President Trump is expected to sign an order as soon as Saturday to suspend H-1B, L-1 and other temporary work visas through the end of the year, according to the multiple sources familiar with the plan. The new order — which is expected to come with broad exceptions — comes as the administration continues to wrestle with high unemployment among American workers because of the coronavirus pandemic as well as kick-start the economic recovery. The order would target H-1B visas, which are designed for certain skilled workers such as those employed in the tech industry, as well as L-1 visas, which are meant for executives who work for large corporations. The executive action is also expected to suspend H-2B visas for seasonal workers such as hotel and construction staff; J-1 visas, which are meant for research scholars and professors and other cultural and work-exchange programs. Trump could renew the suspensions when they lapse. The order is not expected to immediately affect anyone already in the United States. "No matter how you slice it, this is shaping up to be a big win for American workers at a critical time," said RJ Hauman, government relations director at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which advocates for lower levels of immigration. FAIR had called on Trump to suspend guest worker visas. 資料來源: NPR 很想知道這會不會影響狀態還在AP中的人啊啊啊.... --

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1F:推 jbking: 不意外 06/21 07:50
2F:推 goolooo: 已經有J1但是要transfer的不知道會不會影響啊... 06/21 08:56
3F:推 cassine: 應該是管制所有能夠工作的簽證類別,不再新發,已經拿到 06/21 09:13
4F:→ cassine: 的不收回這樣 06/21 09:13
5F:推 Non: 嗚嗚... 06/21 09:16
6F:推 goolooo: 感謝樓上 所以extension and/or transfer不算新發這樣? 06/21 09:16
7F:推 taiyaki35: 想請問為什麼"不會對已經在美國的人有立即影響"? 06/21 09:50
8F:推 yoyoibu: 今年剛好準備要申請extension,不知會不會受波及。 06/21 09:55
9F:推 cassine: 目前一切都不明朗,只是依照先前的命令內容推斷,已經拿 06/21 10:05
10F:→ cassine: 到資格的人應該不會剝奪,只有技術性管制新申請或是不給 06/21 10:06
11F:→ cassine: 入境這樣,以免現有的人提告,法院下達禁令,達不到減緩 06/21 10:06
12F:→ cassine: 失業率的目的,聯邦政府的最重要目的是要把失業率壓下來 06/21 10:07
13F:→ cassine: 對降低失業率有幫助的政策,聯邦政府都會去嘗試 06/21 10:10
14F:→ cassine: 例如檢討雇主聘用H-1B員工的資格,質疑雇主為何要請這麼 06/21 10:10
15F:→ cassine: 多H-1B這種也是有可能的,或是有裁員的企業凍結聘用H-1B 06/21 10:11
16F:→ cassine: 員工的資格,要求恢復聘用時候優先聘請美國人 06/21 10:11
17F:推 denru01: John Roberts說Trump說明天或是星期一會發布命令. 06/21 10:59
18F:推 mike1234567: 不知道會不會影響opt入境? 06/21 11:08
19F:推 cy8521: 請問L1已經入境L2還沒入境 這樣會受影響嗎 06/21 12:37
20F:推 cassine: 這些問題都要等正式的命令出來才能知道,一般眷屬隨主申 06/21 15:05
21F:→ cassine: 請人,主申請人可以入境,眷屬就可以入境,反過來不成立 06/21 15:05
22F:→ openluv: 請教一下,這是針對新申請的H1B 和 L1,對嗎?還是說也會 06/21 15:15
23F:→ openluv: 對要辦理 L1 extension 也會有影響? 06/21 15:15
24F:推 cassine: 不需要緊張,等命令內容出來就知道了 06/21 15:34
25F:→ shawnfu: 慘.. 06/21 16:49
26F:→ nathan0323: L1 extension正被影響中 06/21 22:25
27F:→ cchris: 護照上有簽證的人不受影響;基本上就是領事館停發工作簽證 06/23 06:46
28F:→ cchris: 境內轉換/延長身份的不受影響 06/23 06:48
29F:推 openluv: C大,您的意思是說,如果要 L1 extension 不受影響嗎?因 06/23 07:09
30F:→ openluv: 爲我的L1 上禮拜過期,在考慮要不要回 AIT 做 extension 06/23 07:09
31F:→ cchris: 境內延長不受影響;出境當然完蛋;你幹麼出境? 06/23 07:30
32F:→ cchris: 領事館停發工作簽證到年底,你現在出境就要付出慘痛代價 06/23 07:31
33F:→ openluv: 謝謝C大的建議,目前我自己本身會待在境內。 06/23 15:53
34F:→ openluv: 但我老婆的部分,因爲台灣有些事情要處理,最近勢必得帶 06/23 15:53
35F:→ openluv: 著小孩回去一趟。 06/23 15:53
36F:→ openluv: 想請教C大,之後到年底這段時間,雖然我老婆沒了L2,但她 06/23 15:53
37F:→ openluv: 還是可以申請ESTA或是拿她原本護照上就有的B1/B2來探望 06/23 15:53
38F:→ openluv: 我嗎?不然我怕我會很想念小朋友。謝謝C大的幫忙和建議。 06/23 15:53
39F:→ MIKEmike07: 可以 06/23 15:58
40F:→ openluv: 謝謝@MIKEmike07解惑。可以用ESTA or B1/B2進來,就安心 06/23 16:03
41F:→ openluv: 許多。謝謝您的幫忙 06/23 16:03

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