TransBioChem 板


植物學高手拜託你們幫我看看 (答案不確定) 以下是94年 2.Molecular chaperones(陪伴;護送) function by: a.catalyzing the hydrolysis of peptide bonds. b.catalyzing the dehydration synthesis of a protein. c.facilitating protein folding(摺疊). d.denaturing(改變性質) proteins. 11.The heterocysts(異型細胞) of cyanobacteria are most closely associated with: a.sporulation b.nitrogen fixation. c.photosynthesis d.gliding(滑動) movements. 16.A major difference between the spore walls of bryophytes and charophytes (輪藻) is that the bryophyte spore walls contain: a.lignin b.sporopollenin(孢粉質) c.cellulose d.phenolic(酚) material. 22.In gymnosperms,_______ produce nonmotile sperm. a.Conifers and gnetophytes(麻黃) b.Conifers and cycads(蘇鐵;鳳尾蕉類) c.Cycads(蘇鐵) and Ginkgo(銀杏) d.Cycads and gnetophytes 這題老師跟我說是 a.但是蘇鐵和銀杏的精子就會移動嗎? 26.The presence of Casparian strips forces substances entering and leaving the vascular cylinder to pass through the protoplasts of______ cells. a.endodermal b.epidermal c.pericycle d.xylem 原本我寫a.老師說對,後來我又覺得c.比較對耶~到底是哪一個呀? 27.In the shoot(幼芽) apex, the proocambium originates from the: a.pith meristem. b.peripheral meristem. c.intercalary meristem. d.ground meristem. 原形成層不是從根或莖的原生分生組織(promeristem)來的嗎? 原生分生組織產生->原皮組織(Protoderm),基本分生組織(Ground meristem) ,原始形成層(Procambium) 怎麼感覺沒有答案勒?? 28.Anticlinal divisions(徑向分裂) are different from periclinal divisions(周向 分裂) in that an anticlinal division: a.occur in relatively large cells. 大細胞是什麼? b.occur solely in the corpus(主體) of the apical meristem. c.increase the number of cell layers. d.are perpendicular(垂直) to the surface.這個錯吧,與表皮垂直的是周向分裂 a.b.c.不太確定 29.Which layer(s) of the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem give(s) rise to leaf primordia(原基)? a.L1 only b.L2 only c.L3 only d.L1.L2,and L3 L1L2L3是什麼? 30.Angiosperm wood differs from conifer wood in that angiosperm wood has: a.tracheids.不對,管胞被子裸子都有 b.vessels裸子沒有導管 c.small rays. d.oderly radial files of cells. 這題答案是b. 我想問small rays是什麼? oderly radial files是什麼? 快問完了,真的~ 92年的 4.Which of the following would not contribute to water uptake by a plant cell ? A) an increase in the water potential(Ψ) of the surrounding solution B) a decrease in pressure on the cell exerted by the wall C) the uptake of solute by the cell D) a decrease in Ψ of the cytoplasma E) increase in tension on the surrounding solution 6.A plant that is self-incompatible has a genotype of S5S9 for the S-locus. It receives pollen from a plant that is S3S9.Which of the following is most likely to occur? A) all of the pollen will germinate, forming pollen tubes B) about half of the pollen will germinate C) none of the pollen will germinate D) fertilization will occur in about half of the flowers of the pollinated plants E) pollen from the S3S9 plant will secrete ribonuclease that destroys epidermal cells of the S5S9 stigma. 最後一個91年的 25.Under a microscope a piece of a piece of a mushroom(蕈) would look like A, jelly B, a tangle of string C,grains of sugar or salts D, a piece of glass E,foam(泡泡) 不好意思,問題有點多,謝謝唷~~ --

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1F:推 berrycake33:2.Molecular chaperones => "C" 07/11 18:18
2F:推 inw96284:請問 Molecular chaperones是什麼 ? 07/11 18:38
3F:→ conquerr:chaperone是幫助protein折疊的構造 07/11 21:17
4F:→ conquerr:有heterocysts的藍菌才可以固氮 07/11 21:18
5F:→ conquerr:忘了說 上面那行是11題的 07/11 21:20
6F:→ conquerr:16.這是植物和輪藻眾多差異中的一項... 07/11 21:21
7F:→ conquerr: 植物的孢子才有sporopollenin 07/11 21:22
8F:→ conquerr:22.我想是因為蘇鐵和銀杏的精子有鞭毛的 07/11 21:23
9F:→ conquerr:關係吧... 07/11 21:24
10F:推 inw96284:太感謝你們了 !!! 07/12 13:22

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