大家吃便當囉 沒過的可以過一過了 原文 Ny'alotha, the Waking City Drest'agath [With regional restarts] Reduced the health of Eye of Drest'agath, Maw of Dest'agath, and Tentacle of Drest'agath by 8% on Mythic difficulty. Il'gynoth [With regional restarts] Organs and Bloods' health reduced by 5% on all difficulties. [With regional restarts] Reduced the damage requirement to free an allied player from Touch of the Corruptor's mind control effect by 10% on all difficulties. [With regional restarts] Corrupted Blood maximum radius reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty. Ra-Den the Despoiled [With regional restarts] Reduced the percent value of Decaying Wound to 75% of the target's current health on Mythic difficulty (was 100%). [With regional restarts] Reduced the health of Essence of Vita, Essence of Void, and Essence of Nightmare by 15% on Mythic difficulty. N'Zoth the Corruptor [With regional restarts] Paranoia now only drains Sanity once per second while near any number of non-paired players on all difficulties. [With regional restarts] N'Zoth the Corruptor's health reduced by 5% on Mythic difficulty. Thought Harvester [With regional restarts] Harvest Thoughts now drains 250 Sanity divided among all players hit by the effect on Mythic difficulty (was 300 Sanity). [With regional restarts] Evoke Anguish's damage has been reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty. 翻譯 --
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1F:推 henry1234562: 眼睛砍所有小怪血8% 大概是砍最多多 04/21 11:34
2F:→ corpserun: 眼睛沒什麼難度阿 恩若斯這個砍的才猛 血量機制都砍 04/21 11:35
3F:→ henry1234562: 伊蓋諾斯這樣沒差太多 就器官打的比較快 04/21 11:36
4F:→ henry1234562: 主流打法沒心控 詛咒小10%還是炸一個就滅 04/21 11:37
5F:→ henry1234562: 萊公也弱很多 球少血等於本體打更快 坦克也更難死 04/21 11:37
6F:→ axiall: 伊蓋諾斯差滿多的啊 半徑縮減10% 04/21 11:43
7F:→ henry1234562: 少三碼之類的? 就是最後比較不會互炸吧 04/21 11:45
8F:→ henry1234562: 是說 半徑變少那他縮放要的時間有變嗎.. 04/21 11:45
9F:推 ms0604203: 哪有可能,這樣根本是buff = = 04/21 11:46
10F:→ ms0604203: 就動畫變慢點不就好了,實際到最大半徑的時間不變 04/21 11:47
11F:推 ms0604203: 但有點不好說,說不定會出現什麼神奇的bug ,跟之前外 04/21 11:49
12F:→ ms0604203: 殼的恐怖出血會隨機亂生一樣 04/21 11:49
13F:→ axiall: 後面站位很煩的 少10%很有用 04/21 11:50
14F:推 a84474666: 我覺得每一刀都滿有感的,尤其尾王5%血量 04/21 11:59
15F:→ a84474666: 在這次全階段血量通算的情況下,等於直接省一個DD了 04/21 11:59
16F:推 summerinsect: 尾王還不好說會不會變簡單吧 理智收割要9人以上才 04/21 12:00
17F:→ summerinsect: 會<30理智 04/21 12:00
18F:推 a84474666: 不是很懂樓上的意思qq 04/21 12:03
19F:推 Marksman1120: 剛要拓荒眼睛,感覺可以少滅兩把 04/21 12:08
20F:→ spirit761127: 尾王屌砍 04/21 12:08
21F:→ a84474666: 只要還是有5個人分就不會全團扣100的情況下,那麼對於 04/21 12:11
22F:→ a84474666: 理智的需求不就是降低了嗎 04/21 12:12
23F:推 ashiriel: 可以帶躺屍坐騎老闆了 給大家補點血 04/21 12:21
24F:推 horse2819: 沒跟到前面 沒成就還是沒團qq 04/21 12:26
25F:推 jack21023: 坐騎團要開賣了 04/21 13:04
26F:推 luke72: 為什麼伊蓋主流打法沒心控?? @@ 04/21 13:06
27F:推 harry0073: 外殼沒改難過.... 04/21 13:07
28F:推 a84474666: M伊蓋目前很多都是用不驅散的打法,那有圈的人不會被 04/21 13:14
29F:→ a84474666: 心控,所以等到全團都有圈以後就沒心控了(不過開場第一 04/21 13:14
30F:→ a84474666: 個心控的時間還是會要救就是了 04/21 13:14
31F:→ spirit761127: 目前第一波還是會有心控 04/21 13:31
32F:→ henry1234562: 就第一波沒中的四個人會被控兩個 之後都沒有 04/21 14:08
33F:→ henry1234562: 或是你有人死了有幸沒炸死全團剛戰復起來可能被控 04/21 14:08
34F:推 funyourstech: 尾王nerf最兇的是15%苦痛吧,這一刀下去基本死不了 04/21 16:39
35F:→ funyourstech: 人了 04/21 16:39
36F:推 superap3450: 太好了有便當吃了太棒了 04/21 19:31

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