 04/22 20:15

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