作者arsenate (出國深造)
標題[化學] 可能要低調的資料
時間Mon Sep 13 16:55:55 2010
Student Study Guide and Solutions:
Manual for Atkins and Jones's CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES ---- The Quest for Insight
The Study Guide portion of the book will give you a grasp of the fundamentals
while helping you avoid common mistakes. For each chapter of the text, the
Study Guide covers:
‧ Section-by-section reinforcement of major points
‧ Supplementary tables and graphs which amplify, clarify, or
summarize a body of material
‧ Notes to point out potential pitfalls and key ideas
‧ Highlighted key equations for easy review
The Solutions Manual portion of the book will sharpen your problem-solving
skills by helping you learn how to strategize your way through problems.
It contains step-by-step solutions-to all the oddnumbered problems in the text.
不知道的人拿到也還是看不懂 XP
1F:→ arsenate:2007年版 09/13 16:56
2F:推 x94jo3:舉手~ MAIL: ######@hotmail.com 09/13 22:58
3F:→ jason9313:真是感謝你 #########@hotmail.com 09/13 22:59
4F:→ x94jo3:ㄜ 請問HOTMAIL收得下嗎=口=|| 09/13 22:59
5F:→ x94jo3:謝謝前版大XDD~ 09/13 22:59
6F:→ arsenate:我先試試看gmail唷 09/13 23:46
8F:推 litile:舉手######@so-net.net.tw 09/14 09:14
9F:推 l17:##########@msn.com 09/14 13:50
10F:→ mara1022:#####@hotmail.com thx!!!:) 09/14 16:26
11F:推 leptin:##########@hotmail.com 用msn或是信箱都可以>< 謝謝 09/14 18:19
13F:→ arsenate:####就是我已經加入msn的名單 但我白天比較會上線唷~ 09/15 09:19
14F:→ arsenate:某樓的網友跟我約了時間上msn 似乎放我鴿子... 09/15 13:19
15F:→ jason9313:不好意思 我今天有事 突然回不了家 09/15 15:18
17F:推 alankuo98:舉手! #########@hotmail.com 09/15 21:53
18F:推 l17:謝謝檔案 09/16 16:07
19F:→ nownownow:舉手! 感謝! #######@gmail.com 09/16 19:51
20F:→ iamgmj:#######@gmail.com 大感謝!!!! 09/16 20:31
※ 編輯: arsenate 來自: (09/16 22:33)
21F:推 leptin:謝謝檔案 非常好用>< 09/16 23:54
23F:→ hermannhesse:先謝謝您的大恩大德^^ 09/27 01:21
25F:→ confused7749:其實我很好奇耶 真的有這麼多人買這本嗎 09/29 14:32
26F:→ confused7749:我一直以為他是超冷門的好書 09/29 14:32
29F:→ arsenate:可能有不少人看文章沒仔細瞧 還是寫信給我.... 02/08 11:16
30F:→ arsenate:我的部分已經停止供應了 (檔案已刪除) 請求助其它人喔~ 02/08 11:17