Training in Comparative/Laboratory Animal Medicine Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Posted: 5 October 2007 The Colorado State University, Laboratory Animal Resources, in conjunction with the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, is offering a post-DVM graduate training position in comparative animal medicine. The core program includes residency training in laboratory animal medicine and graduate research, and is designed to culminate in both American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM) board certification eligibility, and an MS or PhD degree in the department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology. Clinical and didactic trainingwill be performed at CSU in conjunction with combined post-doctoral training programs in veterinary anatomic and clinical pathology, and microbiology. Residency training is facilitated by a diverse and well established program for animal care and use at AAALAC international accredited facilities. Graduate research training utilizes modern scientific methodology and encourages independent thought with an emphasis on experimental design, data interpretation, and development of written and oral communication skills. Research opportunities include, but are not limited to, the study of bacterial and viral pathogenesis, mycobacterial diseases, arthropod borne infectious disease, retrovirus pathogenesis/therapy, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, immunoparasitology, malarial molecular biology and immunology, vector biology, inherited metabolic disease, and diseases induced by environmental toxins. Applicants must have a DVM or equivalent degree from a College of Veterinary Medicine. Applications are due by December 2, 2007 for a program commencing on or before July 1, 2008. Three years of residency and graduate training are supported by stipends starting at approximately $32,000/year. NIH sponsored training grants and successful applications for extramural funding support subsequent graduate research. Benefits include paid tuition and contributions to student health insurance. For additional information, please visit the program web site at: Application instructions can be viewed at: Applications should be submitted to Ms. Krista Reeves; tel. (970) 491-6144 or by email: [email protected]. Colorado State University is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Institution. Residency position in Primate Medicine and Surgery Division of Primate Medicine, New England Primate Research Center (NEPRC) of Harvard Medical School (HMS) Southborough, MA Posted: 7 November 2007 The Division of Primate Medicine at the New England Primate Research Center (NEPRC) of Harvard Medical School (HMS) has an opening in its two-year primate medicine and surgery training program. The aims of this clinical training program are to provide highly motivated veterinarians with the specialized experience required for successful careers as primate clinicians. This program emphasizes training in colony management, diagnosis and treatment of disease, and implementation of experimental protocols utilizing NHP as models of human disease. Residents will have a unique opportunity to receive training in biosafety and biocontainment principles. The program will additionally provide opportunities for involvement in clinical research addressing the medical and husbandry needs of NHP maintained in research settings. To accomplish these goals, the program consists of didactic, case based, and experience driven learning. Opportunities for exposure to a wide range of laboratory animal species will be provided via collaboration with HMS. Upon completion of the program it is anticipated that the resident will be eligible American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine certification. The NEPRC has extensive experience with clinical training of veterinarians and has an outstanding animal care program. The clinical program is managed by a group of 5 veterinarians with over 40 years of combined experience in primate veterinary medicine. The NEPRC houses a diverse collection of nonhuman primates representing both New and Old world species. This vivarium includes breeding colonies of rhesus macaques, common marmosets and cotton topped tamarins. Clinical work is performed in a newly constructed veterinary clinic with state of the art surgical suites, advanced imaging modalities (ultrasonography, video endoscopy and laparoscopy, EchoMRI, and DEXA), a custom designed medical records database, and in-house pathology services. The NEPRC also implements a comprehensive NHP psychological well being plan under the direction of a renowned primatologist. The NEPRC has a vigorous research program that encompasses the research objectives directed at biodefense, drug addiction, transplantation biology, behavior, reproductive biology, neurodegenerative diseases, stem cell therapeutics and aging. While the Center maintains this diverse research portfolio, a continued strength has been its commitment to infectious disease research and emphasis on AIDS-related primate model based systems. The success of the infectious disease program has been dependent on specialized biocontainment facilities including a recently renovated animal biolevel three facility that has been utilized for cutting edge work in mycobacterial, SARS coronavirus, and measles virus research. The NEPRC is located in rural Southborough, MA, which is about 25 miles west of Boston and 10 miles east of Worcester, MA. Additional information about the center can be found at our website: Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Preference will be given to veterinarians with post-DVM clinical experience. Stipends range from $45,000-65,000 depending on years of experience. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, transcripts and the names of 3 references to: Dr. Lynn M. Wachtman, New England Primate Research Center, One Pine Hill Drive, P.O. Box 9102, Southborough, MA 01772-9102 or email [email protected]. Harvard University is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer. Individuals from underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Training in Comparative Medicine University of Rochester Residency, Rochester, NY Posted: 25 August 2007 The University of Rochester has three openings for a 2 plus-year residency training program in comparative medicine. Residents may extend the program beyond two years to pursue an MPH or PhD degree. One position begins before January, 2008. Two positions start between July and December, 2008. The program is designed to prepare the qualified applicant for board certification by the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM). The resident experiences supervised clinical and surgical rotations at the AAALAC accredited University of Rochester Animal Resource housing 40,000 animals including mice, rats, rabbits, non-human primates, ferrets, birds and frogs. Additional rotations occur at the AZA-accredited Seneca Park Zoo exhibiting 250 animals including callitrichids, orangutans, elephants, reptiles, amphibians and marine mammals. Two seminar series, a mentored research experience, academic coursework, and a professional team including 3 veterinarians, 3 veterinary residents and 6 veterinary technicians will position the resident for ACLAM eligibility. Applicants must be graduates of an AVMA-accredited school of veterinary medicine, be eligible for New York State licensure, possess excellent communication skills, and preferably have prior clinical and surgical experience. Rochester is located in the Finger Lake Region of Upstate New York abundant with cultural resources, recreational water and snow activities and wineries all in close proximity to Toronto and the Niagara Frontier. Please submit a resume with references, veterinary school transcript and a letter of introduction to Dr. Jeff Wyatt, University of Rochester, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 674, Rochester, NY 14642; phone 585-275-2651, or e-mail [email protected]. The University of Rochester is an AA/EOE. Gulf Coast Consortium Postdoctoral Training Program in Laboratory Animal Medicine Posted: 30 July 2007 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (UTMDACC) Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston (UTHSC-H) Charles River, BRF The Gulf Coast Consortium Postdoctoral Training Program is seeking candidates for postdoctoral training in laboratory animal medicine. The clinical experience and didactic training in laboratory animal medicine, laboratory animal pathology and research prepare candidates for the ACLAM board examination and careers in comparative medicine. This is a unique broad-based ACLAM recognized program that offers an experience within an academic as well as a corporate environment. Additionally there is an opportunity to work with a wide range of species varying from rodents, rabbits, and sheep, to nonhuman primates. There will be exposure to old world as well as new world nhps. The AAALAC accredited facilities are located in Houston, Texas. There are over 23 veterinarians on staff, seven of whom have ACLAM board certification and three have ACVP board certification. The salary will depend upon the applicant’s experience and qualifications. The length of the program is two years. There are three ways to apply. For UTMDACC: Applicants must have a DVM or equivalent degree from an accredited college of veterinary medicine and be licensed in at least one state in the US or Canada and a strong interest in comparative medicine research with a focus in cancer medicine. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV and three letters of support to Dr. Suzanne Craig at [email protected]. For BCM: Applicants must have a DVM or equivalent degree from a college accredited by the AVMA and be licensed in at least one state in the US or Canada. Preference will be given to applicants that can meet the admission requirements to the graduate school at BCM. Applicants must have a strong interest in comparative medicine and U.S. citizenship or permanent residency. Interested candidates should send a cover letter outlining career goals, CV and three letters of support to Dr. Alan Herron at [email protected] For UTHSC-H: Applicants must have a DVM or equivalent degree, strong interest in research or comparative medicine and U.S. citizenship or permanent residency. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV and three letters of support to Dr. Bradford Goodwin at [email protected]. --

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