大家好 想藉由這篇文章來持續回報更新2020 F1 OPT的申請狀態 也有請大家不吝分享了 以下是我這邊的狀況: Summary:39 days Application:2020/02/25 USPS website: Delivered. EAD card arrival:2020/04/03 USPS website: Delivered. 2020/02/19 USPS website: Acceptance. Priortiy Mail Flat Rate Envelope $7.75 Note: my program end date: 2020/05/16 OPT start date: 2020/07/13 2020/02/25 USPS website: Delivered. "Your item was delivered at 5:19 am on February 25, 2020 in DALLAS, TX 75266" 2020/03/02 Creidt Card website: "$410 USCIS DALLAS LOCKBOX 800-375-5283 DC" Informed Delivery® by USPS® This is a good tool to track incoming mails. You will see the scanned mail picture first. 2020/03/11 Mail received: a mail from USCIS VA 20598. I-797C Notice Case received date on this notice: 2020/02/25 This mail is not sealed. US Postage date: 2020/03/04 You could register an account on the USCIS website and put in receipt number from I-797C for the status change notification via email or text. USCIS website: 2020/03/28 7:04 AM Central time SMS text and email notification received. USCIS website shows:March 27, 2020 New Card Is Being Produced On March 27, 2020, we ordered your new card for Receipt Number XXXXXXXXXXX, and will mail it to the address you gave us. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address. 2020/03/31 SMS text and email notification. USCIS website shows: March 30, 2020 Case Was Approved On March 30, 2020, we approved your Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, Receipt Number XXXXXXXX. We will mail your approval notice. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address. 2020/04/01 SMS text and email notification. USCIS website shows: April 1, 2020 Card Was Mailed To Me On April 01, 2020, we mailed your new card for your Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, Receipt Number XXXXXXX, to the address you gave us. If you do not receive your card by April 16, 2020, please go to to request that we send your new card to you. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address. 2020/04/03 USPS tracking system:Delivered April 3, 2020 at 6:16 pm Tracking number is not shown in USCIS website. It is through online agent. go to the USCIS website -> click "asked Emma", the automated helper, about "tracking number." ->one of the options:"chat with an agent." -> an officer gave the USPS tracking number. other useful websites: 小心得: 美國移民局有些細節做得亂七八糟 漏東漏西 建議參考時程 只要一有不隊馬上開始查詢其他人的狀況以及線上網站 申請文件裡面有一份文件是當收到文件時 對方必須簡訊跟email通知我收到 但完全沒有這份電子通知 只有一份I797C notice 而且是沒有封口的 所以信件隨時可能會掉出來或是被抽走 另外最後卡寄出了 根據前文 系統應該要通知並且記載USPS tracking number 結果也都沒有 我看了網站發現其他人都寄出了 而且算一算時程也是應該要收到了 後來就經由online chat拿到USPS的tracking no. 也順利拿到 如果可以改進的地方: 當初可以選用next day service而不是寄出後等了五六天才收件 我猜如果是申請高峰期的話 等了五六天 等於就順序又往後移了許多 畢竟每天都有很多申請文件 另外EAD收件地址 當初填學校國際事務處 因為怕萬一等上3~5個月 也不確定日後地址 通常在時程的card being produced通知一跳出來 應該就可以馬上變更成你未來兩三個禮拜會在的地方 這樣就不用特別跑去學校收件 因為疫情的關係 還要冒一趟風險 此外在申請費部分 我是用信用卡 有聽說有的人信用卡移民局一刷沒過卡 就不會刷第二次 有的信用卡可能因為一次被刷太大筆 就會鎖住或是懷疑詐騙 遇到這樣的狀況 申請文件進度就又更慢了 所以支票會更是萬無一失的方式 (確定帳戶有錢) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址:
1F:推 jc050187: 我12月初申請OPT,二月初就拿到了EAD卡了,可能因為不是 03/06 02:17
2F:→ jc050187: 畢業高峰期 03/06 02:17
3F:推 james32177: 這時程好快! 04/02 07:35
※ 編輯: Farrenhi ( 美國), 04/02/2020 23:17:51 ※ 編輯: Farrenhi ( 美國), 04/02/2020 23:18:59 ※ 編輯: Farrenhi ( 美國), 04/02/2020 23:19:24 ※ 編輯: Farrenhi ( 美國), 04/08/2020 02:33:09 ※ 編輯: Farrenhi ( 美國), 04/08/2020 02:34:51 ※ 編輯: Farrenhi ( 美國), 04/13/2020 23:37:41

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