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老人賣二手書 皆保存良好,大部份都有筆記 1.”動物組織學及實習”指定教科書 Color Atlas of Veterinary Histology written by William J. Bacha, Jr. and Linda M. Bacha, 2nd ed., published by Lippincott Williams& Wilkins 精裝原版,保存良好 售1500元(博客來售4200元) 2.“動物組織學及實習”指定教科書 Textbook of Veterinary HISTOLOGY written by H. Dieter Dellmann and Joann Eurell 5th ed., published by Lippincott Williams& Wilkins 精裝原版,保存良好 售1200元 3.“小動物外科”指定參考書目 An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bone and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 4th ed., written by Donald L. Piermattei and Kenneth A. Johnson published by Saunders 精裝原版,保存良好 售3000元(博客來售5950元) 4. Textbook of Clinical Echocardiology Catherine M. Otto MD, 4th ed.,Saunders, 2009 精裝原版+ online,99%新 *NCSU動物教學醫院心臟科使用書籍 售5000元(博客來售9198元) 5. Techniques in large animal surgery 6. Microbiology edition 7. Human physiology The mechanism of body function eighth edition 8. Acolor Atlas of veterinaryreproductive Pathology 9. Veterinary microbiology Blackwell science 10.”獸醫藥理學&麻醉學” 指定教科書 Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics Adams H. R., 7ed ed., 藝軒, 1998 精裝原版(拆成三冊均有書皮,攜帶方便) 售500元 11. Organic chemistry a short course 10th edition 12. Chemistry Molecules matterand change Fourth edition 13. Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia William W. Muir and John A. E. Hubbell, 3rd ed.,Mosby 印版 售200元 14. Handbook of Veterinary neurology by Michael D. Lorenz and Joe N. Kornegay, 4th ed., 15. Veterinary laboratory medicine interpretation and diagnosis by Denny Meyer and John W. Harvey,3rd ed., Saunders 印版,近全新 售180元 16. Small animal clinical diagnosis By laboratorymethods Michael D. Willard and Harold Tvedten, 4th ed.,Saunders 原版,近全新 售1500元 17. Diagnostic radiology & Ultrasonographyof the dog and cat by by Kealy, J. Kevin ; McAllister, Hester, 4th ed.,Saunders 精裝原版,近全新 售2200元(力大售4500) 18. The Feline Patient by Gary D. Norsworthy, Sharon Fooshee Grace, Mitchell A. Crystal and Larry P. Tilley, 3rd ed., Blackwell 精裝原版,近全新 售2430元(力大售3430) 19. Small animal dermatology:a color atlasof therapeutic guide by Linda Medleau and Keith A. Hnilica, 2nd ed.,Saunders 精裝原版,近全新 售3000元 20. Muller and Kirk's Small animal dermatology by Miller, William H., Jr./ Griffin, Craig E./ Campbell, Karen L. 6th ed., Saunders 印版,分上中下三冊 售460元 21. Emergency procedures for the small animal veterinarian Signe J. Plunkett, 2nd ed.,Saunders 印版,近全新 售300元 22. Fluid therapy in small animal practice Stephen P. DiBartola, 2nd ed.,Saunders 印版,附筆記 售300元 23. Fundamental of veterinary ophthalmology Douglas Slatter, 3rd ed., Saunders 印版,附筆記 售300元 24. Clinical medicine ofthe dog and cat Michael Schaer , 1st ed., Blackwell 精裝原版,保存良好 售2000元 25. The five-minute veterinary consult canine and Feline Larry P. Tilley and Francis W. K., Jr. Smith, 3rd ed., published by Lippincott Williams& Wilkins 精裝印版,保存良好 售360元 26.小內聖經 Textbook of veterinary internal medicine Ettingerand Feldman, 5th ed.,Saunders 精裝原版,上下冊,保存良好 售3500元 27. Small animal surgery Theresa Welch Fossum, 2nd ed.,Mosby 精裝原版,附筆記 售2700元 28 “小動物內科學” 指定參考書目; 彩內 Small Animal Internal Medicine Nelson, RW and Couto, CG, 3rd ed. Mosby 精裝原版,附筆記 售2500元 29. BSAVA Manual of canine feline abdominal surgery Williams, John M.、Niles, Jacqui D., 1st ed. 原版,近全新 售5500元 BSAVA 全系列( 黑白印版,彩色封面) 30.Manual of small Animal fracture repair and management 31.Manual of small animal Cardiorespiratory medicine and surgery 32.Manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology 33.Manual of small animal reproductionneonatology 34.Manual of canine and feline hematology and transfusion medicine 35.Manual of rabbitmedicine and surgery 36.Manual small animal anesthesia and analgesia 37.Manual of canine and feline endocrinology 38.Manual of small animal Neurology 39.Manual of small animal ophthalmology 40.Manual of canine feline emergency and critical care 41.Manual of canine and feline oncology 42.Manual of canine and feline infectious disease 43.Manual of canine feline woundmanagement and reconstruction 44.Manual of veterinarycare 45.Manual of advanced veterinary nursing 46 Manual of veterinarynursing 一本200元,一套17本全買-->總價再減500元 47. 內科小綠 Small animal internal medicine Darcy H. Shaw, Sherri L. Ihle, 1st ed., published by Lippincott Williams& Wilkins 印版,附筆記 售250元 以站內信方式下標,先下標者先得標 已賤價出售,恕不議價 問題請以暫內信連絡張小姐 --

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1F:→ longlegshaha:因購買情況踴躍,目前已賣出的有 09/06 02:59
2F:→ longlegshaha:10,13,17,21,22,23,25,27,28,BSAVA全套,47 09/06 02:59
3F:→ longlegshaha:所剩不多要買要快ㄛ~ 09/06 02:59

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