TransBioChem 板


2431) How many moles of aqueous ions will be produced from the dissolution of 1.0 mole of K3[Fe(Cl)6] in water?已解 A) 4 B) 10 C) 2 D) 9 E) 1 226) Determine the formula for an aluminosilicate where one half of the silicons are replaced by an aluminum atom. The charge is balanced by magnesium ions.已解 A) Mg(AlO2)2(SiO2)2 B) Mg2(AlO2)2(SiO2)2 C) Mg2(AlO2)2(SiO2) D) Mg2(AlO2)(SiO2)2 E) Mg(AlO2)(SiO2)2 2115) Which of the following statements is TRUE?已解 A) Monosaccharides are the building blocks of polypeptides. B) Nucleotides are the building blocks of saccharides. C) Fatty acids are responsible for DNA replication. D) Peptides are the building blocks of amino acids. E) Carbohydrates are water soluble and responsible for short term energy storage. 1944) Determine the binding energy of an O-16 nucleus. The O-16 nucleus has a mass of 15.9905 amu. A proton has a mass of 1.00728 amu, a neutron has a mass of 1.008665 amu, and 1 amu is equivalent to 931 MeV of energy.已解 A) 8.84 MeV B) 128 MeV C) 138 MeV D) 78.1 MeV E) 38.2 MeV 1837) Calculate the cell potential for the following reaction that takes place in an electrochemical cell at 25°C.已解 Sn(s)|Sn2+(aq,1.8M)||Ag+(aq,0.055M)|Ag(s) A) -0.94 V B) -0.85 V C) +1.02 V D) +0.98 V E) +0.86 V 1843) Which of the following reactions would have the smallest value of K at 298 K?已解 A) A+B→C ;E°cell = +1.22 V B) A+2B→C ;E°cell = +0.98 V C) A+B→2C ;E°cell = -0.030 V D) A+B→3C ;E°cell = +0.15 V E) More information is needed to determine. 186) Balance the following redox reaction if it occurs in basic solution. What are the coefficients in front of ClO2 and H2O in the balanced reaction? H2O2(l)+ClO(aq)→ClO-(aq)+O2(g) A) ClO2 = 1, H2O = 1 B) ClO2 = 1, H2O = 2 C) ClO2 = 4, H2O = 3 D) ClO2 = 4, H2O = 2 E) ClO2 = 2, H2O = 2 167) Calculate the pH of a solution formed by mixing 100.0 mL of 0.20 M HClO with 200.0 mL of 0.30 M KClO. The Ka for HClO is 2.9x10-8 . A) 5.99 B) 8.01 C) 7.54 D) 7.71 E) 6.46 1547) Which one of the following will form an basic solution in water? A) NaC2H3O2 B) LiCN C) KClO2 D) LiBrO E) All of the above will form basic solutions. 小弟愚昧不懂 辛苦高手解題 --

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1F:→ mensen:1944是要考台大a卷嗎-.-? 07/01 23:39
2F:→ mensen:226要看Mg後面兩個錯離子各帶幾價電 07/01 23:40
3F:→ mensen:不是錯離子,應該稱為離子團或分子團 07/01 23:40
4F:推 nodal:1944不要想太多 把中子質子重加一加減回去再乘931 =B 靠直覺 07/02 00:47
5F:→ finalpoet:樓上高手!!!感激。那226要怎麼判斷? 07/02 08:21
6F:→ mensen:226答案應該是a 因為AlO2帶負一 SiO2不帶電 07/02 09:11
7F:→ mensen:加上他說鎂是平衡電荷 又一半的Al去取代Si 07/02 09:12
8F:→ mensen:所以答案便可選出來 07/02 09:12
9F:→ mensen:這是用SiO2不帶電下去推的 我不知道SiO2有沒有帶電 我猜沒 07/02 09:13
10F:→ finalpoet:謝謝樓上,我瞭解了。 07/02 12:19
11F:推 spjuy:2431[]內為配位共價鍵,遇水不解離>一共4個離子(3K+[]) 07/02 22:00
12F:→ spjuy:2115 D,peptide(多"月太")由胺基酸組成 07/02 22:02
13F:→ spjuy:1837 (0.8+0.14)-0.0592/2*log(1.8/0.055^2)=0.857>E 07/02 22:03
14F:→ spjuy:1843 -nFE°=-RTlnK >K正比e^E°>>>C 07/02 22:03
15F:→ finalpoet:2115的答案E可以選嗎?1837如果題目沒給標準電位(0.96) 07/03 08:25
16F:→ finalpoet:就算不出來了吧。1843:那電子的轉移在本題中如何判斷? 07/03 08:26
17F:推 spjuy:哎哎!2115應該選E...D選項寫反了= = 07/03 11:08
18F:→ spjuy:1837應該要給標準電位 1843不用知道n因為ΔG=-nFE°=-RTlnK 07/03 11:11
19F:→ spjuy:同一個反應裡n是一樣的,只要知道E°正比於lnK就夠了 07/03 11:13
20F:→ finalpoet:感謝S大! 07/03 11:54
※ 編輯: finalpoet 來自: (07/08 16:54)

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