TransPSY 板


中正大學心理學 1.Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports the notion that children are actually understanding something about grammar rather than just repeating what they have heard? a.English speaking children learn quickly to add “s” to make a word plural. b.Children over generalize rules of grammar to create words such as “eated.” c.Children have working vocabularies of about 15000 words by the age 6 years. d.All of the above are true. 2.Incentives are rewarding because they all activate the brain’s reward system in the? a.Noradrenergic system. b.Dopamine system. c.Hippocampusd. d.Left temporal lobe. 3.The one sensory modality that goes directly to the brain without intervening synapses is? a.audition sense for pressure d.olfaction 4.Feature detectors are? a.Located in the visual cortex. b.Located in the retina of each eye. c.Important for later stages of shape recognition. d.Important for top-down processing. 5.The spontaneous firing of the sensory neurons caused by cocaine results in? a.A feeling of well-being. b.Feelings of paranoia. c.Hallucinations d.The elimination of pain. 6.In your psychology class, the instructor assigns pairs of students to record the behaviors of students in the cafeteria. The degree to which these pairs of ratings agree is called? a.Interjudge validity. b.Interrater reliability c.Internal consistency d.Temporal stability 7.Distant trees were located closer to the top of the artist’s canvas than were the nearby flowers. The artist was clearly using the distance cue known as? a.Linear perspective b.Convergence c.Relative height d.Interposition 8.以下何者為認知心理學家對於假記憶(false memory)以及回復記憶(recovered memory) 現象的解釋? a.壓抑(repression) b.記憶來源監控(source monitoring)出現錯誤 c.內隱記憶(implicit memory)的作用 d.以上皆是 9.Shepard與Metzler(1971)的心像旋轉實驗發現,積木的旋轉角度都與反應時間呈線性關 係。這樣的結果支持心像是以何種形式運作? a.功能性表徵(functional representation) b.結構式表徵(structural representation) c.類比式表徵(analog representation) d.命題式表徵(propositional representation) 輔仁大學心理學 1.為什麼我們現代人對於古文通常會較難理解,這反映出下列何者的特性? A.有許多規則(rule governed) B.溝通(communicative) C.語言為動態的運作(dynamic) D.可表達無限的句子內容(Productive) 2.下列何者理論對於憂鬱症有比較好的預測力? A.依附理論(attachment theory) B.社會學習理論(social learning theory) C.歸因理論(attribution theory) D.自我知覺理論(self-perception theory) 3.下列人名和研究的配對,何者為正確的? A.Pavlov: 發現部分回報的記憶表現會比較好 B.Skinner: 用狗做實驗發現狗本來聽到鈴聲不會流口水的,但經過訓練後狗聽到聲音也會 流口水 C.Tolman: 認為動物不只能夠過制約的方式來學習 D.Spearling: 認為人一次只能將三筆訊息儲存在短期記憶 4.測試記憶廣度時,發現不同語言使用者的表現有所不同,如中文使用者多於英文使用者 ,這反映出? A.長期記憶的運作機制是受到語言的影響 B.短期記憶的運作表徵內容是語音,會受到不同語言語音長短的影響 C.長期記憶的運作表徵內容是語義,會受到不同語言語義特性的影響 D.工作記憶的運作機制是受到語言的影響 5.下列何種疾病症狀是有基因的因素(genetic)、會遺傳(inherited),在男性發生的機率 為女性的兩倍? A.胎兒酒精症候群(Fetal alcohol syndrome) B.自閉症(Autism) C.唐氏症(Down syndrome) D.X染色體脆折症(Fragile X syndrome) E.威廉氏症候群(Williams syndrome) 6.下列關於反社會人格(antisocial personality disorder)者的說法,何者為真? A.罪犯通常就是反社會人格者 B.反社會人格者的主要特徵是自我概念很不穩定 C.反社會人格者多半是由於家庭過度寵溺所造成的 D.反社會人格者的主要特徵之一是缺乏同理心 7.請問下列哪個儀器有很好的空間解析度、但沒有好的時間解析度? A.腦電圖(EEG) B.顱磁刺激(TMS) C.功能性磁振造影(fMRI) D.單細胞紀錄 --

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