作者mmooxx (``````````)
標題[心理] 99年成大普心考題 求助
時間Thu Jun 23 19:11:13 2011
Research has shown that people do not necessarily believe that "time heals
all wounds" when something bad is about to happen to them. Instead, people
tend to use _____________ and anticipate the worst.
(a) affective forecasting
(b) projected regret
(c) confirmation biases
(d) subjective likelihoods
What are your chances of expriencing major depression during your lifetime?
(a) much greater if you are female than male
(b) roughly 50 percent during your lifetime
(c) less than 5 percent even if you have relatives with the disorder
(d) close to zero if you have experienced episodes of dysthymia
Lithium has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of bipolar
disorder, but patients frequently refuse to take it because it:
(a) blunts the euphoria associated with the manic episodes
(b) increases suicidal cognitions
(c) reduces the frequency of depressive episodes but sometimes makes them
more severe
(d) increases sexual motivation to a level that is unconfortable for most
What do the alternative biological (non-drug) treatments for psychological
disorders primarily have in common?
(a) They all tend to overemphasize the role of free will in recovery.
(b) They all involve surgical techniques
(c) They all use some form of electric current to affect brain functioning
(d) They all depend on behaviorist principles.
個人認為的答案分別為:d d c c
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 phillp:46題 翻了一下變心 mdd有16.4% dysthymia有2.5% 答案我覺得 06/25 23:04
2F:→ phillp:是A也 他的意思應該是指 女性一生中得的機會比男性大的多吧 06/25 23:04
3F:推 phillp:23題應該是C吧 確認偏差 人們傾向於相信自己認為的! 06/25 23:08
4F:推 maryjanes:46題是A,女生得憂鬱症的機率本來就遠高於男性。 06/26 11:34
5F:→ maryjanes:23題是A,詳情請見Timothy Wilson和Daniel Gilbert 06/26 11:35
6F:→ maryjanes:(2003,2005)的文章。C的confirmation bias的意思是指人 06/26 11:37
7F:→ maryjanes:們傾向於相信已經存在或已經擁有的信念,所以並不符合。 06/26 11:38
8F:→ maryjanes:D的subjective likelihood,則是指人們自認的(主觀的), 06/26 11:40
9F:→ maryjanes:發生機率,所以只符合一半。A的affective forecasting則 06/26 11:40
10F:→ maryjanes:是指人們傾向於高估自己在難過事件的難過程度,也傾向於 06/26 11:42
11F:→ maryjanes:高估開心事件發生後的開心程度。 06/26 11:43
12F:→ maryjanes:例: 在你考上成大心理前,你以為你考上後你會超級無敵快 06/26 11:44
13F:→ maryjanes:樂到睡不著覺,但實際考上後就會發覺,其實也還好而已~ 06/26 11:46
14F:→ maryjanes:拜託請詳讀課本好嗎?!這些考題不都是從課本裡來的嗎?==" 06/26 11:47
15F:→ phillp:小弟不恥想問問A的答案選項是出自哪章呀@@? 你所說的課本 06/26 15:56
16F:→ phillp:是指成大上的版本嗎??小弟的版本似乎無這個理論@@ 06/26 15:56
17F:推 maryjanes:自從Psychology in Context絕版了之後,台政成都是用 06/26 21:02
18F:→ maryjanes:Psychological Science 3rd edition喔~ 在第349頁,屬於 06/26 21:03
19F:→ maryjanes:Thinking and Intelligence那章~ 不讀課本真的是走遠路! 06/26 21:04
20F:推 maryjanes:這世界上心概課本多的很,但很多都只適合通識課或是後段 06/26 21:08
21F:→ maryjanes:學校的必修來用,如果你用的是那些書的話,即使讀完,也 06/26 21:08
22F:→ maryjanes:會是缺東缺西的喔~ 可怕的是,你少讀了什麼你也不知道! 06/26 21:09
23F:→ phillp:說真的 我讀的是以前上課的版本= =" 並不是什麼通識課書... 06/27 19:44
24F:→ phillp:但並非所有版本都會提及所有內容 這是真的! 有的會提的較多 06/27 19:45
25F:→ phillp:有的未必 可能會在後面較深的專門課程才會瞭解到! 06/27 19:45
26F:→ phillp:而且每個學校用書也不一樣 小弟才會想了解一下 是哪個版本 06/27 19:48
27F:→ phillp:總之還是謝謝你 ^^" 06/27 19:49
28F:→ phillp:忽然發現不是版本種類問題 是你的太新了@@"我 老 了...= =" 06/27 20:13
29F:推 maryjanes:原來呀! 心理學這種東西的知識真的更新的很快~ ><" 06/27 21:58