TransBioChem 板


1.請問糖類α-form 和β-form為什麼可以變旋用相互轉換形式? α-form的OH基在下 β-form的OH基在上 但C1還另外接了H.C2和O 這樣C1並不是單鍵 怎麼能任意旋轉?(變旋) 有人聽得懂我的意思嗎@@ 2.A prediction is: a.Only possible after a hypothesis has been proposed b.The logical consquence of a hypothesis c.A possible consequence of a hypothesis d.The consequence of an inductive leap Ans:b c預測是假說可能的結果 也說的通? 3.Prokaryotic-type ribosome are NOT associated with ____. a.RER b.bacterial cells c.plastids d.mitochondria e.any of these Ans:a 原核無膜圍的胞器 與abcd都沒有關聯...?! 4.Which of the following elements occurs significantly in animals(>1%) but is only a trace element in plants? a.Sodium b.Magnesium c.Carbon d.Nitrogen e.Cobalt Ans:d 植物體需求較多C.H.O.N.Ca.Mg.P.K.S 較少B.Zn.Fe.Mn.Cu.Cl 那答案怎是N? 5.When elongated,tube-shaped cells from the lining of the intestine are treated with a certain chemical;the cells sag and become round blobs. The internal structures disrupted by this chemical are probably ____. junction b.microtubules c.RER d.mitochondia e.dynein Ans:b 題目是這個意思嗎?---小腸內襯的長型管狀細胞吸收特定化學物質後,會陷落形成一 圓滴,小腸內部結構會被啥化學物質打斷?--- 小腸細胞內主要不是微絲和中間絲嗎? 6.A nucleolus is: a.A small nucleus in a newly formed cell b.A small second nucleus in some protest cells c.A differentially staining nuclear inclusion that makes ribosomal RNA d.A rigion of the chromosome encoding ribosomal RNA genes e.The non-membrane-bound region of the prokarytic cell that contains the nucleic acis Ans:c 請問c.rRNA是由"核仁"製造嗎? 記得 rRNA是由"細胞核"(?)製造 再送進核仁組成ribosome大小次單位? 7.Which one of the following five membrane is most likely to have a lipid composition that is distinct from the other four? a.ER b.plasma membrane c.mitochondrial outer membrane d.lysosome membrane e.Golgi apparatus Ans:c 請問答案選c 是由於它不屬質膜系統嗎? 是不是有可能是"mt的外膜大分子可自由進出,與其他雙層膜的性質不同"? 另外 請教一下 為什麼葉綠體與粒線體的外膜大分子可自由進出 不受磷脂雙層限制呢?? 8.Which of the folloeing is NOT a true statement about chloroplasts and mitochondria? a.Each contains a small amount of DNA b.Neither are components of endomembrane system c.Both are composed of two separate membranes d.Each organelles synthesizes some of its own proteins e.All of the above are correct Ans:c 我選的是e...c.兩者皆有兩層分開的膜...沒錯阿@@ = = " 糟 問題挺多 先謝謝看完的人~~thx --

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1F:→ pupumow:葉綠體有三層膜喔..外膜.內膜.類囊體膜 10/18 17:47
2F:→ cahoic:阿~ 類囊體膜也算!! 謝謝~~~ 10/18 20:11

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