(代Po)寄信去問要上hybrid mode, AIT面試到底需不需要帶更新的 I-20,因為前幾天還 是很模糊。根據這封信還有前幾篇文章的留言回報,AIT面試應該是拿舊的I20就好了 Q: Hello, I am a student who planned to enroll in the hybrid modality in the fall semester of the University of XXXXXXX. I keen to know you about the obligation of updating my I-20 form, which I got it before July. There was a policy released by SEVP on July 6th that said all students need to update their I-20, so I kindly want to ask you to help me with confirming this information. If there is any additional document that I should bring to F-1 visa interview to support my academy, please fell free to contact me. The following attachment is my current I-20(舊的), feel free to refer to the details. A: Dear Mr./Ms., Thank you for writing to the U.S. Visa Service Desk. The new guidance for F, M, and certain J (alien physician, government visitor, international visitor professor, research scholar, short-term research scholar, specialist, secondary school student and college/university student)visas, which was released on July 6, 2020, allows the Embassy and the Consulate to issue student visas to those whose academic programs will not be 100 percent online. If your program will be 100 percent online, you will not be eligible for a visa at this time. If your program is not 100 percent online, please contact your Designated School Official (DSO) to make sure your electronic SEVIS record has been updated with remarks stating clearly that your intended course of study is “ not 100% online.” You do not need a new I-20; the Embassy and the Consulate can issue/renew your visa as long as your online SEVIS record related to your I-20 has been updated with the above remarks, even when your paper I-20 has not been updated yet. By the time of your visa interview appointment, if your DSO has not updated the SEVIS record yet, then you can bring any documents provided by your school that could prove your program is not 100% online to the interview. At that time, the Consular Officer will review all of the documents and make a final decision. We hope this information is helpful to you. Please visit to share feedback on the services we provide. Sincerely, U.S. Visa Service Desk --

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1F:→ cchris: 其實這是7/6的規定,是在DHS撤回新規定之前的,應該要被撤的 07/23 06:42
2F:→ cchris: 這兩天版上有一些純online的學生拿到F1簽證,已經和這個方 07/23 06:43
3F:→ cchris: 針不一致了;但DHS並未公布新生的方針,有待厘清 07/23 06:45
4F:推 cassine: 現在就是不知道 CBP看到全網路還嘗試入境會怎麼處理 07/23 09:33
5F:→ pkc745: 純線上的部分是徹之前的,但非純線上的部分應該是徹之後? 07/23 09:56
6F:→ pkc745: 撤之後才是用舊的i20面試,撤之前要update,是這樣吧? 07/23 09:57
7F:→ cchris: 不是這樣。學校系統要update已經是過時的規定。這和要求新 07/23 10:02
8F:→ cchris: i20沒有實質的不同,只差按下印表機的列印鈕而已 07/23 10:02
9F:→ cchris: 重點是,dhs沒有公布新規定來依循,造成非常頭痛的狀況 07/23 10:03
10F:推 cynoodle: 學校表示不需要新的I20耶除非你是要defer,2020spring才 07/23 12:57
11F:→ cynoodle: 要去讀 07/23 12:57

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